
Welcome Everyone! Let's have fun and chaos shall we?

Important [Kind of] Information
Unofficial Second Male: TBD
Unofficial Second Female: Shiva
Unofficial Harem/Favored Lionesses: Open/TBD?
Ships: Pm me ships you might have, or think would be cute. These DO NOT have to be official pairings. They're for funsies.
Izem x Sibu Sefu x Suraji Kiho x Imani
Edited at November 16, 2023 01:16 AM by Imperial Sands



👀 What is going on here? Why is everyone saying 👀 Edited at November 16, 2023 06:44 AM by Matunda

Ooo Kiho and Imani 👀👀👀 I can honestly see Imani with someone as sweet as him

Moonshadow Pack said: Ooo Kiho and Imani 👀👀👀 I can honestly see Imani with someone as sweet as him
I agree, that should be an Interesting pair *-*

Oh by the way i changed Sefu's age from 5 to 3, i didn't realize I made him that old and I wanted him to be a bit younger

Sounds good to me! Thanks for letting me know^^ - Suraji is also open to more affiliations, let me know if your interested here or shoot me a PM :D Edited at November 16, 2023 07:52 AM by Biologist at Work

👀 I'm looking for a sibling for Kiburi. 👀 👀 And I'm also looking for a lioness who wants to be Kiburi's favored lioness. 👀 Edited at November 16, 2023 02:30 PM by Matunda