Hello! A few weeks ago I found a post somewhere on the forum regarding base coats, but I'm not able to locate it anymore. My question is regarding exclusive, dynamic, and legendary pelts. I thought there was always a chance for the pups to have any kind of base coat as long as one of the parents had it, but as per this post I once saw, you could only produce exclusive pelt pups if both parents had an exclusive pelt (maybe they were talking about dynamic or legendary pets, I don't remember; also, I read that parents didn't need to have the same pelt, as long as it was the same type of pelt). So, my question is, how does this actually work? Do you just need one parent to have the desired coat for there to be a chance of the pups having it, or do both parents need, let's say, a legendary pelt for it to work? Sorry if it's a bit confusing! May you all have a nice day :)
I think you need at least one parent to have a chance at any base coat, so basic, uncommon, exclusive, etc. I know dynamics are pretty hard to breed because I remember it being said it's gotta be a certain time? Chances are super super low for higher rarity pelts so definitely try to pair two together for the best chances but I think you only need one for the chance to be there ^^