
Im trying to post a picture in forums and its not working? It will either only send it out as a broken link or a white box. Im trying to put up a custom design as an image and it wont show up. Im currently on mobile but Im not sure if that is the problem. Thank you for any help and please if anyone knows what Im doing wrong let me know?

Game Moderator Neutral
Are you trying to center the image? Or are you using a bb coding link from a hosting site?
If so that's the problem
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Destinations End said: Are you trying to center the image? Or are you using a bb coding link from a hosting site?
If so that's the problem
No Im not centering the image, I copied the image and pasted it onto the forum. Then I tried pasting it into the change and copying that link and posting it in. Neither of them worked though. Im not doing anything else though

Game Moderator Neutral
Be Warned said:
Destinations End said: Are you trying to center the image? Or are you using a bb coding link from a hosting site?
If so that's the problem
No Im not centering the image, I copied the image and pasted it onto the forum. Then I tried pasting it into the change and copying that link and posting it in. Neither of them worked though. Im not doing anything else though
Could you paste the link here? I'll see if I can determine the problem, but I need to see the link and what it posts as.
Oh! And have you tried clicking the remove code button before posting the link? If not do that before sending me the link here to see if that solves the problem
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I tried removing the code but it just kept it as a pure white box. Heres the link https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=2&rank=B&piebald1=4&legtype=10&tailtype=3&pointscolor=4&brindle=2&eyes=7&muzzletype=1&muzzlecolor=5&headtype=10&ears=1&shoulder=3&backtype=5&backcolor=40&speckletype=3&specklecolor=4&eecolor=2&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=4&leopard=2&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=40&bel=40&som=4">https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=2&rank=B&piebald1=4&legtype=10&tailtype=3&pointscolor=4&brindle=2&eyes=7&muzzletype=1&muzzlecolor=5&headtype=10&ears=1&shoulder=3&backtype=5&backcolor=40&speckletype=3&specklecolor=4&eecolor=2&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=4&leopard=2&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=40&bel=40&som=4 Edited at November 18, 2017 09:51 PM by Destinations End

Game Moderator Neutral
Got it.
It had a weird " href=" " at the very beginning of the custom link, which isn't a part of what custom links generate as, so I don't know why it was there. Removing it from the beginning of the link fixed the problem
So either press edit on your post and copy the fixed link and paste it where you are wanting it, or if you're using multiple links, make sure there's no ' href=" ' at the beginning of the link, and if there is, remove it manually before posting it. Edited at November 18, 2017 09:54 PM by Destinations End
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Thank you so much! Im not sure how that got there but Ill be sure to keep this in mind!

Game Moderator Neutral