Wolf Play : Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]
12:29:57 Lil Techy | Techno



I have a ceiling fan and 2 windows so I do get air flow but so it's nice at night when it cools down
12:29:56 Silver, Luna or CWG
talk to me and wish stay!
12:29:46 Amy
Don't feel ignored XD
how are you
 Unfulfilled Wish
12:29:04 Unfulfilled / Wish
You're welcome here! Don't go!
12:28:22 Luna/Phantom
I feel ignored at times...probably a sign to go.

Oh that sounds awesome. I won't lie, before I started working for this company I would work at the library for the free coffee and the AC lmao.
A cheap fan in your room? I do that with mine since it's got no ventilation.
12:27:22 Pixie, Vul / Ω
Finally submitted my first artfight attack
 Unfulfilled Wish
12:27:21 Unfulfilled / Wish
Just gonna throw this at y'all
-WP Click-
12:26:57 Will

Hell yeah >:D
12:26:32 Lil Techy | Techno

Yooo AF! I am 2 behind, wanna see the mass attack I am working on though?
 Blue sky
12:26:27 Blue/Sky/she-her
hi chatt, im back after a longg break
12:26:07 Silver, Luna or CWG
I shall tease with love always know that I tease people with love and care
12:26:04 Lil Techy | Techno

nope ;-; which is why i die but work does so i have that until 10pm
12:25:23 Silver, Luna or CWG
Were you on when Will had the slip up?
12:25:13 Will

I'll never live it down


Taking a lil break before jumping back into the Artfight grind

I'm six revenges behind already @-@

Even worse lmao I know how Cali gets. Both my parents are from there.. I hope you have AC :")
12:23:45 Purge
Warrior cars? Wow I love mustangs
12:23:36 Silver, Luna or CWG
I have some art for you Ill send it over tomorrow ^^
12:23:34 Lil Techy | Techno

Yup 'congrats! now go touch grass...' XD

How're ya?


This is cali and not even the wet part so this is all dry heat.
12:22:48 Silver, Luna or CWG
Oh Hi will cough* warrior cars Cough*


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Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:25 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Burning Embers


The Kingdom of Ederia is famed for a lot of things, attaining high praise from all those that look upon her. However, there is one thing Ederia is most renowned for: Dragon Riders. The only Kingdom to have come up with a way to tame the legendary beasts, to ride upon their backs as one. It has been like this for decades, perhaps even centuries, few really know. And, together in harmony, Dragons and Humans have lived, creating a proserpous nation.

The Dragon Academy of Ederia is like none other, literally there are no others known to the world. A place where young students who have been lucky enough to be chosen by their dragons go to learn to become the most revered role in all of Ederia: Dragon Riders. Few are selected, as dragons are known to be an entirely selective species, but those who are chosen must learn quickly, and that is where the Academy comes in. Exerpienced riders teach the fledgling riders and their dragons how to work together as one, as well as everything the youths will need to know about dragons and what they are up against in the world.

It sounds like a beautiful, wonderful place, right?

Too bad all good things must come to an end.

Jealous nations, wanting to claim the glory for themselves and bring down Ederia have set their sights on destroying the Academy. It was only a matter of time before the succeeded too. One night, the forces of another Kingdom infilitrated the Kingdom, intent on burning it all. And they did. The Academy was destroyed, the cities burned, and it's occupants, the ones who tried to resist and fight back, were slaughtered. In hopes of preserving a little bit of their legacy so that hope would remain, the Leaders of Ederia and the Dragon Riders commanded the students to flee, to survive, to learn.

As the battle raged on for Ederia, the students fled, looking back on the carnage behind them, hoping that one day they could come back and restore their beloved Kingdom.

Edited at August 7, 2021 07:38 PM by Imperial Sands
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:26 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Roleplay Note
My goal is to open this Rp on Monday, which means all reservations and forms put in prior to Monday will need to be finished by monday. I know that makes things feel maybe rushed, but I've noticed a lot of times forms are made and never completed.

Any forms made prior to Monday who aren't finished by then will not be accepted.

Forms put in on Monday or after Monday will have exactly 48 hours from the time requested to put in. Otherwise they won't be accepted.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:26 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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The Rules of the Roleplay
Follow all of WP's and Eve's Rules.
1. Be Active. Sometimes I'm not on for a couple of days, but I expect everyone to be as active as they can for the rp. Unless you are waiting for someone to post, you should be posting.
2. Reservations last 48 hours. You know how I work if they aren't done in time.
3. Finish the characters you post first, before creating new ones.
4. For now, limit of Four characters per person. 2 Rider, 2 Dragon.
5. Semi-Realism and Semi-Literacy are required. Please do not make me explain myself.
6. Dragons are classed solely by their colors, they all have the same powers and weaknesses though. Stick to their base descriptions for your dragons, and expand from there.
7. The riders are new, they will not be experts at Dragon Riding. Mistakes will be made, and they do not know everything.
8. For now, your dragon and your rider cannot be partners, this it to prevent people from not having others to post with. Please find a pair for your characters prior to the rp starting, if you do not, I will asign them.
9. Ask permission from the Roleplayer if you wish to be their character's partner, however, do not try and force it. There will be someone else out there for you.
10. Try to keep things even with genders, it's much more interesting if things are diverse.
11. LGBTQ+ is welcomed and allowed here.
12. Please put your favorite Dragon movie or book in the other section of your form if you've read everything.

The Academy Rules
1. No romantic relationships while enrolled between students. It's forbidden.
2. Curfew is 9 PM. Dorm checks will be done to confirm students are in their rooms.
3. Opposite Genders are not allowed in the other dorms after 8 Pm.
4. Tardiness is not allowed. If you are late to class more than 3 times, you will receive extra work or chores as punishment.
5. Riding outside of School Grounds Without Permission is Strictly Prohibited for your Safety.
6. Violence among students is not acceptable, unless in a specific class like Sparring.
7. Dragons: Do not eat the students. Please.
8. Students are expectedto provide and care for their Dragons.

9. Any Students Found Mishandling Dragon Eggs will face Expulsion! (Gregory)

Subject to Change and be Updated.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:27 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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About the Academy
The Academy was found by some of the first generations of riders, wanting a streamlined way for new riders to learn and grow safely. It features basic education as well as everything revolving around dragons from care to flight to sparring, and everything in between and beyond.

The Academy is much like modern day college, in the fact that the chosen riders leave home to live on the grounds. Their dragons also live on the grounds in the rookery, though are typically much less happy about it than the humans. The humans are split into two dorms, one for boys and one for boys, and are assigned rooms that they share with two people in each room. Each of the dorms have common rooms where the students can relax on down time, and a dining hall for meals, though they aren't always required to eat there.

The Dragon counterparts stay in one of the two rookeries. The first is the top level of the school, carved out and fitted so that each dragon has a little outcropping of space for its nest. It's a very large and open room, and spans much of the building. It has openings on either broadside that the dragons can enter through by flight or glide. There is also a human door that allows the students access as well.

The second rookery is underground, a expanse of cave systems that gives each dragon a bit more privacy than in the first rookery. Each dragon has its own cave, and the nests are all connect by a system of tunnels which then connect to the large main tunnel, which can easily fit multiple dragons in it at once, that leads to the entrance. Ironically, the tunnel entrance itself looks like a cave mouth until one were to venture within it further.

About the Dragons
There are a variety of dragons in the world, though everyone single one of them fall into one of the classes listed below. Each Class has been determined based off its characteristics and its singular special ability. While each dragon within a single class will vary considerably, they all have similar traits that they carry and specifications they fall into.

All the dragons in the Rp are the same age group of young adult, which is the stage where they are 50 years old or above, becoming full adults at about 250 years. The older a dragon gets the longer the aging stage lasts, ergo ancient is longer than adult, which is longer than young adult, which is longer than their adolescent stage, and so on and so forth. Dragons are considered semi-immortal but it has never been proven what age they die naturally at.
Below each Class of dragon will have a basic description that each dragon has in its foundation. It will include things like height, traits, etc that you will need to include.

Each Class of Dragon has color variations within it, all dragons within that Class share a special power that the other classes do not have.

Fire Class
Special Ability: Extremely Hot Fire Breath
The Ability is to breath hot fire, varying in degrees through their control. It isn't enough to melt Dragon Scales, however, it can melt metal, stone, wood, etc. Relies upon the dragon being well fed to sustain the flame. Lack of food = lack of flame. Use does burn energy.
Color Variarions: Reds & Oranges
Size: 7ft - 13 ft at the Shoulder
Traits: Hot-tempered, Aggressive, Stubborn, Territorial, Confident
Build: Large and Muscular, but with more Athletic Build. Leaner than Earth Dragons, Thicker than Light Dragons.
Habitat: Deserts or Volcanos
Strengths/Weaknesses: Impervious to Heat and Fire, Can't breathe fire in cold climate, Must be well fed to maintain fire, Loses Energy through use of fire breath
Available Slots: 0/2

Water Class
Special Ability: Boiling Water For Fire Breath
Rather than breathing fire, these dragons are able to "breathe" streams of boiling water at others. The, like fire dragons, can adjust the temperature of the water. They must be hydrated to use. Lack of Hydration = Lack of Water. Usage does dehydrate.
Color Variations: Blues & Purples
Size: 7ft to 11 ft at the Shoulder
Traits: Calm, Disdainful at Times, Intelligent, Resourceful, Territorial
Build: Lean and Muscular, almost Lanky. Built for endurance and stamina. Webbed feet build for swimming. Small wings designed for aiding in swim and gliding, not able to use them for true flight. Not scaled, instead thick, leather like skin.
Habitat: Beaches or Aquatic
Strenths/Weaknesses: Get dehydrated faster, skin is sensitive to fire and heat, efficient swimmers and can hold breath for long periods of time, unable to fly but can glide, must be hydrate to use water blast, using ability dehydrates them
Available Slots: 0/2

Air Class
Special Ability: Freezing Breath
Not to mistaken for Ice Breath, which is the Breating of Ice, Air Dragon's have Breath so cold it freezes things. They obviously don't always use it, so it is an elective power they have control over. Like the others, this requires energy, the more they use it, the more tired they become and less effective it is.
Color Variations: White & Pastel Colors
Size: 6ft - 10ft at the Shoulders
Traits: Peaceful, Passive, Compassionate, Light Hearted, Easy Going
Build: Slim, petite dragons with large wings for their bodies. Fastest of the dragons when flying. Not very hardy in comparison to others, slim figure built for speed and agility. Smallest of all the dragons.
Habitat: Mountain Tops
Strengrhs/Weaknesses: Lungs are better able to filter oxygen, can fly higher for longer, resistant to cold, can alter the temperature of their breath from normal to cold, don't handle warm temperatures well, fast flyers and few larger dragons can keep up
Available Slots: 0/2

Earth Class
Special Ability: Acid Spit
This is an ability that's primary function is to air in burrowing. The spit has a mild decaying aspect, and soften hardened ground to make digging easier. It's relatively harmless to dragons, though irritating to them and more so humans, however, it's entirely painful and can cause terrible damage if taken to the eyes. They have acid glands, which have a limited quantity that replenish over time (talking hours).
Color Variations: Greens & Browns
Size: 10ft to 15ft at the Shoulders
Traits: Calm, Serious, Determined, Hard Working
Build: Earth Dragons are one of the largest classes, and are the bulkiest. Heavily muscled, the carry around a heavy assortment of scales. They are built like battening rams which makes them slow. They cannot fly, but have small wings or frills on the legs and sides that allow them to glide.
Habitat: Forests
Strengths/Weaknesses: Large and Powerful, Cannot Fly, Can Glide, Climb and Burrow, Slower Moving, Need lots of Rest, Acid Breath is Mild and is only a mild irritant to others unless it gets in the eyes, Naturally more Armored, Sensitive to Cold
Available Slots: 0/2

Light Class
Special Ability: Blinding Light
Light Dragons can emit a flash of blinding light, think flash bang without the bang, which can temporarily blind and/or stun opponents. They have one good charge in them before they need to rest for an average of 3 hours to even get enough for anything useful. They can all use it in a more mild manor where they illuminate their body, something that doesn't require much energy, and might even be more natural. This is controlled though, and can be turned off. This is recharged through the sun.
Color Variations: Gold, White, Silver, & Opalescent/Pearlescent
Size: 8ft - 14ft at the Shoulder; Their Wings Make Then Look Taller
Traits: Good, Calm, Kind, Open, Intelligent & Wise
Build: Tall, they have a Powerful Build to them, but they are more lean. More Lean than Fire Dragons, but not as much as Water Dragons. They have the largest of wings, so it makes them seem bigger than they are.
Habitat: Anywhere, Like to Live Among Other Dragons (Espeically Air Dragons)
Strengths/Weaknesses: More Fragile Wings (Due to Size), Can Radiate Light When Needed And Can use it as a Flash of Blinding Light, Highly Intelligent, Absorb Energy from the Sun which Powers their Ability, High Fortitude
Available Slots: 0/1

Dark Class
Special Ability: Smog Breath
Able to emit noxious gas that is dark in color, Dark Dragons primarily use their ability for defense. It provides cover, the dark plume both physically hiding them as well as causing confusion within anyone trapped within the fog or inhales it too much (3+ breaths). The gas is fueled by a chemical reaction caused from stored minerals gain from mushrooms. When those stores are empty, they can't create it. The smog can also emit from glands beneath the wings and at the tip fo the tail.
Color Variations: Black, Near Black Colors, Iridescent
Size: 9ft - 13ft at the Shoulder
Traits: Elusive, Solitary, Highly Intelligent, Wary
Build: Lean and Muscular, Just slightly leas built than Fire Dragons. Almost Cat Like in Movement, Very Graceful. Well Balanced Proportions for Speed, Grace, and Strength.
Habitat: Any place that isn't easily accessible or darkest
Strengths/Weaknesses: Immune to Most Toxins, Stealthy, Silent When Flying, Can use Smog Breath to Create Cover, Breath is Highly Flammable, Sensitive to Light and Fire, Camoflauges Well, Sensitive Sound and Scents
Available Slots: 0/1

Available Slots means how many spots remain open of the spots created for that class. So 2/2 would mean two of two spots open. Whereas 0/2 would mean there are no spots open for that class.
Sorry for any confusion!

Edited at August 14, 2021 02:38 AM by Imperial Sands
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:29 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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The Roleplay Roles

Squad Leader & Their Dragon
1. Persephone De Clare | F | Spellbound | Pg. 2
2. Brontes | M | Water | Ciao | Pg. 3

1. Alexa Finch | F | Imperial Sands | Pg. 2
2. Sindri Mendel | M | Polly | Pg. 2
3. Ryia Beaumont | F | Lapin | Pg. 3
4. Troy Droit | M | Wanderlust | Pg. 3
5. Julien Devereux | M | Imperial Sands | Pg. 3
6. Tyrus Lafferty | M | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 4
7. Marcella Lane | F | Ciao | Pg. 4
8. Mircea Cryolar | M | Spellbound | Pg. 3
9. Kianna Daize | F | Meian | Pg. 4


1. Nurzhan | M | Dark | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
2. Asmodeus | M | Fire | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
3. Agneya | F | Fire | Spellbound | Pg. 2
4. Aeolus | M | Air | Spellbound | Pg. 2
5. Nirmala | F | Water | Polly | Pg. 2
6. Sezyryn | M |Air | Lapin | Pg. 3
7. Orva | F | Light | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 4

8. Daingean | F | Earth | Meian | Pg. 4
9. Breathnóir | M | Earth | Meian | Pg. 4

The Dragon Rider Pairings
1. Nirmala & Julien
2. Asmodeus & Ryia
3. Sezyryn & Mircea
4. Agneya & Kianna
5. Nurzhan & Marcella
6. Aeolus & Troy
7. Daingean & Tyrus
8. Breathnoir & Alexa

Dorm Room Pairings

1. Troy & Sindri
2. Tyrus & Mircea
3. Julien

1. Persephone
2. Marcella & Ryia
3. Kianna & Alexa

Edited at August 14, 2021 02:25 AM by Imperial Sands
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:29 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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The Forms

The Riders

Age [15-18]
Appearance [Detailed Description]
Personality [Detailed Description]
Dragon [For now Put Open]
Stengths & Weaknesses [Min. 3 Each]
Likes & Dislikes [Min. 3 Each]


The Dragons

Age [Young Adult; 50-250 Years]
Appearance [Detailed Description]
Personality [Detailed Description]
Rider [For Now put Open]
Ability [Included in Class Description]
Strengths & Weaknesses [Min. 3 Each]
Likes & Dislikes [Min. 3 Each]
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:35 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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Roleplay Note 2.0

Please read everything. It's necessary.

Anyone who has joined this Rp before will notice a new role:

Squad Leader & Their Dragon

This is the Rider and Dragon Pair who will be basically taking command of the New Recruits. He/She is their Lead in School, and once they've been trained, he/she will be their Command Leader out in battle if they become warriors.

They will be slightly older than the New Recruits, about 20-24. They are bascially fully trained and battle ready, but because they were chosen to lead the new recruits, they were not sent out with their original team, now being the leader of this one. Being Chosen as the Lead is an honor for any Rider.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:35 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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This is Open, You May Post.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:36 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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"Light Soul"
196 Years
Dark Class
Nurzhan is an impressive dragon of the Dark Class. He stands at the largest his class can get at 13 ft at the shoulder, and has a leanly muscular build that is surprisingly lean in it's power. His wings are large, capable of easily carrying him across the lands in silent flight, something Dark Dragons are known for. The dragon has long, muscular legs, making him surprisingly quick on the ground. His back is lined with spines, which are longest on his neck and shorten as they go down his body til they elongate again along the end of his tail, like long blade ready to defend him. His head is well horned as well, two black horns portrude out of his head, and just back with a slight curve so he can use them to impale if he lowers his head or act as a form of battering ram. He also has short spines along his cheeks that help protect his head from biting attacks.

On his front feet are a set of long claws, curved in a way similar to cat claws that can be used to slice opponent, but they are also useful in grip. They help give him traction when he moves, and are the only sound that can be heard when he walks along hard surfaces. Otherwise his feets are well padded, aiding in his stealth. The finger bone of his wings also ends in a long talon, so he can better use them to grip, and claw when in fights too.

Color wise, the male has the most unusual color, often capturing the eye of anyone lucky enough to gaze upon him. His scales look to be black, shining brightly in the light when they gleam. However, upon closer inspection, others would notice that, in certain lights, his scales glint purple and blue-green. The dragon would be considered iridescent in his color, something that oddly helps him blend in with his surroundings. His wings, are only scaled along the bone before turning into a thin membrane, though thick enough to be less fragile than others. They, like the rest of his body, appear black, however, the membrane of his wings are an incredibly dark purple, and will catch a midnight indigo shadow on the land when he stretches them out and light gleams through them.

His eyes are a dark purple, something similar to the membrane of his wings, but slightly lighter where the hue of them is easier seen. His scent is something unusual, like ash and wood.
Nurzhan is basically the epitome of a Dark Dragon in his behavior. He is very elusive, and is the type to leave the moment someone enters what he considers to be his territory, especially if they see him. He is super wary, and doesn't trust anyone really, so he doesn't have a clan or friends, and he prefers it that way. The definition of a loner, Nurzhan is the type to put himself first, though if there is no one around him it isn't considered necessarily selfish. He is a highly observant dragon, always the type to know what is going on around him. He is also incredibly stealthy, and few will know it if he is lingering or sneaking up behind them, which makes him a proficient hunter.

Once he is with the group he will be quiet, true to his elusive nature, and rather secretive, but he will remain relatively cordial with them. However, he will always be the type to prefer self-preservation over anything he might consider stupid. He is a highly intelligent dragon, which, combined with his observant nature makes him difficult to deal with since he tends to always have an answer for what he comes up against. Of course, if he even doubts he can handle it physically or outsmart it, Nurzhan has no probably just bailing out to save his own skin. He will likely only trust his own rider, and will ALWAYS put them first once he gets to the point. He will pull them out of something and leave everyone else behind without a second thought. You will not find him going out of the way for anyone, except for them, and if they're fine, he's just as likely to leave them behind as he is to simply watch.

Nurzhan is a wise dragon, even at his young age, and if you can get him to open up, it might be useful and entertaining to pick his brain. However, he isn't the type to enjoy conversation with those he doesn't trust or like, and he will start getting irritated if he's pushed to far. Of course, he isn't rather hot tempered, but when he does get agitated and frustrated, he tends to get snappy and snarky. Because of his wit, he can be quite the savage verbally, and while he isn't prone to fighting, do not think him weak. He will, and can, defend himself and fight with others when needed.
Theon Leander
Smog Breath
Able to emit noxious gas that is dark in color, Dark Dragons primarily use their ability for defense. It provides cover, the dark plume both physically hiding them as well as causing confusion within anyone trapped within the fog or inhales it too much (3+ breaths). The gas is fueled by a chemical reaction caused from stored minerals gain from mushrooms. When those stores are empty, they can't create it. The smog can also emit from glands beneath the wings and at the tip fo the tail.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
- He is extremely stealthy, able to fly silently, and move near silently.
- Highly observant, and capable of noticing small details others might not pick up on.
- Because he is such dark colored, he has natural camoflauge is dark places and in shadows.

- He doesn't trust easily, so he doesn't, almost can't, rely on others.
- Maybe not the most likeable dragon because his tendencies for self-preservation.
- He is physically senstive to light and fire. As well as sounds or scents that are far too strong because of his reliance on his senses.
Likes & Dislikes:
- He likes to be alone and by himself. And likes quiet places too.

- Being around those he doesn't know or like; Crowds.
Burning Embers | Dragon & Rider Rp [Open!]August 7, 2021 07:36 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10684
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240 Years
Asmodeus is a fantastical beast, but not one of the largest of size. He's still notable standing at 12 feet, however, he is often mistaken for being smaller than what he is because of his snake like appearance and movements. The male as a lean, slitherly build, elongated more so than he is tall. He isn't has muscular as some other fire dragons, prefering to use his speed and wit to out match their brawn. Still impressive though, Asmo has a pair of massive wings, large to support his long body and so that he can fly with ease. Honestly, Asmodeous has a very stream lined build, since he rarely holds his head up much higher than his own shoulders.

The slinky male has smooth scales compared to others, who might be ridged or rough, his replicate something similar to skin, but they are, in fact, just very smooth scales. The scales become a bit rough, almost ridged, as they go up his neck towards his head and become the roughest on his head, flexible spines, similar to quills, portruding from his the underside of his neck. As you go up, the spine become thicker, and a bit more stiff as they come from his jaw, chin, and cheeks. His tail is free of spines until the end of his tail, where thick spikes erupt from the scales, something you might expect to see from a dinosaur, like a stegosaurus.

