
Hi this is a private roleplay only me and duckling feel free to read

So, we need to send character sheets, right?

yeah got a question are we animals or not

No, you can be a human mixed with an animal if you want though

No, you can be a human mixed with an animal if you want though

Also, can we use this character sheet if possible? You don't have to you can use something else if you want. the character sheet: Name: Experiment number: Age: Species (what they are combined with etc): Powers (optional): Appearance: Personality: Identifiable features (scars, blind in one eye, etc.): Other:


No problem, take your time to fill it out :)

Name: Raven Micheal Elsher
Experiment number: project # 270 Age: 19 Species (what they are combined with etc): Not specifically combined with anything, but his appearance is like that of a demon. Powers (optional): Electricity and he has so much electricity that he can also magnetically pull things to him, but only if they weight less than him. Appearance: He has dark brown, almost black hair with brilliant green eyes. He wears a lab gown that is starch white. His skin is a pale white since he hasn't been exposed to the sun in several years. Personality: He is mostly kept to himself. He does not trust anyone and especially hates the scientists which do tests on him. He gets very defensive when the scientists come near him and will shock them with a both of lighting from his hand to get them away from him. He had killed scientists and guards on few occasions and has tried to escape once. If he were to meet someone new, perhaps a new scientist who seems actually nice he will give them the chance to prove they can be trusted, but such opportunity has never happened. Identifiable features (scars, blind in one eye, etc.): He has one black and one brilliant purple horn on his head, he has a tail with a triangle tip and large black wings on his back that he generally keeps as tucked back as possible. Other: When he becomes extremely agitated (annoyed), angry, or afraid/anxious blue sparks will come from his finger tips and his horns. When he is using his powers the electricity will swirl around his horns and his hands making loud crackling noises, somewhat of the sound lighting makes. He can short out anything electrical, including planes if he can shoot a bolt of lighting high enough. He is normally locked up where he can't get to anyone and is heavily guarded so he cannot escape. He also does not remeber his middle or last name. Only his first name as that's what he's referred himself as since he was captured when he was 9. ( if there isn't enough info on anything let me know and I'll add to it.) Edited at February 13, 2023 08:36 PM by Duckling

Name: Cindy Lynn Crawford _ Experiment number: #269 _ Age:18 _ Species (what they are combined with etc): she is a shape shifter can change in to lion, wolf, horse, and bear . _ Powers (optional): she has blue fire and can use it for a lot of things she has a hidden powere that no one can figure out yet but she knows what it is _ Appearance: she has blonde and blue eyes she looks more like a angle, she has to wear lab clothes which she hates wearing it she has a Locket of her parents _ Personality:she usually keeps to herself as she doesn't know anyone around here, she doesn't like talking and sharing a out herself even on good days also if you know her she still doesn't talk, she has a problem making friends with someone new even if you are friendly, Cindy is a nice girl just a sad and lonely one who has no personality traits toward people just like her father before he died _ Identifiable features (scars, blind in one eye, etc.): she is blind in the left eye just shows as a blue clouded eye she has scars all over her body and she has white wings that she keeps hidden the wings go with her horse _ Other: if you try to talk to her about her past she would close or even curl up and not talk for a long time, she lost her family to a car crash that even up as her fault for calling her dad at the wrong time when he was heading home but now that she forgot about her father and mother and has her family locket (I hope this is okay ) Edited at February 13, 2023 09:52 PM by Crystal jewel 20