

Garin Ibnat Gitarja brings back prey to please the alphas. Got this from pack life earlier, might work this into the plot :)

Sure :3 maybe they can chat a bit before going to a small hunt and then parting ways for a bit

I got this :3 -- Soul's Song nuzzles Sooty HD. -- We could use it in one of later scenes when things start to get messy. Soul's Song is female with Dynamic coat, Violet eyes as well as HW HERO that goes to PvPs and explore alike :3 so kinda too perfect to be true. Edited at March 29, 2023 01:19 AM by Written The Wolf

Oooo jealousy scene with the perfect female. Much angst, very nice >:D

Yes indeed >:3 though she does not have much personality yet so if you have any suggestions now or later feel free to comment, I kind of do not have her as RP wolf,unlike Sooty and some others, so my idea of her is that is perfect and she is aware of it, but I did not decide if that would lead to her having superiority complex or no-we could decide if we need passive or active threat later on ^^ thou when I mean active threat it would be so she play with both Sooty's and Garin's feelings, cause I do not see her being genuinely in love with Sooty or interested in the first place.

In my mind she's just playing around and teasing because she thinks romance is not that serious, then would be very surprised when they get angry at some point? xD

Sure ^^ I quite it like for her

Ahaha, the gorgeous and perfect big sister who teases the juveniles too much cx

I'd like to keep it true to their wolf pages where he is 122lbs with long body build and long fur(that givves impression of him being bit bigger than he actually is) and her being of thicker build with 135lbs-though we can change that if you want or not pay it much attention in RP-though I did base idea of his getting knocked down on their weight