Dwelling's YCH Shop!
Welcome to my YCH shop! For now, it's just chibi wolves, cats and dog bases. More bases for all 3 animals will be added soon! When I get the chance, I'll eventually get around to drawing other chibi animals as well based on polls you might see me link in chat or from off-site feedback.
My ToyHouse/DeviantArt credits:
>////-------------------------Table of Contents------------------------->
Introduction............................................................Post I, Part 0
Pricing/Pricing Chart/Discounts..............................Post I, Part I
Payment Details.....................................................Post I, Part II
Completed Examples/Pricing Examples..............Post I, Part III
Sign-up Sheet.......................................................Post II, Part 0
Waitlist...................................................................Post II, Part I
Base price: 120 mush. | Markings = 100 mush per unique color. (Greyscale chibis are 120 base price w/o gear regardless of marking count). |
Gear/Decor: 150 mush for both lineart & color. | Gear/Decor "Sets" count as one item. Piercings/jewelry, flowers, matching appearal, ect., will count as sets. |
Body Mods: fur/tail/ear extensions, expression changes, fangs and (up to 3) extra eyes are free. Manes & dragon horns are free. | Wings = 150 mush for both lineart & color. |
Don't have a pose/variant you like from my gallery? It will cost 1 apple for me to draw a new base or 300 mush to draw a new variant for you. Custom bases/variants may or may not be used for future YCHs.
>////-------------------------Payment Details------------------------->
I am flexible with payment options and I don't mind mixed currency/mixed item payment! If you can't fully pay in shrooms or apples, I will take:
-Beads & pottery/bowl/figure shards of all kinds (5 mush per relic)
-Chinese pottery, bronze figures and party-ons
-Caterpillars & berries (5 mush per item)
-30 cp = 70 mush off (on explore wolves only)
My conversion rate: 800 mush = 1 apple.
You only pay me when your YCH is done! Expect your YCH finished in anywhere from 6 hours - 3 days. Please do shoot me a PM if I'm taking more than 4 days to complete yours! ^^
-Holiday Discounts-
Base Gallery Links:
<-------------------------Completed Examples------------------------->
Images are not to scale.
Hidden variants (like ear/tail/wing changes) for dogs & dragons will be applied based on the ref image or per request.
Est. Cost: 320 mush + 450 for gear. | Est. Cost: 520 mush. |
Est. Cost: 420 mush + 450 for gear. | Est. Cost: 420 mush (gold counts as markings). |
Est. Cost: 620 mush. | Est. Cost: 220 mush + 450 for gear. |