Wolf Play : Raiders of Betrayal - RP Thread
01:17:36 Gnash, Nashie
the word game is so hard what the heck

Oh damn. I'm not too far behind you on event currency then :p
01:14:28 Lil Techy | Techno

No this is the event currency. I have 6,470 bone shards.

Not too far off! How many pups do you get on average a game year?
 Red River Wolves
01:13:08 Redd
I don't think level matters that much, just the terrain. But some enemies only appear after a certain level.
01:12:59 Lil Techy | Techno

01:12:31 Gnash, Nashie
how do you know what level your quest wants you to explore in?
You've got it Technition :0
How long until you reach 700?
01:09:54 Lil Techy | Techno
hi hi
 Red River Wolves
01:09:39 Redd
01:06:01 Gnash, Nashie
 Continental Wolves
01:05:26 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Me at a mere 121 bones right now
 Continental Wolves
01:04:03 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Night Tay^^
01:03:43 Lil Techy | Techno
trying to get 700 bones tonight, i'm chugging along
 High Hills Pack
01:00:53 Frozen Opal; Regal
Have a good night. ^^
12:59:35 Tay
okay. I need sleep. Goodnight buddies!
 Sunset Ghosts
12:53:31 Pit
Jeeze I think I'm finally done with babies for the season. Pretty sure I had almost 50 today
12:46:25 Tay
That's perfect my autism and adhd needs to be fed socially right now
 Continental Wolves
12:45:27 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Be prepared as it'll probably be a long dm
12:45:19 Tay
Screw it. I'm going back to forest.


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Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 28, 2021 09:07 PM


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Alexis D. George-Sanchez :|: Zoologist

24 | Non-Binary | She/He/They | M: Samuel, June, Calixte, Dimitri

Alexis was never one for gathering in large groups, though, they guessed, it was merely something he would have to deal with. They sniffed the air in a bored state, squinting at the rainforest surrounding them. It was quite hot and humid, a rather common sort of enviorment, especially in the areas the group had gone upon. In all honesty, it wasn't much, the rainforest. It was more of a simple bit of a thing. Personally, they thought they were one of the ones who enjoyed the rainforest the most. The sound of creatures, insects or predators or prey, constantly surrounded them. Alexis felt as if it were his calling, in a way. It was a nice experience. And it was rather peaceful as well, considering some of the group members tended to stick to others, and some tended to shy away. Alexis grabbed her bag and checked it for the supplies they deemed necessary. Everything seemed in order so he shouldered it and turned towards the exit, or entrance, of the tent, leaving it.

The light came through the trees, though it was slight, considering the foliage was incredibly thick. Alexis made their way carefully towards where they knew the others were probably meeting, his footsteps rather quite on the plants under their feet. Out of all the group members, Alexis probably enjoyed June's company the most, simply because the duo are both observant and don't force conversation. After all, silence can be louder than words.

If anything, June is the single person Alexis can willingingly joke with. On top of that, she's an inquisitive person, her eyes also catching the little things in life that make up the entirety of existence. They ruffled their hair, glancing around for one of their trusty hats. It took a handful of minutes, which felt like an eternity of keeping the group waiting, but eventually he found a dark gray colored blue beanie, made of yarn and knitted by one of his aunts. They tightened it on their head, pushing some strands of hair out of their eyes and to the side of their face, not bothering to stick it into the beanie to avoid future irritations.

They arrived towards where some of the group was, Cal greeting and making some small talk before heading towards June, who was harnessing everyone onto the rappel to head down the large entrance, about 50 feet or so if they remember correctly. Samuel shouted about maggots and hurrying up, and Alexis sighed irritatedly. Dimitri then followed after the body guard and waited to get tied up and head down. Cal had already gotten tied up, sliding down the rappel in a sleek fashion. They grumbled a tad bit before walking begrudgingly to where June had tied up Samuel, and was tying up Dimitri. Alexis didn't necessarily mind having to rappel down, if anything, they were extremely excited for it. It was mainly the fact that they had to change course from where they had initially stopped, only to turn and head to another place.

Alexis was always one for theatrics and being dramatic.

