This Roleplay is a very flexable, you can post when you want, leave when you want, you dont have to do a sign up or description but if you want a description go for it. The plot is all up to only what happens. You can choose to live in the forests, in the older timed village, or the city. This is set in different time periods, the forests
being more of a primal era, the village more of a mideaval era, and the city more modern. Weather is set to be more spring related for now. you can have as many characters as you want or can handle. dont control other peoples characters. yes, fights and romance are allowed, just keep it pg-13. other than that, do what you must, have fun, and be free.
Cross Fate city concept by Adimono on Deviant Art

Medieval village by barbeaulex on Deviant Art

Mystic Forest by JitoDesigns on Deviant Art