Caroline E Astor
March 17th
Honeysuckle, vanilla, tobacco
Second in command
creds to lunevani on picrew

Callie is a relatively tall woman, standing at around 5'8, nearly 5'9. She is nicely built and weighs around 130 lbs. Her body has a faint hourglass figure to it, and she can be described as a muscular woman. She is constantly lifting and doing things that are difficult to the body, so as a result, she sports a muscular and intimidating appearance. Her chest size is above average, but it's not the main focus. She has lightly tanned skin from constantly being outside. Her hair is a cinnamon brown color, and it falls in curls below her shoulderblades. It is very thick, and she often keeps it tied back so it isn't in her way. In the sun, her hair may appear to be a ginger color.
Callie has freckles covering her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, and the rest of her body. Everywhere you look, there's patches of freckles. Her eyes are an emerald, almost pale green. They have little patches and flecks of brown in them that are highly noticeable up close. Her nose is straight and upturned at the end. She has a sort of sharp jawline. Callie has rounded brows and doe-like eyes that are framed by thick black lashes. Many other women are jealous of her lashes, but she just happened to get lucky with her genetics. Her lips are full and are a rosy pink in color, though they are usually picked at due to stress.
Callie's most notable feature on her face is the scar on her lip. It begins just above her chin, goes through her lips, and ends just slightly to the left of her nose. It is the result of a failed combat between her and someone from a rival gang, and she's deeply embarrassed by it. Often times, she will lie about the origin of the scar to save herself the embarrassment.
Callie can be described as a strikingly pretty woman, but her otherwise intimidating aura ruins it. She towers over most other women and some men, giving her an advantage. She uses this advantage to scare people and get what she wants, but it doesn't always work. Attire wise, she usually sticks to the same clothing, switching it up when the seasons change.
Her usual summer outfit begins with a black-button up that usually has the sleeves rolled up. She pairs it with basic blue jeans, and her black floral engraved boots. She wears silver spurs on her boots, and they make a little clinking noise as she walks. Callie wears a teal colored bandana around her neck, and a dark brown cattleman hat. She has an old rope tied to the brim, with beautiful feathers tied to it as well. The feathers are a few cardinal feathers, a long moon feather, a peacock feather, and a raven feather. They're bundled so that the first one you see is the peacock feather, essentially making it the star of the show.
For winter, she wears a brown undershirt with a heavy sheepskin and wolf fur coat. It's a green fabric with the inside lining being made from sheepskin and wool, and the hood and sleeves are lined with wolf fur. She did not make it, but she did hunt the animals to get the materials for it. She wears blue jeans again lined with sheepskin, and the same boots as always.
As far as accessories go, Callie wears a few that weren't already mentioned. She has a bracelet made from the tail hair of her late horse, which she never takes off. The hair is white in color and often stands out. The other is a necklace, which is really just a thick silver wire coiled around a beautiful aquamarine stone. It is connected to small chain-links, which is the part that goes around her neck.
Callie unfortunately has a weak leg, which was caused by an accident and doesn't speak of. It greatly affects her, even though she doesn't show it to anyone else. It's painful and alters a lot of what she does. She's constantly on her feet or on horseback, so it will never have a chance to heal and will always be injured.
Despite her oddly intimidating aura, Callie's personality speaks otherwise. She is a very kind and motherly woman, usually tending to the wounds of the people in the gang and treating them when they get sick. She is horribly curious, which tends to lead to more trouble than anything good. Callie is incredibly clever and has quick thinking skills, which means that the others usually turn to her when a problem arises. She is the mediator for arguments and disputes, she knows how to settle them and make sure both parties get something equal to agree on. She is a leader and will often take on leadership roles, but it wasn't always this way.
Callie is a naturally shy and awkward person, but since she was born into the gang life, she had no choice but to learn how to change and adapt to fit in. One of the worst things about her is how argumentative and opinionated she is. Callie will argue for hours on end about anything and will not give up, and she always feels the need to share her opinions. She will butt into conversations to argue or state an opinion, which does nothing but piss people off.
Callie is an incredibly romantic and caring person. Few have seen this side of her, but she is willing to share it to those she's close with. She loves physical touch and words of affirmation, she is always touching someone or praising them as a result. Callie always gets what she wants, and if she doesn't get it, she'll throw a fit. She's a smooth talker and will use seduction or charm to get her way, and if all else fails, she will simply throw a fit over it.
Shes a very calm and well-collected person, it's proved to be incredibly hard to anger her. While she does get frustrated from time to time, she won't snap at people. She will let them know she's in a pissy mood or they pissed her off, but she'll do so in the nicest way possible. Overall, Callie is a good person. Or, well, she likes to believe she is. She has a moral code that she sticks to religiously, but her morals don't exactly align well with other people's. Some may view her as messed up for the way she thinks and feels, and very few will agree with her.
Callie is not a very loyal person when it comes to the gang, or things surrounding it. She desperately wants to get out and live an average life, but the price on her head will never allow it. She is generally a very honest person, but a lie on the occasion never hurts anyone. She is an extremely compassionate and sympathetic person, she often finds herself feeling bad for wounded or anyone who is upset. She will try her hardest to make them feel better, to the point where she ends up horribly annoying them.
Callie is highly intuitive and can always sense whenever something is going on. It's an awful gut feeling she gets, and it also applies to people's moods and emotions. Though, despite this, she doesn't always ask or make comments about it. Callie is very nosy and will always be up in someone's business. She cannot help it, it's just her curious nature. A lot of people find this to be extremely annoying, but she doesn't even seem to realize it.
- Cats
- Draft breeds
- Warm weather
- Strawberries
- Swimming
- Sunsets & sunrises
- Debating
- Most dogs
- Frogs
- Arrogant people
- Loud noises
- Watermelon
- Extreme temperatures
- Tomatoes
- Horseback riding
- Gun drawing/sharpshooting
- Aiming
- Quick/logical thinking
- Intimidation/persuasion
- Lassoing
- Agility
- 1 on 1 combat
- Weak leg
- Highly competitive, leads to fights
- Very opinionated
- Excessive curiosity
Michelle Astor- The gang leader, and Callie's mother. Callie and her mother are extremely close, and Michelle often comes to her for advice or assistance. Callie is set to become the gang leader after Michelle, much to her dismay. The pair can often be found sitting by the river, talking about nothing in particular or what they should do next.
Hannah O'Connel- Hannah and Callie are inseparable. Since they met, the two have been attached at the hip and are rarely seen without each other. Rumors have been going around that the two are in a relationship, but they are nothing more than close friends. They can often be found aimlessly trail riding together, hunting together, or just sitting and talking while they play games. Hannah was Callie's first love, but they have since deemed that they are better off as friends and not lovers.
Jacob Dames- Callie and Jacob have never gotten along, and probably never will. Callie has always hated Jacob ever since they had an incident, one she refuses to speak of. He constantly taunts her and spreads lies about her, but the others never believe them. Jacob does nothing but make her life a living hell, and the two are sworn rivals. It's kind of ironic, considering they are in the same gang. Jacob is mostly jealous that Callie will become leader of the gang, and he jokes about assassinating her before that can happen. It's not really a joke, though.
Callie rides a neatly colored shire horse. His name is Betelgeuse. He stands at 17, nearly 18 hands high and is a beautiful black in color. He has a white blaze on his head, and a white star on his forehead. He has two white socks on his front hooves. The most unique thing about him is the white streaks in his mane and tail. His mane has large white patch, and his tail has a streak leading all the way down to the ends of his tail. It's unknown why he has these, but it makes him a very easily identifiable horse.