
just a small little group im starting- not off of a fandom might just me and my friends talking and might turn into a roleplay anybody can join if they want so ~ its a fun little title and group, you can put it onto your profile as well as just have fun things- and maybe we can do roleplays and more, and its a forever poiton unless you decide to quit ~ other links demons ~ diavolo-(king of demons) barbatos- ~ pride-diavolo greed- envy- wrath- lust- gluttony- sloth- .-. ~ - ~ angels the god's child-open micheal-open gabriel-open uriel-open raphel-open selaphiel-open raguel-open barachiel-open <=> anymore- open forum for roleplay name: age: spieces: personailty: powers: normal things: father's name- mother's spieces/name- what rank: forum for just being you! name/nickname- things you do- things you want to do here- your practies(witchcraft,etc anything)- if you dont wanna get into the roleplay and just wanna have the name or just be apart of the group that is totally fine as well! just message me using this forum saying who you want to take the roll of and yes the im a witch Edited at April 30, 2022 11:18 PM by diavolo

we can roleplay! now but of course this isnt based off of a fandom and isnt going by fandom or a certain fandom anime this will be a group with a roleplay as well as more! - this is open to anyone who wants to join

we'll do a contest soon! i kind of want you guys to come up of somethig, im just deciding but the prizes will be or might change (their small prizes sadly- they might be different later and might add on) first place- solar eclisp-small + 2 tocan feathers second place- dove + 1 tocan feather third place- 1 tocan feather

ill be restarting all of the roles due to unactivey- and such if you want to reclaim a role and youll be active please mail me

Game Moderator Neutral
Just a reminder that fandom roleplays are only allowed in pms. This may stay open if there's no rp done on this group, abd no other rules are broken(fandom related rules or otherwise)
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Destinations End said: Just a reminder that fandom roleplays are only allowed in pms. This may stay open if there's no rp done on this group, abd no other rules are broken(fandom related rules or otherwise)
not to sound rude or anything, but the seven deadly sins arent a fandom, seven deadly sins are more like a thing to be just a cool names and as such, fandoms with the seven deadly sins are like if i said it was a obey me themed roleplay or something on the line, this is just a group/roleplay themed around the seven deadly sins(search it up) because its not a fandom its just a interesting theme, and i can tell you things that are themed off the seven deadly sins, as im using the sins/names of demons - things- obey me(anime) seven deadly sins(anime) (techanilly) ive killed 300 slimes and i maxed out my level (kind of) welcome to demon school iruma-chun - and more its just a theme of the sins, not a fandom, i hope this doesnt sound to rude im just trying to explain what this forum and roleplay is about and its not off of a anime or such of that. - and at the start of the forum/post i said not off of a fandom, reposnd whenever or you can talk to me in dms if you want so Edited at April 9, 2022 01:15 PM by diavolo



Royal Pack said: Greetings Earthlings
hello!- which sin do you want to be?