
Hello. Recently, I made a new avatar for myself, and put a lot of effort into editing it. However, it keeps getting taken down for reasons I am unaware of. The only thing in the image that wasn't made by me is the text, which I added using picmonkey. I looked at the game guide to see if there was anything I was missing, and I made some small changes to the image according to the guide. Unfortunately, it got taken down again. I would really like to know what steps I can take to avoid making any of these mistakes in the future. I hope that I haven't broken any rules by using this avatar, as I would hate to do so.
Here's the avatar I used: [ MOD EDIT: Removed for hotlinking. ]
If this question seems silly, then I apologize. I understand why the staff has strict copyright rules in place, and I would like to follow them as much as possible. Edited at June 15, 2017 05:43 PM by Ducky

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
I think it could also be the flowers and/or purple sheet across them. Where did you get those from? If the flowers/etc. photos were taken by you, you should definitely state that on your artwork. If they were not taken by you and you don't own them, you need to search down the original photographer and ensure that the picture is free-use/allowed to be edited/stock. Here's more on stock images: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=4&t=100
If you're still unsure, I recommend PMing a moderator as they will probably know why the image was taken down. ^^ Edited at June 15, 2017 01:41 PM by Sahara
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The flower picture was taken by me, as well as the blue background, which is just a heavily cropped image of a night sky. The only reason why I haven't PM'd a mod is because I don't exactly know how to prove this, other than showing them the original images.

Well the picture itself put aside, if the link is the one you are trying to upload it would fall under hotlinking. DA is not an acceptable hosting location and you will need to upload it to a site like tinypic, post image, or a similar site. For a full list of acceptable site for image hosting check out this topic: https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=4&t=42
On a side note mods should have contacted you about what was specifically wrong with the image when it was removed. So never be afraid to contact them if they don't. It is part of their job to assist members with avatars but I feel (from my own experience) that a lot of times members, especially new ones, fear that doing so would be a hindrance.

Game Moderator Neutral
I'm unsure if anything else was the reason for it being reset other than hotlinking, but if that's the link you used, upload it to an image hosting site as mentioned by Silver Souls in their message above. It's very likely that was the issue
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Ok. Thanks so much for all the help, I really appreciate it!

My avatar was just deleted again, even though I used a link from tinypic =\

Game Moderator Darkseeker
That may have been me. There was an avatar I misclicked and accidentally reset. If you re-upload your avatar (sorry about the excessive uploads), I'll see what's going on.
