
Offering help with whatever art problems you have. x3 Please just post what problem you are having, and I will try to answer. I am best at equines, fur, hair, and linearts. ^^
Sorry if this isn't the right place to offer help. >.<

This is amazing! Could you help me with fur? I struggle very much at it, both traditional and digital >.<

Shading fur, or lining fur?

Hello. ^^ I was looking for some tips on shading, if that's alright? Specifically shading fur, but any tips on shading in general would be great. x-x I've looked up so many tutorials, but I still struggle with it, so if you have any advice I'd really appreciate it. <3

For cell shading~ I use a pinkish purple, and go on the inside of the lines. It also helps to realize where the shadows should be longer. Set the layer to multiply.
For regular shading~ I use a impression brush on about 5-10%, and go over the area until the highlight looks strong enough. Then I use an impression blender at 5-10% as well, but I go over it just until it is blended enough to look consistent. Don't over blend, or it will be blurry. This goes for both highlights, and shadows. Highlights I use white, and shadows I use black. They should be on different layers. Set both highlight and shadow layers to overlay.
For fur~ I use a specially designed fur brush, but it's really nothing more than a clump of streaks. I do the same method with highlight and shadow as the regular shading, but instead for fur I try to layer it. Always start from either the front or the back of the animal. I usually start at the head. Be sure to put fur shadows under large clumps of fur.
I hope this makes sense. :3

Thank you this is very helpful
Cna you help me with equine anatomy

That is a hard question to answer. I don't know where you problems are with it. For now though, I can tell you that it takes a lot of practice and time. Using references can be very helpful when you are still learning, and sometimes even when you have learned. <3


Any tips on how to make fur more nicer? I feel like my fur is too clumpy/prominent. How would you make it nice and small and neat? :) Edited at April 18, 2018 03:59 PM by Cún.

Any suggestions on paws? I can never seem to them right, especially from the front view.