
(I'm sorry if somebody did this already. It took awhile to write) So, I opened a link posted in chat awhile ago, to the forums. It was a roleplay. I didn't want to join the roleplay, and I did not subscribe to it. I promise. I just sorta closed the page, all normal like. I didn't care about the roleplay. I left, it should not have kept messing with me. But for some reason, I keep getting mail, saying that someone has replied to a forum topic, which is strange, because at the moment, I'm not subscribed to anything. So, I go find out where the forum thinks that I want to be. I read the title, and guess what? It's that roleplay I didn't want to join! It subscribed me. On it's own. See, I open the link to find out WHAT IS GOING ON, and I get the message - Oops, You're already Subscribed - So, I do the logical thing and just unsubscribe. I have no interest in this roleplay. Later, I get more mail. From the same forum topic. You know what it is. Now I have four messages from this roleplay that I did not subscribe to, and more to come. I'll say. I'm kinda mad.
Edited at January 8, 2018 09:35 AM by Moon Reincarnate

welp. I know what happened. just cleaning up my embarrassing existence. Edited at January 8, 2018 09:34 AM by Moon Reincarnate

When you suscribes, the link changes. So if you use that link again, it will tell you it already subscribed because the link "tries" to get you subscribed.
Someone just sent that link in chat and you clicked. WAPOOSH you got subscribed. Just unsubscribe and watch the top of the page next time.
Happened to me too, just directly unsubscribed
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=1&t=800&p=13398&s=y See that &s=y? Remove that and the link is normal. s=y means subscribe=yes Edited at August 11, 2017 02:58 PM by Absolute

i am not sure but if the person clicks subscribe and then copies the link and posts it, when some other person clicks that link it automatically makes them subscribe
Edited at August 11, 2017 02:58 PM by Shining Lotus Moons

Ok. I really hope that works, because this really kind of upsetting.

It happened to me too! I'm glad I know how to fix it now, haha