
Hello, well I'm kinda new here and I was wondering what does talent for? Wolves can have 1 talent, 2 talent or more, some have 0.
Does it effect their stats? Can someone assign a "talent" to their wolf? My alphas got 0 talents.

A talent is something a wolf is born with you can not assign them. The only way to change a number of talents a wolf has is going into custom maker and adding some other than that there is no other way. A wolf that has a talent depending on what it is adds 20 CP to a wolves skill so if a wolf had one talent in stealth there would be 20 CP in the skill stealth. ^^

Alright! I get it now. Thank you for the information :)

Fluffy said: Alright! I get it now.Thank you for the information :)
No problem. ^^