
This is the Discussion Thread for the Rp: Toppled Kingdom.
This is the place where we will talk about everything in regards to the Rp from ships, to drama and subplots and everything else. With that being said, please only post here if you have a character accepted into the Rp already. If you are waiting for acceptance, please wait until you have been, but feel free to send me a Pm as a Reminder, as sometimes I miss finished forms.
Thank you and Have fun!

Backstory for The Rp & Some Characters This is some of the story I've established with Tene, Polly, etc.
For the Pride, leading up to the start of the Rp. The Original Queen of the Pride was Nyela, the sister of the current Temporary Queen, Nnenia, and Itai. She was killed prior to the takeover as a tactic by the Coalition to destabilize the Pride to make the Takeover and controllng it afterwards easier. Unbeknowst to the Males the cubs spared believing the were Nnenia's are actually Nyela's.
Those in the Pride who are 4 and older might recognize as the Second Male of the Ukufa [Rped by Polly], as he was born in the pride and grew up there, only being pushed out several months after Mandlenkosi took over. Younger lionesses or new males won't know his history with the pride, but those who are old enough will.
For Palesa and Koen Their original pride was attacked by the Ukufa 2 years ago when they were still young and learning things. Fleeing to warn her brother of their arrival, Palesa decided to remain with her brother and leave instead of risk being found by the Coalition later. It's unknown what happened to that pride or why the Ukufa Males are no longer with them, but they were younger and probably dumber then. Palesa and Koen, though, found Kosi's pride a couple of years ago, shortly after leaving their Native Pride, and have been with Kosi's since. The Ukufa Males may or may not recognize Palesa, but since they likely only caught a glimpse of her back then, they may not even realize its her. Edited at March 6, 2023 11:00 PM by Imperial Sands


Im so excited! I cant wait to see Kiburi in action! The differences between him and Gazini are going to be so fun!

Imperial Sands said: Im so excited! I cant wait to see Kiburi in action! The differences between him and Gazini are going to be so fun!
Yeah. Gazini is cool 😎. Kiburi is lazy 💤. Edited at March 6, 2023 09:45 PM by Fruit Lovers

How many more players we need before we can start this RP?


Tenebris Umbra said: Hello :)
Hey TU! :D


Tenebris Umbra said: How are ya, Fruit?
I'm fine. How are you? :]