They greeted June easily, getting tied up to rappel down. Alexis relaxed a bit, rather comfortable in her presence, because she was one of the few he trusted. It wasn't easy to trust, after all. As he got tied up and was about to dramatically depart and "fall" down the entrance, Alexis muttered a humorous, "See you on the other side." They gave a nod and began the dramatic descent down the entrance.

While they slowly rappeled down, Alexis just felt shoved into a carnival. One of the fun rides that was terrifying as a child, yet absolutely adrenaline pumping, the type of adrenaline that you couldn't help but love. Though as you grew older, you realized the ride wasn't nearly as horrifying as it had been when you were younger. They let out a small smile, the feeling of excitement and nervousness hitting them in the stomach like a train. It felt like butterflies, their excitement incredibly high.

Alexis's feet touched the ground softly, as if landing on sand on the beach. They exhaled lightly, turning in a circle slowly to survey the entirety of the hole in something rather similar to awe. It took them a moment to return back to life, as they turned to glance at the others. Cal had glanced up, looking for the others, including Alexis, to land alongside him. Alexis thought he would be impatiently waiting for them, as they would have thought of anyone, but Cal looked rather excited. Alexis couldn't blame him. This journey was going to be extremely exciting. The only problem was some of the members of the group were mood-killers, and that Victor Lyons or whatever - Alexis did know what his name was, but they were too stubborn to fully ackowledge the man - was a bit of a bastard. They didn't trust Victor and his offer of this journey, but then again, who could turn it down? Alexis was paranoid, apparently, anyways, so maybe it was just them and no one else in the group.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 29, 2021 02:34 AM


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Victoria Valentina Viola - Photographer and Journalist - Mentions: Samael, Alexis, Dimitri, Calixte, and June

Victoria sat at the edge of her cot tying the tan laces of her left shoe. The past week was quite tedious to the woman, not only due to a lack of action within the base camp, but the hours worth of procedures that the team was informed of. She most definitely believed that such safety precautions were needed, but not necessarily reiterated so many times. Regardless, the excavation crew was more than prepared for their upcoming mission.

Besides the horrid safety lectures, Victoria spent most of her time getting to know her co-workers, which if she might say so herself, she was quite good at. She maintained her own vivacious and charismatic persona throughout her introductions. She also did her best to establish that, while she was there to do her job, she was also there in the interest of having a lively adventure with a Kodak Camera around her neck and a hand on the shutter-release button to capture every little detail of it. In fact, Victoria already had an album worth of photos. While most were just for the memories, some also were for the purpose of her assignment.

As the Croatian finished tying both of her boots, she stood and reached towards a crate. She used the makeshift table to hold valuable and personal items such as a large bowl that held golden rings, necklaces, and earrings. Victoria had a passion for jewelry, so much so that she often bedecked herself in it on the daily. However, today she would wear a minimal amount (in her terms) of pieces, including multiple rings on both hands; a single necklace with an infinity emblem; and two sets of tiny looped earrings on her upper and lower lobes. Sure, it was a bit excessive, but the woman loved flaunting such beautifully shiny ornaments.

Satisfied, she moved her concentration to the supplies that she was responsible for. She had already taken the thought to pack more than enough rolls of film, three cameras, and multiple different sized lenses. She had also stashed a large journal that she brought for the purpose of recording the excavation. Journalism was far from her main profession, and something she did not enjoy, however, the hassle was worth the adventure. Among these main items, she also made sure to include some mementoes and other personal belongings.

Assured that she was all set and ready to go, Victoria stood. She was currently dressed for the heat, as she wore a white tank top and green straight-leg khakis. Of course, knowing that the excavation site would likely be cooler than the rainforest, she had also packed substitutes for her current clothing that she would use if needed.

She walked towards the exit of her tent, Camera on her neck and backpack on her shoulders. As she pulled the canvas flaps of the tent aside, she heard the familiar voice of Samael Bone boom across base camp. If members of the team were not awake, they sure are now. With a small huff, Victoria made her way to the cave entrance.