The male has a unique appearance, as mentioned he is almost snake like in a way. His head is more arrowhead shaped, with a shorter, blunter muzzle that still tapers a bit. He has powerful jaw muscles supporting his short jaws, however, his teeth are what are unusual, as they aren't the thick teeth like others. Instead he has smaller, shorter, thin teeth that curve back and are serated along the edge. They are built for tearing, ripping, and just making others bleed in general. Surprisingly, the male doesn't have the typical horns on his head, instead he has a horn on the tip of his snout, that is thinner, but incredibly sharper. There is a smaller peak behind it (behind as in towards his eyes), that is just as sharp, but not even half in length as the first. He is just as formidable in a fight with the sharp horn, able to use it to gouge, impale and just overall cause pain for others, while the thick, rough scales of his head protect him. His nostrils lie on either side of his horn, and he has a pair of snake like eyes on his head as well, perfectly positioned like any predator's.

Appendage wise, the male looks smaller than he is because he often doesn't fully extend his legs. He has lizard like legs almost, always slightly bent, prepared to launch him forward whenvever needed. On each foot, front and back, two toes are always incredibly longer than the others, while the third is shorter. All of them are equipped with wickedly curved and long claws that have many a use.

Color wise, Asmo is an interesting looking creature. He is a medium red color, though it isn't very bright in appearance. However, he has darker red, almost black, markings on his body that swirl, spot, and stripe across his entire body and wings. His underbelly is the only part of him that doesn't have the markings on it, and instead is the solid dull red color. The male has a pair of dark red eyes, almost black with a red hue, and his scent is something smokey, like ash.
Asmodeus is a highly aggressive male with a fiery temper and a confident attitude. There is nothing this male won't meet head on with a challenge in his eyes. He is thrilled just completely elated whenever someone crosses his path who presents a challenge, whether it be mentally, physically, or anything in between. Asmo can be a nasty pierce of work when he wants, being a rather aggressive male, he has no qualms with killing, and generally enjoys it. He has a sadistic streak, and isn't afraid to admit it or show it. In fact, he will flaunt it. If you need dirty work done, and don't want to do it yourself, he's your dragon.

Asmo is a cocky and arrogant dragon, and isn't the type to really think others are better than him. In fact, nothing will make him more irritated than someone acting like they are. The dragon is the type of male who always aims for the highest, and always views himself as being on the top. If he's not, you bet he will do everything he can to get there. He will step on everyone and everything to get there, it doesn't matter what must be done, he will. The male does have a fiery temper, and he will always step up to a fight, and if you think he won't use mind games to sway things in his favor, you would be dead wrong.

Asmo is a intelligent creature with a whip like mind, the type of dragon to spew venomous words whenever he feels like it. No one is safe from his acidic wrath, with maybe the exception of those who he holds dear. However, those people are few and far inbetween. He doesn't really let anyone get close to him, and fewer even want to.
Ryia Beaumont
Extremely Hot Fire Breath
Strengths & Weaknesses:
- Impervious to heat and fire, and is relatively unbothered by both.
- Surprisingly quick in movement, and wilely even if he isn't the biggest dragon.
- Highly intelligent and quick witted, with a bad attitude, there's little that will even make the male think twice.

- Has very little tolerance for the cold, and can't generate fire in cold temperatures.
- Does not like the water, and hates to swim. Hates it.
- Hot tempered, with a big attitude, Asmo will run into everything head first.
Likes & Dislikes:
- Warmth, fire, truthfully the hotter the better.
- Fighting, sparring, anything that ends in bloodshed. The male loves blood too.
- His naps. Do NOT interfere with his naps.

- Anything cold. Seriously. Such disdain!
- Being woken up from his sleep, he likes to sleep peacefully, so beware if you must wake him.
- Others acting as if they are better than him.
- Rotten fish, and most fish in general. It's disgusting.
TBD; Open
Peppery boi.

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