
Please don't post unless your name is in the title.

Plot Adult character finds a child (13?) in the forest. Takes the child under their wing. The child is the reincarnation of this legendary person (most likely a warrior) and kind of acts a bit off. The adult is then tasked with finding out the mysteries of this child. Including their background, family, etc. The kid has an ancient power connected to them, yet they don't know it. (Dragon bonded, Plus other powers?) They adventure through trying to find clues. Part 2: Main arc two is a guard/assassin. When the adult and kid visit the Kingdom where arc two is from, they are arrested and held in a cell at random. This triggers an event, that reveals a slight detail about the child. Child's Backstory: I imagine they're a human in both lives, and the reason why they're so notable in their first life was because of that. In a fantasy world full of supernatural creatures, whose natural abilities and magic capability typically have a tendency to overshadow humans, not on purpose in most cases, it's rare for a human to make it into the legendary status. Especially as a warrior, and the dragon may have contributed to the image, but the character had been fighting for a while before they bonded to a dragon.

Okayy I finally finished my character description. Took me long enough lol. Is there anything else we should cover? Also anything you want to add to the plot post above?

Hm, I can't think of anything else that we need to cover or add, I think we're good!
I'm currently working on a RP response right now, I'll get to my form as soon as possible.

Okay sounds good! Do you want me to start?

Okay sounds good! Do you want me to start?


Just some bits about Agni that tie into him being a reincarnation. Or something like that. Also, I don't believe I told you, but he is not aware that he is a reincarnation: he does get flashes of old memories and dreams regarding his original life; there is some kind of instinctive thing going on, like muscle memory, but he often cannot successfully do much because the memory is for an adult's size and capability and not a child's; and so on, but it is not like he knows what that's about of anything.
-The name "Agni" is an old name, and by the time the RP takes place, it is nearly unheard of to hear this name and other variations of it as a name. It stems from an older language that is now extinct, save for a few that may learn to speak and write in it for religious or personal reasons; and the translation would be "One Who is Born of Fire" or for shorter reasons simply "Fire born".
-The old language is not spoken anymore and it is highly uncommon to meet anyone who knows even a few words in it, and interestingly Agni has a tendency to slip and say a word or two of it. Almost never does he speak in the language intentionally, and typically it happens when he is distracted. But when he does chose to say even a word or two in the language, he displays an ease and familiarity with it that could be considered strange.
This is to be added to as I think of things.

Wow your character just keeps getting cooler and cooler! Can't wait to see them both in action!

Thanks! I can't wait either! I'm...probably going to be able to finish Agni's form tonight and get a response out (that might be tomorrow though) :D