As she arrived, she noticed that the majority of the crew had already arrived, and one member, Calixte Bonnaire, had already descended down to the bottom. Alexis was in the beginning of rappelling, Sam was currently being harnessed, and Dimitri was waiting patiently. Victoria released a muffled chuckle as she eyed the archeologist. June was seemingly concentrated and focused on safely securing the body guard, but she appeared to be taking slightly longer than the first two due to the man's larger size. The photographer brought the Kodak to her eyes and meticulously stared through the view finder to aim the camera at the scene in front of her. As she pressed down with her pointer finger, a small click was produced. She lowered her the device and smiled. "It looks like I'm late to the party," she voiced, her words light and full of excitement as she made her presence known.

Victoria crept closer to the edge of the entrance and gazed down calmly. Light could be seen glimmering at the bottom, which made the descent seem more welcoming than she first imagined. She peered back at June and Sam before looking back at the cave mouth. As she realized it was a perfect opportunity for another photo, she lowered herself to a squat and poised her camera. "Try to smile on your way down, Mister Bone," she commented sarcastically as she waited for the body guard to begin his descent.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 30, 2021 07:59 AM


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Marijana Elena Marjanović - Engineer- Mentions: Calixte, June and Victoria

The entire week was quite eventful - not just for her, but most likely the others too. Cal had become quite sick a couple days after his arrival, at the time she had just settled into the camp. Being a kind woman that she was, Marijana was concerned and worried for him. If he wouldn't mind, she would come to visit him, see how he was occasionally. Sometimes she would bring him some water, so he wasn't too thirsty. The hot weather wasn't her favourite; she preferred the cold. Once again, she ignored her own needs, focusing on someone else. Something her father always criticized her for. She was always helping people - the man despised her for that - though she always tried her best to have her father's approval. The man was always angered by how soft she could be, how he constantly had to tell her to think of herself for once. If he saw her now, he'd shake his head, tell her how weak she was. Marijana was always a kind person, her father's words always hurt but she was never once expressed that hurt as many people have noticed in the past. She was strong - her mother would tell her that many times. Marijana did miss her family, though she wasn't sure if they'd miss her too.

The tall woman stood outside her tent, making herself presentable. She wiped down her wrinkled pants, pulled down her shirt which was riding up and let her hands drop to her side as she began her walk to the site. It was a hot day, but that didn't stop the woman from admiring the view from above. Even if it was a hot day, the sky was still beautiful. She admired the white fluffy clouds as they slowly moved in the sky. She hoped today would be all right, still not used to being around so many people. As she walked, she clasped her hands together over her abdomen, her head now facing down while she walked. She didn't pay much attention to the world around her now, only wishing to arrive at the site on time. During her time here, if she wasn't worried for Cal she'd have been working hard as usual. Writing, drawing out different blueprints and studying. She had gotten up a lot earlier than most to get the site, but June had arrived before her.

Marijana stopped in her tracks when she saw a pair of shoes before her. She lifted her head up, her eyes laying on the owner not too long after. It was June. Marijana offered June a soft smile before walking to stand beside her for a moment. Hands still clasped together at her abdomen, she stood up straight and greeted June. "Greetings, June. How are you fairing?" She asked the blonde, her voice kind and shy. Marijana's smile shone brightly as she greeted the woman before her, her eyes basically lit up with joy. Her voice was dripping in sweetness as it always had, the smile never leaving. As she spoke it had a slight rhythm to it. But her accent was another story; you could tell English was not her first language. Her r's were slightly rolled, and she seemed a little timid at first.

She looked back at the ground for a moment before grabbing a harness, strapping it to herself. She checked for any problems before smiling contently. The brunette wasn't one to let others help, though she did appreciate the kind gestures of others. Which was something she didn't receive from many in the camp, though she thought it not necessary for they were all just colleagues and nothing more.

Once the team started to arrive, she would offer any help to them if they needed it. Marijana would repel down once everyone was safe and ready. She would look around for any familiar faces, would smile when her eyes laid upon Cal. She would smile happily at him, wave in his direction and after some time, she herself went down into the cave. Her smile never wavered as she reached the others. She checked to see if everyone was there and gave each a warm smile, looking down at her hands once more. She noticed that some were missing, she looked around in search of who wasn't present. She looked up when she heard a voice, saw Victoria above them. Marijana gave Victoria a smile, waved to her as she waited to see when the photographer would come down and join them.

