
I bred my wolf to someone else's wolf, and they had no spaces left in their den. They were born today sometime, but were lost. Is there any way I can get them back again? Can I find them in free range somewhere?

Unfortunately there's no way to get them back. Edited at November 18, 2017 04:57 PM by Evanescence

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Evanescence said: Unfortunately there's no way to get them back. However if you're premium you'll get the pups even with no den space.
Premiums lose pups due to no den space as well. Please do not spread false information.

Game Moderator Neutral
Evanescence said: Unfortunately there's no way to get them back. However if you're premium you'll get the pups even with no den space.
Please don't spread false information. Premium members don't have unlimited space for pups. If we have no room, we loose the pups too
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Can't you have negative den spots though?

Game Moderator Neutral
Evanescence said: Can't you have negative den spots though?
No. If you see a premium user with negative den space, that's because they are using the breeding specialization. After completing all the levels, the users using that specialization receive three extra den spaces, that will show as negative to basic users when they view the dens of those users with those slots filled. Or a positive number of open slots, but 1-3 less than the user actually has. Like currently I don't have the three slots filled I received from the breeding specialization, but you probably won't see I have those extra open den slots. You probably will see it say my den has four free slots, when I actually have seven unused den spaces, if you look at my den.
I'm unsure if basic users seeing it as negative is a bug or not, but it's not actually negative den space. It's impossible to have true negative spaces in your den. Edited at November 18, 2017 05:02 PM by Destinations End
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Can you get them back through free range? I have a second labor with no den spaces for that person too!

Game Moderator Darkseeker
MoonlitNight said: Can you get them back through free range? I have a second labor with no den spaces for that person too!
Since runaway pups are not generated into the game, there is no way to get them back.