
I'm looking for someone who is experienced with art to help me with colouring, shading, anatomy, fur, removing the base lineart, etc
The job is free obviously and there is no pay as of now
Just put down your examples and how long you've been doing art aswell as what you use
I use ibis paint x on my mobile Edited at April 24, 2018 04:29 AM by Welsh Fae


I'd be willing to give to a shot ^^
I've been drawing digitally for nearly 2 years, using MediBang, Photoshop, Sketchbook, and PicsArt, Animation (App), and have been doing graphite drawing for years.
I'm really big about proper anatomy and could really help you out there if you want. ^^
I'm sure you know my art, but you can check out my DA ImagiNationArtsXD or my art gallery in the forums :) Edited at April 25, 2018 01:36 AM by Dragon's Fire

Er, I could help. I only started digital a few months ago though C':

Id love both of your help if that's OK Anotomy and shading is something I really want help with :D

Welsh Fae said: Id love both of your help if that's OKAnotomy and shading is something I really want help with :D
Awesome! Just shoot me a PM ^^


XD I can help with the shading, anatomy, not so much

I can help with most aspects of drawing just shoot me a pm

ma i see exampl;eslike shiown in the first posy