
Info Welcome to Green Fields! We are a horse boarding, breeding estate and club with regular shows and events for you and your equestrian buddy! ... Our estate includes acres of forest and trails, with the coast nearing the east. We have a large stables with enough stalls for everyone, in the same building is our indoor arena and outside we have a small paddock. We have 5 fields suitable for your horses to spend their days and two outdoor arenas. ... We take everyone from beginners to professionals, fillies to mares and colts to stallions. Of course you may also take your other furry friends as long as they are deemed well enough trained.

Fay|14|Female Fay rushed through the tall wooden stable doors and ran flat out through the block of stalls towards the one she knew her horse occupied. Her feet pounded the concrete floor, and she tried to step lightly as to not disturb the horses in the silent building. A bunch of carrots which she had brought for her fiery horse swung by her side to the rhythm of her quick pace. Loping along beside her was Luna, her stride graceful and swift, making no noise as she pranced beside the human, tongue lolling, tail wagging feverishly. Edited at March 2, 2022 04:20 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕

Ollie | 17 | Female | Kahlua Leaning against the stall door of her own horse's stall, Ollie observed the younger girl as she ran. Her lips quirked up into something like a half-smile, though really the trainer in her was screaming to tell the youth to stop running. She said nothing, absently stroking Kahlua's (comparitively) dark muzzle as he stuck his head out of the headwindow, nickering for carrots that he would not recieve. "Those aren't for you," She chastized to the stallion, patting his forehead. With the other hand she took a long sip of her coffee. It was far too early for her to want to be awake, but alas, horses had to be worked before it got too hot. To that end, she toyed with the halter hanging from the stall door. Kahlua's ears perked in response. Edited at March 2, 2022 04:25 PM by Moth

Fay|14|Female Panting slightly the pair halted before a stall bearing a gold coloured black labeled 'Nox'. "Hey boy" she called into the straw strewn space and the inky stallion stretched his head out over the gate, pushing slightly against the girl. Fay laughed, "You after these?" she asked, separating a single carrot from the bunch and holding it out for the stallion. As Nox ate Fay glanced around and saw the older girl a few stalls down, she smiled at her in greeting |

Noi | 19 | Male He smiled as he made his way into the barn, passing the people inside. His speedy steps, and hitched breathing was all that filled his ears. He soon saw his horse who was looking around the stall. Now Noi was no professional, and only started riding a few months ago. Yet he still tries to learn, he and his horse worked together quite well. ”Indigo, girl.” He spoke calmly through hitched breaths. The mentioned black and white paint horse turned to face him, and made her way over to the Mexican.
Elloise | 17 | Female The seemingly shy girl sipped her hot chocolate, as she watched her horse shake his blond mane. She soon glanced around the barn, that's when her eyes settled on her only human friend Noi. She then glanced down at her now empty cup, so she made her way to a trash can.

Fay| 14 | Female "Wanna go a ride, boy?" she whispered to the horse who nuzzled her gently in response. "I'll be right back then, Nox!" she grinned, before spinning around and jogging towards the nearest tack room where she kept her stallion's tack and slipped inside. After gathering the bridle, girth and saddle she made her way out the room, hardly able to see over the saddle. Fay and Luna walked briskly along, and with a jolt she bumped into someone, "Sorry! Sorry." she apologized quickly and hurried off, not checking who it was

Alex|17|Female She walked up to Candys stall carrying tack as happy as could be. In her pocket was the tops of carrets and in her other pocket was a apple for Candy. "You want to go for a ride?" She asked Candy as she approached her stall. she put her tack on the stall door and reached into her pocket and removed the scarlet red apple and reached her hand out to candy. Candy|5|Mare Her head stuck out the stall to see Alex coming. A smell came off of alex and she got excited. The smell of carrots and an apple made her hungry. When Alex got to the stall and gave her the apple she took it as Alex opened the stall door and started her tack on. As she ate she heard alex call her a good girl and petting her neck.

Fay| 14 | Female She and Luna, rushed into the stall, "Hello, boy!" greeted Fay, placing the tack on the stall door. "Hmmm, where should we go? We could work in the arena or go on a hack" she murmered as she started tacking the stallion up, heaving the girth tighter. "You're going to be a good boy today and let me put on the bridle aren't you?" she cooed as she stood by his withers. After a few attempts in which Nox decided to be a stubborn attention seeker, she managed to get the bit in his mouth and then the rest was easy. Fay threw the reins over her boy's head and untied the lead rope, opening the stall door and leading the tall stallion out of his stall.

Noi | 19 | Male Noi grinned as he petted the mares black muzzle. ”Good girl, come on let's head out on a ride.” He said, he soon took his head away from Indigos head. Instead he used his hands to unlock the stall door, he soon opened the stall door after grabbing a leather leash. He then clicked the lead onto the gypse vanners purple rope halter. Soon the sound of hoof steps and footsteps filled his ears as he led his horse. Elloise | 17 | Female As the teen made her way to a plastic trash bin, she soon felt a horse hit her. ”Sorry! I should've paid more attention!” She was quick to respond, she saw that the female and her horse had left rather quickly. Which she didn't mind as she didn't want to interact with anyone at the moment. She continued her way to the trash can, as she neared it she through the no longer steaming paper cup into the bin. She then started her way back to her horse.

Fay| 14 | Female "Sorry for hitting you earlier!" she called out to the older girl as her hands fumbled, tying up the lead rope, "I could barely see over that damn saddle". After finally tying up said lead rope she coaxed Nox over to a mounting block which sat beside the wall. She clambered up and gently vaulted onto her horse, patting his neck. Excited to be back on her horse she rode the black beauty in a gentle circle Edited at March 2, 2022 05:35 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