
And this here is a pretty, lil thread for discussing the world for our story

how intricate are we thinking for character sheets? I had a little work thing come up but I can get on it now

Honestly, whatever you're comfortable doing. I'll be working on mine while in class cause class bores me to death. I usually do name, appearance, personality, and sometimes some family members. How intricate I go depends on my mood. So up to you.

If I'm feeling it, I may also start a lil world sheet in class

Do we have any ideas for why the shifters and dragons are hunted? I'm thinking maybe there was a war over land in the past? Shifters sided with the dragons at the time?

Okay, I'm also thinking my guy is the 3rd prince and head of the hunters guild? I'm getting ~ideas~ Trying to play around with a more reckless prince idea? Less princely and more hunter-esque

Yeah that's perfect! I have a couple days of work this weekend so I'll try my best to get it done in my off time but no promises unfortunately

Take your time! I have work and college hw so I'm in a similar boat. So far all I have is a concept of his character, a name I'm not sure I like, and that's bout all. LMAO Do we want other mythicals involved? Like centaurs or anything?

Other mythicals could be super fun to play around with. Centaurs for sure, maybe sirens or something similar?

Oooh, I like that! Yes! I like the idea of the factions of mythicals. I have the idea that maybe this kingdom also hunts unicorns, which I'm sure pisses off the centaurs