
How do I type in italic, bold, underlined on my bio?

Game Moderator Neutral
< i > italics < / i >
< b > bold < / b >
< u > underlined < / u >
Remove all the spaces to make it work correctly
< center > centered text < / center > Edited at April 17, 2017 02:29 AM by Destinations End
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Destinations End said: < i > italics < / i >
< b > bold < / b >
< u > underlined < / u >
Remove all the spaces to make it work correctly
< center > centered text < / center >
Thank you!

//Wolf// Said:
- superscript
- superscript
- small text - code
- bold - italics - underline - heading 1 - heading 2 - heading 3 - heading 4 - heading 5 - unordered list- - list item
- paragraph - center - preformated text - div - blockquote - strikethrough - strong

- strong This is a easy code if not try this next one. Well all of them
<div style="margin: 10px;"> - bold - italics - underline - heading 1 - heading 2 - heading 3 - heading 4 - heading 5 - unordered list- - list item
- paragraph - center - preformated text