
Celtic decor: How do people get Celtic decor? I've seen it around, but is it a premium thing? Like something only premiums can buy? Just curious on how people get it. I know it can be won in the events but is that the only way to get it other then trying to buy it from other packs?
Jasmine: Can Jasmine be found in exploring? If so, which terrain and what level on the terrain? If not, can I get it some where other then buying from other packs?
Sorry if this is too much at once, I tend to ramble a lot, sorry.

Howling Storm said:
Celtic decor: How do people get Celtic decor? I've seen it around, but is it a premium thing? Like something only premiums can buy? Just curious on how people get it. I know it can be won in the events but is that the only way to get it other then trying to buy it from other packs?
Jasmine: Can Jasmine be found in exploring? If so, which terrain and what level on the terrain? If not, can I get it some where other then buying from other packs?
Sorry if this is too much at once, I tend to ramble a lot, sorry.
Celtic decor was a part of March's event for St.Patricks day. The event was to get as many shamrocks as you could, this lasted all month long. And when you got to 300 shamrocks, they gave you a Celtic decor. Anyone could get it as long as they explored a lot. This is the only way to obtain it other than buying it from another pack who already won one.
As for Jasmine, yes you do find it in explore. It can be found in any terrain, you just have to fight a mythical creature to get the Jasmine.

FallenSunwolves said:
Howling Storm said:
Celtic decor: How do people get Celtic decor? I've seen it around, but is it a premium thing? Like something only premiums can buy? Just curious on how people get it. I know it can be won in the events but is that the only way to get it other then trying to buy it from other packs?
Jasmine: Can Jasmine be found in exploring? If so, which terrain and what level on the terrain? If not, can I get it some where other then buying from other packs?
Sorry if this is too much at once, I tend to ramble a lot, sorry.
Celtic decor was a part of March's event for St.Patricks day. The event was to get as many shamrocks as you could, this lasted all month long. And when you got to 300 shamrocks, they gave you a Celtic decor. Anyone could get it as long as they explored a lot. This is the only way to obtain it other than buying it from another pack who already won one.
As for Jasmine, yes you do find it in explore. It can be found in any terrain, you just have to fight a mythical creature to get the Jasmine.
Ah, thank you!
