
Discussion for our Wolf Soldiers. Please do not post unless you are Moonwing or me (Archaic).


Yay! You can go ahead if you have any ideas. I g a few stuff to do irl. What I have in mind is a slightly futuristic world in some parts while other parts are at war where towns are reverted to a more medieval type feel. There's probably a easier way to describe that lol.

Well it's definitely a little futuristic if they make werewolf for war xD Maybe the war (before the run away) is about trying to force another country to be futuristic like them But how futuristic are we talking

Exactly why I went for that XD That's a good idea. Hmm. Honestly not sure there, maybe not super advanced yet?

Maybe only advanced science wise?

Sure. Maybe a bit technologically too. I'm thinking a world could advance only so well with wars going on all around and those outside of the advanced cities suffering.

Yeah and I think war kinda encourages advancements so maybe that's why the wolf soldiers came into light. How about there are technologies like phones tablets, and computers outside of the battlefield.

But since everyone's an orphan they've never really had those. Plus holograms exist in the rp

Yeah that sounds good. So maybe well advanced and more futuristic in big cities away from the battlefields. Less so the closer you get to war. So probably distopian futuristic if that is the correct words.