
On here you can ask questions about the rp and any suggestions you may have but don't ask/tell other people that you've got an offspring spot open or something like that, pm the person.

Roles Mountain Wolves Location – Mountains and a few rocky hills, also with a waterfall dangerous but the best water. Alpha Male1/1 M Zhuang – 8 – Long Wang Alpha Female1/1 F Scarlett - 5 1/2 - Blaze Beta Male/Lead Fighter0/1 - Beta Female/Lead Hunter1/1 F Ash - 5 - Mountain pack (c) Healer1/2 F Reyden - 3 - P1xelViper - Hunters0/6 - Fighters1/6 Reserved for Spellbound - Trainee Hunters1/3 F Huo - 2 - Long Wang - Trainee Fighters1/3 F Tesha - 2Y 8M - Crazydayz - Trainee Healers0/3 - Mothers0/2 - Pups/Cubs1/4 F Achak - 1 - Mountain Pack (c) - Omega Female0/1 - Omega Male0/1 - Forest Wolves Location – Middle of a forest with a fresh river of water. Alpha Male1/1 M Hondo – 7 – Wolf Pride Alpha Female1/1 F Storm - 6 - ThunderHunters (Me) Beta Male/Lead Fighter0/1 - Beta Female/Lead Hunter1/1 Reserved for Spellbound Healer1/2 F Oreithyia - 5 1/2 - Spellbound - Hunters1/6 Reserved for Blaze - Fighters0/6 - Trainee Hunters0/3 - Trainee Fighters0/3 - Trainee Healers2/3 M Apollo – 2 ½ - Mountain Pack (c) F Aloe – 2 ½ - Crazydayz - Mothers0/2 - Pups/Cubs1/4 M Tremor – 6m – Long Wang - Omega Female0/1 - Omega Male0/1 - Edited at February 7, 2024 02:26 AM by Thunder Hunters






Its gone all weird give me a second. https://postimg.cc/7bFXXsnw