Edited at July 30, 2021 08:44 AM by Sirris
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 2, 2021 09:20 PM


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Samael Bone - Body Guard / Protection

Mention(s): June, Victoria, Calixte and Alexis (Direct)

As was the typical general manner of the conversations and exchanges between the photographer and the bodyguard, the response from Samael was good-natured, if not a bit teasing in its delivery. “Better late than never I suppose.” The quip was spoken over the man’s shoulder, his current focus more attentive to trying to assist Ms. June with fixing up the straps and buckles of his harness rather than engaging in conversation. Though quite frankly due to the general lack of knowledge that he had, or more accurately did not have, regarding the rappelling gear, his fingers were likely more so in the way rather than offering any assistance, but the archaeologist was kind enough not to offer a remark.

It hadn’t taken much longer before he was given the go ahead to begin his descent after Alexis, and more so out of habit than distrust of the set-up the guard gave an experimental tug on the rope which would be trusted to not drop his body down a 50 foot hole like a bag of bricks. The sturdy rope didn’t give, much to the relief of Sam, who braced his feet to prepare to push himself into the dark abyss below. The shuttering click of a camera had momentarily captured the man’s attention however and halted his body, his glaucous eyes briefly cutting up to met those of Victoria. The encouragement of a smile while rappelling down had the dark-haired man giving a chuffed scoff, his eyes rolling in an amicable manner even as his boots began to push his large body off from solid ground to touch to the steep rock sides of the cavern.

“You’ll be lucky if you manage to catch a shot of a smile, Ms. Victoria.” The banter, as expected due to the friendly dynamic, was rather light-hearted coming from a guy such as Sam who was more often than not everything but light-hearted. Even so, he didn’t offer quite a grin, but there was a pleasant enough smirk on his lips before he allowed himself to confide in the rope and begun his decline into the earth.

Samael wasn’t necessarily frightened of rappelling into the depths of the earth; not really. The act didn’t have him breaking out in a nervous sweat and it certainly did not laden his bones with anxiety. In fact, the concept was a rather neat one, to think that such different terrain, a whole different works really, could lie such a little distance below their feet. Not to mention that this subterranean world supposedly housed some priceless artifact that was worth the trouble of flying out a team of experts as well as all of their gear in the middle of some uncharted jungle. That being said, beginning the descent below wasn’t really something he had been looking forwards to all week.

The man definitely was not timid or frightened of heights or the dark, that was just ridiculous, but he’s heard of (and seen first hand for that matter) mountaineering accidents occurring due to faulty equipment or poor training of the climber themselves. Not that he was one to doubt the competence or the diligence of June and her skills, of course not, but that didn’t mean the thought of becoming a human rag doll was free from Sam’s mind. The last thing he’d appreciate was bashing his skull onto the rock below because he had slipped or the rope snapped. He preferred to approach all things with caution anyways. Regardless, even if he did perhaps abseil at a slower pace than the others, it didn’t take the guard long to reach the bottom of the descent.

Even only being a relatively short distance of 50 feet below the surface of the jungle, the air here was comparably more chilled, a bit stagnant and moist if anything, but a nice change of pace from the brutal heat humidity of the surface. The man uncoupled his harness from the ropes, fixing the pack and gun slung over his shoulders as he stepped away from the immediate landing zone. He offered Alexis, who had touched down before the guard had, a mild nod of acknowledgement, though it was obvious he would not be doing the same for Calixte if the way he presented his back to the man was anything to base off of. Samael was content to breath in the chilled air, his arms coming to cross over his chest as he waited for the rest of the team to join the others.

Edited at August 2, 2021 09:25 PM by Shattered
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 10, 2021 04:08 PM


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June Bell Moone - Archeologist - Mentions: Calixte, Alexis, Samael, Dimitri, Elena, Victoria

June stood before the gaping hole that lead to the tombs below. Her eyes ran over the gear that laid upon the the ground. She insured each piece was accounted for by silently numbering off each harness. Seeing all was prepared, she looked up and eyed the path that lead from the base camp to the entrance. She smiled softly as she spotted Calixte approaching. "Good morning, Calixte," she returned his greeting. June reached for a harness and handed it to Cal. She secured the gear within a few minutes before she attached it to the rope and pulley system. "The descent shouldn't be too fussy. If you do happen to swing towards one of the sides, do your best to press off it, feet first," she mentioned as the man prepared to enter. "Nonetheless, the rest of the team should be down shortly," she called before giving him a nod to go ahead and step off the ledge. Calixte Bonnaire descended the drop smoothly, as June made sure to keep a tight grip on the roping system as she guided him down. Once he was at the bottom, she lifted the rappelling ropes to the top.

