
https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=1434427 Why is it then when I advertise decent pups (HERO stats, bonuses etc.) for sale - often for 0 mushrooms - do people buy them and then immediately free-range them?
I often advertise my decent pups for 0 mushrooms; not because I don't care/want them, but because I think that young dens and new starters may benefit from a young pup of good breeding with good stats; instead they are often bought by established dens and either retired or free-ranged immediately.
Am I missing something, or is this just a technique used to prevent newer dens from establishing them selves and becoming successful?

There are quests that you can gain mush from and some say to free range an amount of wolves. So wolves for 0 or cheap will be seen as people getting easy mush. It has nothing to do with preventing newer dens from prospering. It might be more helpful to name the wolves (Don't Free range) so that people know you actually want the wolves to go to a loving home.

Some people use wolves for sale at 0 to complete a quest, there is one where someone has to Free range a wolf.

If you put a wolf up for free, somebodies going to buy it and once they do, it's their choice to do whatever with it. Even if you did name it something like DoNot FreeRange you wouldn't have authority to tell them not to, once its in their den, There isn't any technique, it's just that people want to finish quests and if you are selling wolves for free, chances are they'll be bought for one reason or another. Don't be offended by it, it happens, if you don't want this to happen don't sell them for free.

Complaining about the game and other members is NOT allowed. I will be Locking this topic. Edited at August 29, 2017 06:43 PM by Aven