
Drew Dimitri, for the record.

Oh my gosh the parasol- Shit I love him xD

Thank you! For the record, I quite like your character, too. He’s ought to be an interesting one, and I’d love to see how he’d mesh with the others (probably not very well). I don’t think Dimitri would really mind him much at all, though; he doesn’t particularly care when people are rude to him, or anyone else, really.

OMG that drawing is gorgeous! I love it! ^^

Also, I'm in love with every single character that's currently signed up for the RP. *-*

I agree! All of the characters are so interesting and unique, I’d love to see them in action. I’m up for discussing any relationships (platonic, mostly, of course, but if anybody would like to discuss a romantic one I wouldn’t mind) Dimitri could have with anyone else. I’d be very interested to hear it.

I've been keeping my eyes out for a real literate RP since I got on WP. So glad I found you guys :) I think this will be lots of fun, and I really look forward to the character dynamics. Great picture, by the way! Edited at June 30, 2021 01:55 AM by Freedom

I agree! I can't wait to see how every character interacts with each other. It'll definitely be a fun RP! And yes, both my gals are open to any sort of affiliations, regardless if it's romance, friendships, enemies, or general plot ideas.

Thank you! He's a handful lol. I also absolutely love every single character! I cannot wait to see how the dynamic amongst all these personalities is going to play out! This will definitely be a wild ride! :)

I might do another character, to help us fill up and to get a better spread of places people are from. We need at least four other people, right? If I do make someone else, they'll probably be from somewhere in Africa.