
"Dont carry thyme and yarrow at the same time" she yawned Edited at February 27, 2022 08:38 PM by Karmas pet

First of all, I'd like to say that this is a very relaxed RP, open for single sentences or complete chapter books XD, Just have some fun! ... Have you ever watched X-men? Well this is a bit like that, in a narrowminded world, certain individuals are given special 'talents' as some call it but a more accurate term would be powers. ... You are one of them ... Can you freeze water with your mind? Or maybe you defy the laws of gravity! Any powers welcome, but don't make it too powerful and only one per person!

(Do we just- start?) ---------------------------------------------------------- (I'm just going to put this here lol I keep looking at it and going back and why not) --------------------------------------------------------- Name: Eva Age: 17 Appearance: Messy short black hair, short and thin, but agile, bright green eyes, small scar on her forehead above the left eye from an accident as a child Personality: She has a hard time trusting new people, but is overall kind. (Discovering her gift has scared her, and she is deeply confused, which honestly anyone would be) Gift: Confounding sight = (Telekenisis, Telepathy [which she has not gotten used to yet] having visions) Edited at February 13, 2022 05:21 PM by Violet meadows

Yup)) ... Rory's eyes snapped open, revealing green irises. Ugh, school. With a groan she forced herself out of bed, tail swishing slowly. Despite it being a quite literal target or her back, Rory was proud of it. The colours blending together in their sea of smooth, silky fur. Shame it had to hide. Edited at February 13, 2022 04:22 PM by Lupus Pack

(Lol can we imagine they're in the same school? Makes it easy) Eva's palm smashed against her alarm clock to stop the constant beeping. It was her first day at a new school since she moved. Her sore bones creaked as she stood up from her bed, and her head spun. She was nervous, but this new town was her new start, and that she needed. She didn't expect to make any friends, and neither did she say she needed any. Her bag swung around her shoulder, she sighed, and stepped out the door.

Yeah 0.0)) ... Sighing she started to prepare for her daily torture (Aka, school). Pulling out, joggers, baggy t-shirt and hoodie she got dressed. Hoping that today, as ussual, all the baggy stuff would hide the tail. Sighing she added her beenie, which covered her other ears, squashing them slightly. Now readyshe scooped up her bag, flung herself through the house and out the front door into the morning air Edited at February 13, 2022 04:47 PM by Lupus Pack

orrca was already awake, calm because he didnt go to school, he was homeschooled, but he sat outside the school, waiting for somone to talk to him and not be like his past "friends" he messed with his hair, finding soon that trying to flatten it was no use and giving up. he looked around with his emerald eyes, he had his usual attire on, blue jeans, his ying and yang hoodie, his green and black shoes, his pastel green baseball cap and white sunglasses, he sighed, watching the students run along as he sat on the tall-ish brick wall, short enough so he could get down but big enough so he could see over everyone

(You're character looks scarily like me lol, other than the wolf part and age. even my hair is even blonde, and I where a beanie almost everyday :'O) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ at school... As Eva walked in, she had to take a deep breath. The hallways flooded with teens. As she was barely walking through, very slowly with each step, but as she was walking through, she felt someone brush her shoulder. She turned around to see a younger blonde girl, looking into her eyes. Before she could process, the school disapeared, and right before her eyes she saw a wolf, growling, and she took a step back in confusion. As soon as she stepped back, the image went away and she was back in the school, falling backwards into a stranger. He caught her, and she immediatly appoligized, feeling akward. She couldn't tell if she was halucinating or what she saw was just from being so tired. She shook herself off and apoligized to the person behind who had caught her. Edited at February 13, 2022 05:10 PM by Violet meadows

Lol, #warmheads4life)) ... Rory trudged along the road to school,scared as usual, what if someone noticed her? She kept her eyes locked on the stone her feet were kicking along and pulled out her phone, flicking on spotify. Stopping for a second she tugged off her bag and groped inside, trying to grasp hold of her earphones. Glancing up she saw a boy sitting on the wall nearby. Embarrassed she looked back at her bag and snagged the wire of the earphones. ... Smiling she put them in and she was in her own world, she felt safer now. Magic. Edited at February 13, 2022 05:09 PM by Lupus Pack

orca saw the female look at him and look away and smiled, snorting slightly as if she would want to be your friend he thought to himself, but noticing he felt off when he saw her, as if something wasnt right Edited at February 13, 2022 05:10 PM by Karmas pet