List of defects: (Not nessarily all bad)
Albino, Deaf, Blind, Infertile, Heterochromia
Discounts (all discounts must be included in form or won’t be applied automatically. Nor will I ask you about them. Can stack, and can use each more than once.):
New Pack (Under 3 months old): 20% off
Friends (On my friends list): 15% off
Alliance (Member of any alliance I am): 15% off
Holiday Discount: 50% off
Reminders and a bit more information:
Costs 10 mush to begin your journey in general, can only claim one adult adopt each journey, each female with a chance to be pregnant or have young kids. If you do not have a leash, any found goat only has a 25% chance to follow you. There is a 40% chance of a goat having a beard because I dislike how I drew them but can’t draw them better.
Items (higher price the more successful for the attracting goats items):
Trimmers (Uses: 20) - Goat you find does not have a beard nor will ever grow one - 5 mush
Leash and Collar (Uses: 1)- Helps bring goat back - 10 mush
Second Cut Hay (Uses: Unlimited)- Oooh this hay tastes great! It’s much finer than the default first cutting hay. Helps to attract goats - 10 mush
Bandage (Uses: 4)- Helps any injured goats - 10 mush
Sweet Feed (Uses: 3)- Likely to attract does. Cannot use for bucks as it is harmful to them. - 15 mush
Fall Leaves (Uses: 2) - Crunchy. Some goats love leaves, some don’t. - 15 mush
Bottle of Milk (Uses: 2)- It’s just like mama goat’s! Delicious! Lures those kids to ya - 15 mush (This item is like a baby bottle but just like an empty soda bottle with a nipple on it, put be held sideways or upside-down)
Apple-scented treats (Uses: 5) - These smell strongly of sweetness and apples. Helps get goats closer to you - 20 mush
Dog treats (Uses: 5) - Sit out and see if a dog will come near, eat the treat and lead you towards goats - 20 mush
Pear (Uses: 1) - Change a Goat’s gender, can only be used before goat is taken back to your pasture/before journey ends - 35 mush
Pelt Affecting Items, auto-applied on order, all one use. If goat turned down will make another goat using the specific colors. Not nessasary!:
Ashes (Uses: 1) - Goat will be Grayscale - 10 mush
Dirt (Uses: 1) - Goat will be Brownscale - 10 mush
Honeysuckle (Uses: 1) - Goat will have lighter colors - 10 mush
Blue food coloring (Uses: 1) - Goat will have blue eyes - 5 mush
Brown food coloring (Uses: 1) - Goat will have brown eyes - 5 mush
Empty Box (Uses: 1) - Goat will just be plain - 10 mush
Dust (Uses: 1) - Goat will be sparsely speckled with lighter or darker shade of base coat or other pattern(s)' colors - 15 mush
Child's Drawing (Uses: 1) - Goat will have at least three different colors - 20 mush
Badger mask (Uses: 1) - Goat will have stripe(s) on face running along spine to tail - 20 mush
Snow Flurries (Uses: 1) - Goat will be heavily speckled with white - 25 mush
Special Item(s):
Skipping Stone - Skip the Interactive part. No items nessasary, only pelt-affecting items can be used on the same order. If you don't have a pasture, that price will still be added. Still give me some time to complete your adopt. You may turn the goat down, I'll just make another one, up to three. - 40 mush
Newer Items (items that have been added recently):