Ok when i tell you i only gave decor/gear to 6 wolves in my entire WP life (8 years) i mean it, So i have no experience and im not creative. i decided to give Moonlight decor/gear because I plan to keep him around forever and ever I have no limit money wise be it mush,apples or event currency, so please help me find out what works on moonlight https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=408310
Would love it if you could list out your idea as detailed as possible Edited at January 19, 2023 01:51 PM by CriesInTheNight
I'm a sucker for the archangel wings + the sacred halo combo sooo maybe go for the sacred rainbow halo and black archangel wings? That's just a start though! I'm not sure what all would pair well since the custom maker doesn't allow for more than one gear piece to be shown at once, so I'm unsure of what'll work together unless it's something I've done with my own wolves. ^^ . Edit:: I like dramatics, so the obscuring fog and misty fog are decor items I love to use, sometimes in tandem if I make a border go to the background to appear on either side of the wolf and behind it! (It gets rid of the hard line that the border decor has, making it look neater than it would without the fog covering it!)
Edited at January 19, 2023 02:02 PM by Voxtexy
thanks fixed it Voxtexy said: I'm a sucker for the archangel wings + the sacred halo combo sooo maybe go for the sacred blue (or rainbow/purple) halo and white archangel wings? That's just a start though! I'm not sure what all would pair well since the custom maker doesn't allow for more than one gear piece to be shown at once, so I'm unsure of what'll work together unless it's something I've done with my own wolves. ^^
(also, your link appears to be broken! when i click on it, it's just the error page <3)