
What exactly are wolf defects? Is it good or bad to have a pup born with a defect?

Game Moderator Neutral
Defects are normal, realistic birth defects a wolf can be born with randomly.
Some don't affect anything, some change the coat, amd some subtract various total CP that can be given in certain stats
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=29&t=101 < explains all the defects and which do nothing, which change the coat, and which deduct from total stat(s) for the CP cap(s) Edited at July 22, 2017 09:55 AM by Destinations End
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What affects do boosts have on a wolf???

FlowerClan said: What affects do boosts have on a wolf???
Divine adds 50 health and all the other ones make it so that you can add more cp on a skill for you wolf for example wolf with crushing strength has 250 cp in battle instead of 200. Edited at July 22, 2017 12:11 PM by Golden silence

Game Moderator Neutral
https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=29&t=102 Here's a guide with all the boosts
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Ohh ok, thx for the help and information :)