Hello there! This is my first PWYW shop so bear with me.
| Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please move it! |
I am now coming back to this finally however, it will be a bit slower as I'm not putting pressure to get these done. This is a PWYW shop and I'll be taking a max of 2 commissions at a time. There will be a limited waitlist now so that I do get to people who are waiting. I do not draw. I'll make that clear right now. You give me a line-art and a character and I'll fill it in. Shading is iffy right as I'm experimenting with it so it'll be random.
This is Pay What You Want but there are Tiers:
Tier # :: What it is :: Minimum price
Tier 1:: Fullbodies :: 300 mush
Tier 2:: Reference sheets :: 600 mush
Tier 3: Blending colors/Complex characters :: 1 apple (900 mush)
| Mods, if this is in the wrong place, please move it! |
I am now coming back to this finally however, it will be a bit slower as I'm not putting pressure to get these done. This is a PWYW shop and I'll be taking a max of 2 commissions at a time. There will be a limited waitlist now so that I do get to people who are waiting. I do not draw. I'll make that clear right now. You give me a line-art and a character and I'll fill it in. Shading is iffy right as I'm experimenting with it so it'll be random.
This is Pay What You Want but there are Tiers:
Tier # :: What it is :: Minimum price
Tier 1:: Fullbodies :: 300 mush
Tier 2:: Reference sheets :: 600 mush
Tier 3: Blending colors/Complex characters :: 1 apple (900 mush)
How this will work:
I will have 2 slots open and a waiting list of 3 slots. You will provide a line-art and your character you want in those lines. The lines must be F2U. I will check them to make sure they are. I will not do P2U ones for the time being.
As these are on my own time, the time can range from 1-2 days to 2-3 weeks. Depends on how I feel. I will let you know when I begin working on yours. If I feel like your character is too complicated, I will tell you. When I am finished, I will send you the art and you will send me what you think it's worth. I'm leaving that completely up to you guys.
- Be nice -
- Be nice -
- Don't PM me constantly asking when your art will be done. -
- If I feel that I can not do your OC, don't be mad if I deny the form. You can always come back with another one. -
- I will not do descriptions. I need to have a reference please. -
- I will not do descriptions. I need to have a reference please. -
- Please Note! If you are ordering a fullbody, you need a fullbody reference for me to go off of. The watermark (if applied) can not cover the whole thing. I will not be constantly messaging you about this. -
- No NSFW period. I will do certain clothed anthro lines but none of the other. Keep it SFW please. -
- When you order, please wait until your current order is completed before posting another one. -
- When ordering, no more than two at a time. I will not do more than 2 per person unless you have been given permission to. And when I say two, I mean 2 lines or 2 characters. -
- When ordering, no more than two at a time. I will not do more than 2 per person unless you have been given permission to. And when I say two, I mean 2 lines or 2 characters. -
- I also reserve the right to refuse to choose OC's. Please specify which OC you would like me to do. -
::: |~~~~~| :::
I didn't think I would have to put these in but here it is:
I will NOT do your character if it has any of the following ::
- Excess amount of spots or stripes -
- Complex markings such as circles, spots, overabundance of color overlaps, etc. -
- Galaxy themes -
No examples of these for the time being but if you are unsure, you can always give me a PM ^-^
If you do not send me payment in the span of 3 days of me sending the art (unless PMed otherwise), you will be put on this list. I will not do art for the following packs due to payment not being sent:
::: |~~~~~| :::
I didn't think I would have to put these in but here it is:
I will NOT do your character if it has any of the following ::
- Excess amount of spots or stripes -
- Complex markings such as circles, spots, overabundance of color overlaps, etc. -
- Galaxy themes -
No examples of these for the time being but if you are unsure, you can always give me a PM ^-^
If you do not send me payment in the span of 3 days of me sending the art (unless PMed otherwise), you will be put on this list. I will not do art for the following packs due to payment not being sent:
- Dawn of the Sky
Can do:
Can do:
Ferals (big cats, dogs, wolves, etc. etc.)
Certain antrhos (clothes must be part of the line-art)
Certain antrhos (clothes must be part of the line-art)
Small gear (necklaces, bracelets, etc)
Might try:
Certain bigger gear
Might try:
Certain bigger gear
Won't do:
Won't do:
Humans / Humanoids
Wings (unless it comes on the line-art)
WP wolves
You can find my latest artwork here and here.
All wolves are my own characters.
Credits for the base goes to AnokyLioness on DA.
A commission example for High Hills pack, featuring two of their characters:

Credits for the base goes to Draconic King on DA.
PM me for references and more examples.
WP wolves
You can find my latest artwork here and here.
All wolves are my own characters.
Credits for the base goes to AnokyLioness on DA.
A commission example for High Hills pack, featuring two of their characters:

Credits for the base goes to Draconic King on DA.
PM me for references and more examples.