To her surprise, Samael and Alexis had already arrived. She gave the body guard a polite nod before she handed Alexis his harness. Once again, she repeated the process of securing and tightening different buckles and so they could begin the descent. As she gave them a nod to be at the ready for the drop, she gave a small chuckle at their comment. "To you as well, Alexis," she grinned, lowering them to the bottom.

As the rope returned to the top, she spun around to face Sargent Bone. While she was quite eager to work with everyone else, the body guard was a different story. She had known him longer than the others due to both of their longer term employments with Victor Lyons, and still, the longer she was able to familiarize herself with him, the more she learned that she found his presence foul and irritating. Whenever Mister Lyons had the two collaborating on a project at the dig site, they would often clash heads. Perhaps it was June's excessive stubbornness to deal with the man, or maybe just conflicting personalities, but regardless, she did not enjoy the man's rather blunt and cocksure persona. However, this was her first big project in her career, and she would refuse to let such a man distract her from a once in a life time opportunity.

As she began to fasten his harness, the left buckle seemed to be catching and refusing to move. A concentrated stare enveloped her face. With a few tugs to release the buckle, the strap finally gave in. June attached the carabiners to each loop before turning to grab onto the rope. She gave a nod to Sam, "Whenever you're ready, Sargent." She spoke, awaiting to feed the rope through the pulley. Her gaze flickered to the photographer who was poised at the lip of the entrance, awaiting to capture Samael's descent. A small smile tugged at her lips at the two's friendly banter before she braced for the large man to jump. Momentarily, he did, which was accompanied with the click of a camera. She lowered him down to safety with ease.

Once again, the same process repeated as she brought the rope back to the top and began securing Dimitri. The man was one of little words. Which, at times she enjoyed, compared to the more chattery members of the team. As she secured him, she once again grasped the rope and gave him a nod to begin his descent. Once Dimitri touched down, she pulled the cord back up. Turning, she found Elena had also joined them. At her greeting, she smiled courteously. "I'm quite well... I'll be even better once everyone has arrived safely down in the cave," she replied, handing the woman her harness. June sent her down, and gave a sigh of relief as the only member to remain was Victoria. The photographer was leaning over the entrance and took another picture of the team down below. Some were looking up, which provided a great image for the woman. June awaited for Victoria to finish before she handed her one of the last two harnesses. As she buckled the woman up and secured her to the pulley system, Victoria chimed up. "Try your best not to drop me, Doctor Moone," she joked sarcastically, an accent twisting in between her words. June gave a curt chuckle at her remark. "I'll make no promises," she replied, more sarcasm exchanging between the two. Victoria grinned excitedly before she leaped down into the drop. As she reached the bottom, June pulled the rope back up.

The archeologist had a different method of rappelling down. But, it wasn't anything new. She had made the journey numerous of times before, and this time would be no different. She harnessed herself, before adding on some more carabiners, securing a secondary rope, and finally grabbing her bag. She approached the drop before she turned and began rappelling down. In mere minutes she reached the bottom.

As she removed the gear from herself, she faced the team. The air was filled with excitement, as in a few minutes, they would begin their adventure in the maze to the relic. June offered the group an excited smile before she giving her orders. "I know we've all been lectured over the procedures that will be followed down here. But, just for precautions, and though I'm reluctant to reiterate this, Victor made sure to tell me to remind you all of these rules," she spoke, her voice a bit bored in a monotone. "The first priority for this excavation is the relic. Meaning anyone that interferes with this priority is at the expense of Sargent Bones," she motioned to the body guard. "Victor has assigned me to lead this excavation, and anyone who challenges such, is once again at the expense of Sargent Bones," she added, pausing to look everyone in the eyes. "That said, while we're down here, everyone has their own job and orders to contribute to the excavation. I presume everyone knows their importance to this mission, so for the sake of everyone else's sanity, just follow orders and do your job. I assume everyone's aware of Victor's rules for the excavation, so there shouldn't be any issues there," June sighed, silence enveloping the cave.

