
How do you add images into your forum posts directly from wolfplay (Without an image hosting site)? I read the HTML Guide, and it said to just copy and paste the link and it will automatically be converted into an image. However, I've tried this and it still stayed a link. (The reason I'm not using an image hosting site is because I want to host a contest, and I want people to see all the information of the wolf without any complications.)
Thank you!

You just take the URL of the wolf and post it, that's all.

I'll try that, thanks. https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1282789

Okay, got it! The first couple times I did it, the URL just stayed put and nothing happened. I feel slightly dumb now ><

I have another questions related to this. How do you post images through an image hosting site (as a hyperlink)? Thanks! Edited at May 19, 2017 01:27 PM by Mirikuta

Same concept, copy the direct link and paste it and it'll show as the image when you've posted it ^^

Kodiak said: Same concept, copy the direct link and paste it and it'll show as the image when you've posted it ^^
Hmm.. let me try that. :)
(EDIT: Didn't work out for me, any help appreciated!) Edited at May 19, 2017 07:02 PM by Mirikuta

Mirikuta said:
Kodiak said: Same concept, copy the direct link and paste it and it'll show as the image when you've posted it ^^
Hmm.. let me try that. :)
(EDIT: Didn't work out for me, any help appreciated!)
Copy the link labeled "direct link"

Vivacity said:
Mirikuta said:
Hmm.. let me try that. :)
(EDIT: Didn't work out for me, any help appreciated!)
Copy the link labeled "direct link"
I'm not too sure what you mean by that (I apologize for my lack of knowledge).

In tinypic if you look down the line of links on the side, the bottom one says "Direct Link for Layouts"