
Looking to start making non-horse adoptable art xD Prices Basic Text Avatars (like mine) - 50 mush Pre-mades TBC Animal OC Designs (I will do any given I can find a lineart/base) - 200-500 Mush (depending on complexity) Form Pack Name: Request: Details: Link to Wolf if relevant: I won't accept work that I am not comfortable doing or is not in my style :) DO NOT RESELL FOR PROFIT Edited at August 25, 2024 12:48 AM by FrankandBeans

Silly Colour OC Ferrets 250 Mush per ferret Reply in the thread which number you want to claim and once mush is transferred I will send you the ferret Let me know if you want to name it Red & Black Basic Set 600 Mush Avi only - 300 Mush Add any quote/text/pack number Basic Pride Collection 600 Mush Avi only - 300 Mush Add any quote/text/pack number ANY FLAG HERE, SPECIFY IN FORM (Specify nose/eye/ear accent colors if you want something specific) YOUR WOLF HERE IN THE STYLE OF THE ABOVE AVATARS, PLEASE LINK TO WOLF - BASIC TEXT BANNER INCLUDED IN SET 1000 Mush Avi only - 600 Mush Add any quote/text/pack number Edited at August 29, 2024 05:58 AM by FrankandBeans

Pack Name: Salom_ Request: Animal design Details: they have a really shy, soft personality so a line art that sort of reflects that (or at least doesn't seem like the character is super confident) would be awesome! :)

Pack Name: Inferno Abyss Request: Premade Custom Details: I like the color ring set, if you could do that one with my character below with the ring being a navy blue like her pelt? And I would like a banner to go with it, preferably in a gray/black color set. Link to Wolf if relevant: RavenOther: Also, what is your apple to mush ratio? If you take apples of course :)
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Lovely! Would you like the same wolf line, a new one or up to me? I'm not sure of the apple market since I'm a returning player but I've seen others say 1 apple to 800 mush so let's go with that haha I absolutely take apples :) Just plain text banner? :) Inferno Abyss said: Pack Name: Inferno Abyss Request: Premade Custom Details: I like the color ring set, if you could do that one with my character below with the ring being a navy blue like her pelt? And I would like a banner to go with it, preferably in a gray/black color set. Link to Wolf if relevant: RavenOther: Also, what is your apple to mush ratio? If you take apples of course :)

The same wolf line will work ^-^ That works for me <3 I'll pay in apples and mush then :) Well. . .I'd pay more if there was a way for you to put her into the banner with the words "Fly. Fall. Live." :3 Maybe like...her in one corner and wings/feathers in the other around the words?
Or just feathers floating around the words <3
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Pack Name: Salom_ Request: Horse commission! This guy fully grown please! As far as personality, he's a very energetic stallion. He has lots of energy and is worked in western, particularly reining and barrel racing from time to time. He's built for work and loves doing any showing where he can go fast and show off his power. Hopefully that helps give you an idea of what kind of lines to do!

Pack Name: Inferno Abyss Request: Avatar and banner Details: For the avatar, could you use this line? And for the banner, this one ( Rouge on the right, Void on the left) with my name beside it. Link to Wolf if relevant: This boy: Rouge for avatar. Rouge and Void for banner. Don't include the nose ring but if possible, include the golden cuff earrings on his left ear. Other: If lines don't work, let me know and I'll find another one :)
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Accepted <3 Inferno Abyss said: Pack Name: Inferno Abyss Request: Avatar and banner Details: For the avatar, could you use this line? And for the banner, this one ( Rouge on the right, Void on the left) with my name beside it. Link to Wolf if relevant: This boy: Rouge for avatar. Rouge and Void for banner. Don't include the nose ring but if possible, include the golden cuff earrings on his left ear. Other: If lines don't work, let me know and I'll find another one :)