
A list of all the crafting recipes. For a full list of items, relics, and their uses on Wolfplay, please see this guide here. NO-USE ITEMS These items are simply appraised and sold to Montak. Craftables | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bead Necklace | Red Bead | Blue Bead | Yellow Bead | Orange Bead | Green Bead | Black/White Bead Necklace | White Bead 1 | White Bead 2 | Black Bead 1 | Black Bead 2 | Grey Bead | Painted Pottery | Painted Pottery Shards 1 | Painted Pottery Shards 2 | Painted Pottery Shards 3 | | | Geometric Bowl | Geometric Bowl Shard 1 | Geometric Bowl Shard 2 | Geometric Bowl Shard 3 | | | Ushabti | Ushabti Shards 1 | Ushabti Shards 2 | Ushabti Shards 3 | | | Tripod Bowl | Tripod Bowl Shards 1 | Tripod Bowl Shards 2 | Tripod Bowl Shards 3 | | | Sword | Sword Piece 1 | Sword Piece 2 | Sword Piece 3 | | | . USEABLE ITEMS These items actually do things. Craftables | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Knowledge | Dreadlocks | Apple Core | Bullet Casings | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . BARTER ITEMS Barter & Explore Found | Name | Desc | 1 | 2 | 3 | Bronze Figurine | Adds 20 CP, bought for 60 mush | Bronze Shards 1 | Bronze Shards 2 | Bronze Shards 3 | Chinese Pottery | Adds 20 Explore Moves, bought for 20 mush | Ceramic Shards 1 | Ceramic Shards 2 | Ceramic Shards 3 | Health Potion | Restores health of one wolf, bought for 10 mush | Lion's Claw | Chamomile | Aloe Leaf | . Herbs, Potions, and the Greenhouse Herbs and seeds can be found in explore. Seeds can only be grown by a premium member. Potions are craftable only. | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Greenhouse | Wood Planks | Roll of Plastic | Greenhouse Door | Greenhouse Window | Greenhouse Roof | Red Potion (Infected Wounds) | Basil | Rosemary | | | | Green Potion (Broken Tails) | Cilantro | Chervil | | | | Yellow Potion (Injured Paws) | Mint | Caraway | | | | . Craftable Pup Toys | Name | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bird Basket | Feathers | Dead Sparrow | | | | Bone Bouquet | Rat Skull | Femur Bone | | | | Squirmy Basket | Mouse | Box Turtle | Salamander | | | Creepy Crawly Basket | Worm | Rhinoceros Beetle | Stick | | | Original credits to Sherlock for this guide. Edited at June 14, 2022 12:27 AM by Vennenum

What about the box turtle pup toy?

PrincessNorn said: What about the box turtle pup toy?
That is a pup toy you can give your pup for randomly distributed CP. I can't remember what attribute at this very moment. Edited at January 4, 2018 10:13 AM by Aven

Pup toys don't go to specific attributes. They give 1-5 CP in a random attribute, either battle, resolve, agility, stealth, luck or perception. Edited at January 6, 2018 02:22 AM by DuckGoesRawr

What is Pieces of Eight worth?

what are jugs, bone flutes, and rabbit skins worth if you sell them?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Jugs, Bone flutes, and pieces of eight have no set value and are better off being sold to Montak (Realm > Montak's).
Rabbit skins are generally worthless as rabbits are easy to find.

I don't want to bother you, but what can silver coins be used for?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
Wild Wonders-- These can be sold at Realm > Montak's. They have no other use.

Aven said: Pup Toys Pup toys are given to pup (1-year old wolves) to give them 1-5 Character Points. The CP is placed at a random amount in the following attributes; Worm: Resolve Salamander: Agility Rhinoceros Beetle: Resolve Femur Bone: Resolve Feathers: Resolve Dead Sparrow: Agility Original credits to Sherlock for this guide.
Aven said:
PrincessNorn said: What about the box turtle pup toy?
That is a pup toy you can give your pup for randomly distributed CP. I can't remember what attribute at this very moment.
Kodiak said: Pup toys don't go to specific attributes. They give 1-5 CP in a random attribute, either battle, resolve, agility, stealth, luck or perception.
Hmm... Now I'm more confused. Looks like some mods are saying specific pup toys give a random amount of cp in a specific attribute rather than in a random attribute, while another says the opposite. Am I mis-reading something? I've seen conflicting answers to this in chat, players bios, and in posting a help me question. Was pleased to find this page thinking I'd read a definitive answer, but instead found what looks like different mods posting opposite statements. Which is correct? Why is there such confusion on this topic?
Edited at June 10, 2022 01:50 AM by Vennenum