The archeologist moved her gaze to the small pile of gear that laid a few meters from where the team stood. "Everyone's requested instruments and tools are right there. Most of it's light enough to carry, but if we can't transport it safely, then we can leave it here and retrieve it if needed. As for now, gather up your belongings, and we'll head out," she finished, before trudging forward towards the pile of crates and instruments. June put her bag down and attached it to a larger backpack. As she did so, she pulled out a paper that had half of the cave system mapped out onto it. She struggled to swing the large bag onto her shoulders, but once it was on, she stood and headed for a tunnel that was further back from the first area of the cave. The walls were already lined with lanterns and lights, so for now, most of the tunnel's walls and floor was visible.

June awaited for everyone to join her before she began forward. For the most part, the tunnel was even and its terrain was an ease to walk through. She knew this tunnel like the back of her hand, presumably because she was the one that explored it in the first place. However, the fault in the journey was the fact that she was the only one with a map, and was the only one that somewhat knew the layout of the maze. If anyone was to wonder off, they were sure to get lost.

The team had walked about two miles through twists and turns. Finally, they came to a wide and more open cavern. In the cavern was a large canyon that carved through the space. Directly in front of them, a ladder was spread across it and a rope was stretched above the ladder. Attached to said rope was another rope that could be tied to the waist of those crossing. June huffed and turned to the group, " All right, everyone be careful. Only one person across the ladder at once. Make sure to tie the rope securely before you cross," she called loud enough to reach the back of the group. Satisfied, June secured herself to the roping system and confidently stepped from rung to rung. As she made it across the trench, she tossed the rope back to the others.

Once everyone crossed, they would continue their journey down a couple more miles of tunnels. Hopefully by the end of the day, they would reach their first camp site at the base of the tombs.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 10, 2021 05:28 PM


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Calixte Bonnaire - Ancient Linguistics Translator - Mentions: All

Up above, everything has been bustling. People shouted, people teased, people went back and forth trying to make sure they had everything. Cal saw Marijana wave and he waved back. It was just like any other day except for the excitement and nerves humming in the air. But as Cal waited for the next person to get hooked up and come on down, things seemed a bit more . . . eerie. At first it was nothing: a small echo, a strange stillness. But Cal, a science fiction junkie to his very core, had more ominous notions about what it could mean. It was just a split second, amidst the bliss, that a shiver ran up Cal’s spine, and it was broken immediately by the sound of somebody saying “See you on the other side” which echoed damply down into the cavern. Cal immediately jumped and snapped out of it, reality having given a comic spin to his momentary brooding, and he looked up to see who it was that was rappelling down. Alexis, while certainly not his personal pick for the first person to be down there with him, was equally as enthusiastic about the adventure they were about to embark on, and as long as they didn’t spoil the fun Cal certainly wouldn’t. He had already unstrapped himself, and moved forward to help Alexis do the same. “Excited, George-Sanchez?” he asked. After a few slip-ups with using “monsieur” and “mademoiselle,” he’d decided just to go by Alexis’s surname. He was hoping to at least be able to have a fairly normal tit-for-tat despite the odd and slightly unpleasant encounters he’d had with Alexis so far.

Cal was looking back up by now, and saw the large form of Sergeant Bone descending. He could hear some talking, and scoffed ever so quietly to himself as Victoria told Sergeant Bones to smile. It was less at the statement - anyone with half a brain knew she was playing around - and more at the fact that nobody but him seemed to take immense issue with this walking amalgamation of every reason people hated the military. As Sergeant Bone landed, Calixte turned again to look up, refusing to acknowledge the man as he knew Bone wouldn’t acknowledge Cal. He was relieved to see that Dimitri was coming down next, as he wasn’t keen on being alone in the cave with his two least favorite people on the team. “Good day for an adventure, eh, Doctor Raine?” Calixte called up as Dimitri descended, moving towards where Dimitri would land. As soon as Dimitri got down, Calixte busied himself helping Dimitri get unhooked. “It can only get better from here,” he said smilingly, looking down into the darkness of the cave they would be exploring. Yes indeed, now that things were really getting started, Cal was itching to make his way down those winding tunnels.

