Lemme just state a few facts:
I will post everyone's character and the maps here and at the beginning of the Roleplay so that if I'm writing a scene with your character in it and I suddenly have dementia and forget something about your character, it'll be here.
Because I'm the type of person who writes better with visuals to help me, for those who are like me too, here you are!

Leaders: AutumnFire Pack (Autumn, F), Spider (Leotingro, M)
Zetas: Boeing (Fenrys, M) SwiftfireClan (Spirit, F)
Betas: Sapphire (Halo, F)
Medic: Greywing (Leif, F)
Mediator: OPEN
Hunting Party's Chief Wolf: Appalachian Entity (Carnival, M)
Hunting Party: SwiftfireClan (Wander, F)
Packmates: Kai (Feather, M)
Apprentices: OPEN
Elders: OPEN
Pups: OPEN

Leaders: Bobcat (Nightingale, F) Bison Peak (Buck Eye, M)
Zetas: OPEN
Betas: DawnPack (Akiya, F)
Medic: Moonnightshade (Chesnut, F)
Mediator: OPEN
Hunting Party's Chief Wolf: Moonnightshade (Kasha, F)
Hunting Party: OPEN
Packmates: OPEN
Apprentices: OPEN
Elders: OPEN
Pups: OPEN

Leaders: Mother (Agnar, M) Spellbound (Lunella, F)
Zetas: AutumnFire Pack (Sunflower, F) Male=OPEN
Betas: AutumnFire Pack (Delilah, F)
Medic: OPEN
Mediator: OPEN
Hunting Party's Chief Wolf: OPEN
Hunting Party: OPEN
Packmates: OPEN
Apprentices: OPEN
Elders: OPEN
Pups: OPEN

Leaders: DawnPack (Australia, M) Female=OPEN
Zetas: OPEN
Betas: OPEN
Medic: OPEN
Mediator: OPEN
Hunting Party's Chief Wolf: OPEN
Hunting Party: OPEN
Packmates: OPEN
Apprentices: SwiftfireClan (Phoenix, F)
Elders: OPEN
Pups: OPEN
Now, the superior of all packs:

Leaders: AutumnFire Pack (Azynth, F) Male=CLOSED.
Zetas: Sapphire, (Raven, F) Male=OPEN.
Betas: OPEN
Medic: OPEN
Mediator: OPEN
Hunting Party's Chief Wolf: OPEN
Hunting Party: OPEN
Packmates: OPEN
Apprentices: OPEN
Elders: OPEN
Pups: OPEN
Between all pack boundaries:

So, ElementPack is the superior of all packs because they started the other packs. When speaking to the high-ranked wolves (Hunting Party until Medic are called "Ma'am" or "Sir". Zetas are called "Highness" and Alphas are called "Majesty".) certain rituals like in brackets are required.
Fun Fact about EarthPack:
The wolves there sleep in a large underground cave, and they store their supplies and such there. All of the dens/shelters and materials that a normal wolf would use and survive with that they normally have up above the Earth's surface are hidden secretly below it, here. This makes for a great escape in case of trouble. No wolves will understand the weird holes in the ground and punctured earth--unless you're smart enough.
Fun Fact about FirePack:
The wolves there believe in the practice of fire magic. They do not know how to use it, but they believe that a wolf can master the art of the flames. Some say that the first leader of FirePack, Firefly (Fire, for short) practiced these arts herself. The scrolls even mention that she went insane and started the Weather War--and some believe this to be true.
Fun Fact bout LakePack:
The wolves in LakePack actually live in little islands in the centre of their lake, believe it or not. The other small islands are used for many other purposes, one of them being medical supplies.
Fun Fact about WindPack:
WindPack wolves, on a long journey, take shelter in their abandoned wooden windmill. No, the windmill doesn't work, so it creates a great space for critters to escape the weather and probably get caught and eaten. If wolves need a break, they come here. It's like their little sanctuary.
About NPCs:
NPCs will be played by any person's character that's in the area. I don't expect you to play them--I will just be glad someone stood up to the plate and played them. I consider NPCs as Non-Playable Characters. I assume these are characters nobody wants to play, and therefore are not played.
While playing an NPC, backstories and such are allowed, just don't go into deep detail, and then you'll be fine. If you have too much detail it'll sound like you have more than four characters, which is the max, and that won't be allowed. While playing an NPC, just give a brief description before playing it, so that Roleplayers know what to base their facts off of. Also include their personality, so that Roleplayers know that that wolf is not just being sassy (Sassy is just an example) for no reason.