
Please don't post unless your name is in the title! Thank you!

Okay, so I think one of the more major things to finish establishing here is who is taking on which role? I kind of dig playing a more or less weaselly mafia member ahah, but I'm honestly down for taking on either role depending on your own preference :)

Mafia member and a detective. Probably something centered around the detective being an undercover, just to spice things up a bit. Another small spin could be that the mafia member character could be aware of the detective being undercover, probably because theyre weaselly enough to aid the detective in bringing down the heads to avoid any charges themself or something, and thus spurring a begrudging and reluctant allies kind of trope. ______________________________________ Sorry, just posting that so I don't forget any details. And yeah I don't mind playing the detective. Think I got a fitting character for the role too! So it works out perfect! Any thing else we should cover before moving onto character descriptions?

Oh, that's perfect lol, no worries :) And lovely, glad to have that established ahah. Hm, just one thing (I think). Were we wanting my character to know that your character is undercover? Such as maybe your character had previously taken mine into custody and worked out a deal to help them go undercover so my character is off the hook of any charges they were picked up on... Or- Were you thinking that my character discovers early on what your character really is, and leverages that knowledge in a way that they both benefit; your character gets to continue with their undercover sting, and mine avoids being criminally prosecuted. I think either way would be interesting, so I'll leave this decision to you :)

Hmm I kinda like the first one. That might be a good starting point, no? Your character could have been grabbed under a lesser charge and that was why he was released? Or he got out during like transport in a bus to another facility with the help of other mafia member? (That choice is really up to you.)

Ah, that actually is the perfect starting point. I feel like my character wouldn't desire any fellow mafia member to know he was even in police custody. Mostly because he wouldn't be able to stand that -even for a second- the thought of him flipping on the mafia would circulate. Even a small rumor like that would put his life in grave jeopardy with his group, and I quite think my boy has an abundantly selfish desire to live ahah. So in short, we'll go with the first option. We could also definitely start on character sheets too, just to get that going. Consider it a miracle if I have mine up tonight or even tomorrow night, due to a heavy work schedule though lol.

Can't wait to see your character in action lol. Okay so my character grabs him doing like a lesser crime. So since the Mafia is pretty good at covering their tracks, he's not going to know your character is part of the Mafia and just thinks hes a petty criminal. What if your character gets off easy, because say the case was thrown out by the judge. At some point my character is put undercover and has made it pretty far into the heart of the Mafia without anyone suspecting him, and thats where our characters meet again and they recognize each other and thats when they strike up the deal? Yeah my aim is to get mine up tonight but who knows XD Who should go first?

I'm equally thrilled to see both of ours in action lol. That's perfecttt. My boy would definitely be getting picked up for petty theft ahah, totally just 'borrowing' something for the long term XD. Their inevitable meet up again, I imagine, will be such a wonderful moment between them too. And I don't think they would have much of an option but to work together, for their own well beings ahah. I might get a WIP of my boy soon, which I'll be slowly adding onto. If you manage to finish your character before mine (which is very likely), you can feel free to make the first post as well, just to get the ball rolling :)

Yay! Okayy I'll get right on it. XD

Cool, take your time though lol, I know I am XD I'm going to *attempt* to get a little bit more up on my sheet tonight, but it's been a long night and I'm tired lmao.