Tama has a robin egg blue sort of harness that he has to wear every time he goes outside and he's still not really used to it so he walks around like a drunk lizard (it's very funny).
We don't usually put it on him until the middle of April so he can get used to it and go outside when it's warm enough (It's only recently getting warm where I am) so I put it on him again today and little does he know, he's going outside today 👀
Last time he went out he still walked around like a drunk lizard but he's super cute to watch just roam around and there's some cats outside today so hopefully they'll be able to socialize today :3
I'm just very happy that Tama gets to go outside finally (We got him only last August)
Here's a few pictures of Tama 'cause I feel like showing off how cute he is:

I feel like this goes without saying but credit to me for the pictures