
- Chained Anarchy Alliance Chat - When chatting, please remember to be respectful and kind towards others! - This forum is for the people who are in my alliance, "Chained Anarchy", only. Please refrain from posting in this forum if you are not apart of the alliance. Want to join the alliance? Heres a link! Chained Anarchy

Hello fellow alliance members! I see that no one's posted in here so far so I hope it's ok that I do ^^ Just wanted to let everyone know that I now have boarding "alliance discounts" up in my bio and am working on much more, regarding the alliance, discounts and all. I'm still somewhat of a new member here and am look forward to chatting with you all <3

Howdy! Looking forward to chat with you too. New people are always nice. :D

Man, I'm struggling in this week's AvA comps :') I'm trying though Also, I've got a Melanistic wolf who should be popping out pups either later today or mid-day tomorrow sometime, and hopefully some SI pups soon. If any of the alliance members are interested in either/both Mel and SI, pm me for reservation and 50% off.

Lifting this from the dead.


I now have studs up with alliance discounts! Check them out either on my den page or the alliance page > Check stud discounts. <3

Hello everyone! We're doing really well in the AVA battles. Lets keep it up :D

I agree. Everyone is doing such a good job! Cherri said: Hello everyone! We're doing really well in the AVA battles. Lets keep it up :D

I gotta say the AvA is arguably my favorite activity within the alliance.