The trivia will be comprised of the following subjects:
Explore and Encounters
Wolf Care and Stats
Website Navigation
Relic Crafting
Premium Features
You may recommend subjects pertaining to gameplay or PM me any potential question-and-answers you have, along with the subject they fall under. Questions may be multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or matching.
And to make things easier to calculate, spelling counts. So use your internet wisely please.
I'd like to have at least 10 or so questions per subject. No ridiculously crazy questions please.
Current question count:
Explore and Encounters (2)
Wolf Care and Stats (0)
Breeding and Customization (0)
Website Navigation (0)
Relics and Crafting (0)
Premium Features (0)
Example questions might be:
1. What enemies are found in [this] terrain?
2. What can wolves not eat?
3. How does a wolf gain BE?
4. Where can you find wolves to breed?
5. Where is [item name] found?
6. Why can't some people use greenhouses?