
I have a bad problem of self doubt, I draw a little bit than I feel like it's not good enough than I just keep thinking why I can't do it correctly. This has been a huge problem for me and it's been blocking my way to drawing again. I've been drawing since I was 4 years old, I drew my current avatar a few years ago, I draw better now but theirs always I thought in my mind that holds me back. The reason why this is probably because I'm anti social, and I don't see many people.
Please help me! Edited at August 29, 2017 09:44 AM by FreedomsWolf

One thing to know about drawing is that you MUST make ugly stuff. As someone said on the internet somewhere, you need to make bad things to make okay things, okay things to make good things, and good things to make amazing things.
It is very hard, but don't ever conpare yourself to others. Instead, think of them as an inspiration -- they have made ugly things, but work made them where they are today.
Know that every day will make you better, and hopefully this helps!

Thank you this helps a lot!

Many artists post their drawings from a few years ago, and from what I've seen, literally nobody was good when they just started out. Talent is a myth (cliche, I know, but it's true).
You can look at those kinds of posts from amazing artists, and they really motivate me to keep drawing, because they are proof that anyone can get there with enough practise and experience.

I've been drawing since I was 4, but now I feel like I can't do anything. I drew my current avatar a few years ago.

Keep drawing, that's how you improve your art :3 Don't let the negative thoughts bring you down. Just believe in yourself. Believe me, it would be a pain for me to see my last year art or so.

I suffer from the same issue. Just realize what you draw is beautiful in it's own way. No one came out of the womb as a master. My drawings from last year were horrendous, and now, they are decent! One thing I do that helps, is to look at how much I have improved. <3

Just look at your drawings from when you were younger, and look at your drawings now! That helps to see how much you have improved! Maybe when you were 4, you made just scribbles and now you make beautiful wolves! That helps me, it should help you.

Keep drawing. You'll come to a point that you're satisfied with your work soon enough. I've drawn for a year now and I just now came to something I love. <span style="font-size: 15px;">