Glancing up and seeing Mairjana coming down, Cal smiled and pulled his hat down a bit. He watched her on her way down, and, like with everyone else except Sergeant Bones, moved forward to help her out of her harness. “I was just saying, Mademoiselle Marjanović,” he told her as he helped, “that it’s a beautiful day for an adventure.” It wasn’t all going to be adventure - in fact, it would probably be more boring than exciting, and involve a lot of waiting around for things. But Cal had never been into an actual site, and he wasn’t about to let his mood be dampened by a little thing like reality. Looking up as Marijana did, Cal saw that the last two up there were Victoria and June. He waved to Victoria simultaneously with Mirjana, and as Victoria poised herself to take a picture, Cal gave a big, genuine smile and waved even harder. He made some small talk (“Looks like it’ll be an easy start” ; “What a hat for an expedition, George-Sanchez!”) as Victoria came down, he moved to help her unhook. “I’m going to show my wife and kid some of your photographs when I get back, Mademoiselle Viola,” he told her, grinning. “And I can assure you they’ll be duly impressed, they never see photos of such quality.” Calixte moved back and waited for the last person, June, to come down. When she did, he didn’t try to help her unhook, though it seemed less out of spite and more out of respect for her talents.

Cal waited for June to start talking, fidgeting with anticipation and just barely managing to keep his mouth shut. He nodded along as she reiterated the rules, though as she mentioned interfering with the priority of finding the relic, he glanced around a bit suspiciously, but especially at Alexis and Sergeant Bones. And at the mention of Sergeant Bones himself, Calixte let out a little cough that seemed to be hiding either a laugh or a scoff. He knew what he wanted to say. And what if Sergeant Bones interferes? But he didn’t put this into words, and instead listened to the rest of the lecture. Calixte, fortunately for him, had managed to fit most of his books into his backpack, and as it was crammed full anyway he couldn’t have brought more with him. He had very little to collect, then, and looked around at the others instead, seeing if he could help anyone carry anything or lift anything or figure out what theirs. Once everyone was geared up, Cal started to follow after June. “What do you suppose we’ll find down here?” he asked anyone who would listen. “Archeological treasures untold, if we’re lucky. Perhaps some dead language no man has read before. Or something cursed.” Cal laughed at his own statement and nudged Dimitri, who was closest to him, on the shoulder. “What do you think, then? Skeletons? Ancient relics? Caves full of bats?”

At that moment, they stopped at a canyon covered by a sort of makeshift bridge. Cal was too excited to be nervous just yet, and to him this seemed like a pretty darn great adventure already. Despite his good manners and the fact that he’d gone first once already, Calixte was too excited to let the others go first. He didn’t even think before moving forward to catch the rope when June threw it. He missed and retrieved the rope, laughing. He knotted it around his waist in a knot that was just barely good enough to keep him secured and started to make his way across a little more quickly than was advisable. There was a split second when his foot snagged and his heart jumped into his throat, but he recovered quickly and made his way a bit more carefully over the rest of the bridge. He couldn’t help feeling proud of overcoming this first hurdle, although it really wasn’t anything at all. “Catch!” he said, and threw the rope to the next person. Now Cal found himself alone with June, waiting for the others to cross, and he shifted and cleared his throat, awkwardly searching for something to say and landing on nothing. Better just to watch the others, he figured, see how they fared. And encourage them with a big smile.

Edited at May 28, 2022 01:34 PM by Freedom
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 10, 2021 07:14 PM


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Dimitri Atticus Raine - Medic - M: All

With a bit of banter, the bodyguard before him was sent down. It was gratefully short and more playful than irate - Samael seemed to have a habit of starting arguments wherever he went, and while Dimitri didn't really care what the man did outside of the excavation, it was a trait that would most certainly prove troublesome on the way in. He doubted that he would end up in many with himself - Samael teased him a few times, but didn't seem to hate him as much as... some others - and he seemed to be just fine at tolerating most of the cast, and yet the camp had still found itself riled up with constant passive-aggressive to straight aggressive yelling matches. He supposed, peering into the dark caverns in which the hulking figure of Sergeant Bone was disappearing in, they were lucky that he and Monsieur Bonnaire seemed to be giving each other a wide berth for now. He wasn't sure whether both men would survive through another encounter with one another, and the group kind of needed both of them.

