
A few moments ago, I began to post on forum games, and came across this one.. after typing up a post, and submitting it, what I had was deleted/not posted, and this message appeared.
I don't really know if this is supposed to happen.. but if so, anyone else find it kind of odd to not be able to post on a forum game because of this? Edited at December 9, 2017 03:59 AM by Bruce Wayne

It would be wise to cover the name of the pack that blocked you, ideally cover the entire forum post too.

I'm just trying to provide proof.. but thank you for informing me. :p

Bruce Wayne said: I'm just trying to provide proof.. but thank you for informing me. :p
It's close to naming and shaming is all. If they've blocked you, they likely don't want to show up in your forum topics either ^w^ Didn't want a mod telling you off. Edited at December 9, 2017 03:51 AM by Tears of the Sun

Ah, gotcha. ^^ Edited at December 9, 2017 03:57 AM by Bruce Wayne