
Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Feel like doing a lil sketch design for someone, I don't know ahah. Looking to design a naturalish feral canine, can be any type of canid :> Few things to keep in mind, this is first come, first served. No reservations, no 'claims', you need to post an entirely finished form with all the information on it. Any design created will follow my terms of service. This is a free design, it may not be resold without additional purchased art added to it. ❌ Designs may not be resold for a higher price than they were bought for unless additional art is added. ❌Designs may not be bought with the sole purpose of reselling. ❌Don't claim my design as yours, lol. Credits appreciated whenever possible. Please credit my toyhouse, Ammonite when posting offsite, and my pack name/number, Eternity 157083, when posting on WP. With that over with! Onto the info. It'll be a sketchy design, nothing *too* fancy. Can be feral, humanoid or anthro. It'll look something like the examples below, but may be a little more simple. The first examples are more likely what it'll be like - the later examples are to show some different OC aesthetics. [Artwork [c]157083.]      And here's what you need to post on the thread: Pack Name: Pack Number: OC species: OC palette: [What colours you're after for your OC] OC Aesthetic: [This could be clothing types for humanoid OCs, or markings, general vibe, all that good stuff.] Anything else: [If you can think of anything else] Edited at June 13, 2024 07:46 PM by Eternity

Pack Name: Kobeni Pack Number: 296007 OC species: Human kinda ish OC palette: Brown, purple, gold, and grey OC Aesthetic: Face marking, crop tops, chains Anything else: Something scary works, many eyes, maybe four arms? Something out of the human box but still humanoid.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Kobeni said: Pack Name: Kobeni Pack Number: 296007 OC species: Human kinda ish OC palette: Brown, purple, gold, and grey OC Aesthetic: Face marking, crop tops, chains Anything else: Something scary works, many eyes, maybe four arms? Something out of the human box but still humanoid.
Sick I can work with that Edited at December 18, 2023 10:54 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Omg another one, this time I'm looking for a feral canine. Can have cool accessories n that, will be sketchy still. Here's the design I completed for Toffive [just a few months late, cough] [c]157083 

Oh my god uh uh uh Pack Name: Sollecura Pack Number: 307731 OC species: Wolf, or any feral big canid OC palette: Reds and darker greyscale, more of a natural, darker design OC Aesthetic: Would love a more gothic look, like vampire-esque :3 would love silver piercings, maybe longer canines? Anything else: Would love it to be female (I love hoarding pretty girls <3) Edited at June 13, 2024 08:27 PM by Sollecura

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Sollecura said: Oh my god uh uh uh Pack Name: Sollecura Pack Number: 307731 OC species: Wolf, or any feral big canid OC palette: Reds and darker greyscale, more of a natural, darker design OC Aesthetic: Would love a more gothic look, like vampire-esque :3 would love silver piercings, maybe longer canines? Anything else: Would love it to be female (I love hoarding pretty girls <3)
Heck yeah this sounds sick Edited at June 13, 2024 08:33 PM by Eternity

Game Moderator Neutral
Darn and I had a tab with a form ready XD It's fine lol
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Sollecura said: Oh my god uh uh uh Pack Name: Sollecura Pack Number: 307731 OC species: Wolf, or any feral big canid OC palette: Reds and darker greyscale, more of a natural, darker design OC Aesthetic: Would love a more gothic look, like vampire-esque :3 would love silver piercings, maybe longer canines? Anything else: Would love it to be female (I love hoarding pretty girls <3)
Okay lowkey I don't think this is quite what you're going for but I am a little obsessed with her [c]157083  Fei Whoops, sorry ahah! Gotta be quick here </3 Edited at June 13, 2024 11:28 PM by Eternity