Hello All! Welcome to my writing nook ^-^
I did have a writing shop in the past but it must have deleted XD. I'm ready to start again, so here we are. If interested please keep reading this forum.
Ugh, I know.
- All WP rules apply
- Please don't rush me, just like art writing takes some time. I'll send you updates if needs be
- Please be sure to credit me whenever you use my writings I've done for you
- Please do not steal my writings, if you want something written just ask man o.o
- Please make sure you have the correct payment, failing to pay/scamming me will mean you won't get anymore writings from me
-Please also when filling out the forum give me as much information on the character as possible, unless you give me complete free will to do what I like
-I will send parts of what I have done for you, if you do not like what I have done then please tell me so I can change it! I aim to have happy customers :)
Prices/What I offer
I am happy to write a littler or a lot. However the more you want the more it will cost ^-^ So how this works is for every 1 word, it'll be 1mush so 500 words is 500 mush and so on. Please note I am happy to do personalities, backstories, pack stories or small stories involving several characters. I can go beyond 1.5K but the more I have to write the longer it may take me.
- 500 Words 500 Mush
- 1000 Words 1000 Mush/1 Apple
-1.5k Words 1.5k Mush/or 1 Apple and 500Mush
Below will be some explams that I have done. These are from some of my own characters so please do not use them. Please note, you will need a TH and to be authorised by me to see the below characters however I can send private examples. I keep my characters hidden for their own protection xD
Please fill out the forum! I require you to give as much information as possible!
Pack Name/Number:
Character Link/Image:
How many words?:
What would you like?(Backstory/Personality,ect):
Please give as much information on the character as possible:
Any questions?: