
Decided to make on of these to pass the time. I can and sometimes will do redlines, direct you to resources and give tips on just about anything that I have learned. Be it anatomy, color, etc. If you need to see my gallery, search the forum under 250005 and input Art Gallery for forum type.
My critiques are very honest but never will try to belittle you or your skills, only push you to improve. Remember: - You may not critque anyone elses' work, as they did not ask for your critque. - Keep converstaions to a minimum, thanks are always appreciated.
You may post. :) Edited at April 3, 2020 03:10 PM by Asterism

Here ya go! Thanks for doing this! Art by me, character belongs to Lucid Navy Edited at April 3, 2020 03:07 PM by Cirque deux Soleils

Isn't that made my lucid navy?

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
[c]157083 Not so much looking for stuff on the design- I know that's less than ideal-
Please just rip into the lineart, anatomy and concept lmao-

Vale It's Lucid's OC, but I'm pretty sure it's Soleils's art ^^ Probably a commission, if I had to guess. Edited at April 3, 2020 02:22 PM by Boundless

Boundless and Vale Yes - I'll put that on the post

This is a lineart I made a bit ago. I really don't know about the anatomy though..

Alright, sorry for the late responses. This one goes to @Cirque. I'll compliment you first on your dynamic pose work, your anatomy is at avery good point, and while there's still much to learn, you'll definitely be getting it in little to no time with practice. That being said, I'm going to highlight some issues I see with the piece:
• I can't identify where the muscles start or begin. There are no defining lines for bones, muscles, or anything you would see on the outside of a Doberman dog. It looks awfully flat and smushed. Look up references compare and study, and never study passively. Take notes, study and simplyfy the skeleton, look at the muscles and you'll understand why and where this goes here in a subject's body and why that wouldn't ever go there, etc. Study the body in shapes as well, and remember, our subject is 3D, not 2D, so use 3D shapes. I believe this will help with most if not all your anaotmy issues when drawing and learnign any new drawing subject, if you have further questions, feel free to Private Message.

Eternity said: [c]157083 Not so much looking for stuff on the design- I know that's less than ideal-
Please just rip into the lineart, anatomy and concept lmao-
Rip into it I shall. (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)ง
So, most of my issue is really with the anatomy, and design is really up to the artist and the appeal is up to the viewer. Your subject obviously doesn't exsist, seing as it fox like creature qith three legs. However, the legs, even though not relaists, still look wonky, the mouth is very much larger than the head, and the whole body seems a bit smushed. If you reference the advice I gave Cirque, use that as well. Also, loo up videos on tips how to draw creatures that aren't in our world. there are some amazing paleoartists and Songhorn Studio is a studio filled with artists creating new creatures based on imaginary skeletal structure. When it comes to the rest of the body, I say pratice from realistic reference while implementing your style into it. Mistakes will be made as it is a learning curve, but it isn't an issue. :)

peaches said: This is a lineart I made a bit ago. I really don't know about the anatomy though..
My advice is really the same, but really will change your anatomy outlook. If you look up Line of Action, they supply 5 - 6 hours drawing practices of different subjects that will help you get the flow of their anatomy and shape. That has really helped me before. Secondly, Don't use 2D shapes and circles to craft the body. Use 3D rectangles, triangles, sometimes lines and sometimes 3D circles.