. . .

Finished with that train of thought, June, seemingly done with Samael, turned her attention back to Dimitri. Without a word, she went to work on his harness, and he didn't say a word back. She knew what she was doing and he didn't really have much else to say about it, after all, and June seemed to respect that. He glanced at her hands - she worked swiftly and confidently, not much to see there - and then looked back at the rest of the group, feeling the tension and excitement radiating off of them from the journey to come. Certainly was more exciting then sitting around in a tent and listening to lectures all day, he supposed; he wasn't immune to the feeling, himself.

After a short, comfortable silence, the harness was attached without much of a fuss, and Dimitri was able to descend. Recalling the instructions he'd been given in the week prior, he took a slow and steady approach; step by step, keeping a careful eye on where his feet were meeting the cliffside. As he made his way down, he didn't have much to think about, so he focused on his task and nothing more. Rappelling certainly was a sensation, to say the least - a feeling of falling, a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, a slight sensation of being lighter than air - all that ended quite suddenly when his next step found itself at the floor.

... He probably wouldn't ever seek to do that again.

As he straightened himself up onto the floor, he heard a familiar, friendly voice call out to him and heavy footsteps. Glancing over his shoulder, he was met with the sight of Calixte, who appeared to be eager to help with his harness. Turning towards him, he gave him a curt nod, both to greet him and to answer his question. After a moment, he realized that he was probably expecting an actual answer, so he gave a brisk and quiet "Weather's better down here" as a response.

It was true - once free from his harness, he stepped deeper into the cave to give space for the rest of the crew to come down, welcoming the cool air of the caverns to wash over him. It was so much better than the rainforest, he thought to himself as he lifted his head to examine the caverns. It was lit up with the lanterns that had been placed previous to their arrival, presumably during June's first exploration. He couldn't really make out the details of the ceilings and walls, what with his poor eyesight, but it didn't really matter. He wasn't the geologist, after all - the look of the rocks wasn't his problem. Still, as he looked upon the cavern lit dimly with man's creation, it reminded him vaguely of a picture he'd seen of a cave full of mushrooms that seemed to light up the place. Less colorful, of course, but still rather lovely. He didn't smile, but the image did brighten his mood.

He turned around to see Calixte and Marijana waving up at the cave entrance. Following their line of sight, he found Victoria poised to take a picture, and, instinctively, Dimitri raised his hand in front of his face to shield himself from the flash. Victoria was far enough that it didn't really matter, though, so all it ended up doing was ruining the picture, but oh well.

All there was to do next was wait for the rest of the team to arrive. Most of them were down, already, so it didn't take too long - after warily watching Victoria and June descend the cavern and join them, arms crossed over his chest, they joined the group and June gave another monotone (but thankfully short) lecture. After that, she told them where the tools were - Dimitri already had most of the tools he needed in his bag, as most of them were relatively small and all he needed beyond that was some medicine and antivenoms, so he collected what little he needed and stood among the waiting group until they were ready to proceed.

Once they began walking, Calixte piped up again, seeming to want to start conversation amongst the group. He nudged Dimitri in the shoulder, almost sending him staggering due to his surprise. Straightening himself and taking the prompt to speak again, he glanced at Calixte in order to say "We came here for an ancient relic. That one's a given, is it not?" His voice was still quiet as he said so, though far from timid - professional, more than anything, really.

He paused amongst the group as they reached a canyon, a ladder stretched across the dark depths below - seemed sturdy enough to hold one person, but not much more, probably put down a bit quicker than needed in preparation for the excavation trip - and two ropes making up a system so that the user could securely tie themselves and make their way across the bridge. June turned to the group and gave her instructions before demonstrating, making her way across confidently and quickly. Calixte followed with a good-natured laugh when he messed up, and then tossed the rope back over with an exclamation of "Catch!".

The rope landed at Dimitri's feet, which he took as a sign for him to cross next. He picked it up and tied it around his waist, tugging on the rope a bit to test it before taking to the ladder. He took the same approach he did on the rappel - slow and cautious, making sure that he stepped on every rung without a chance of falling. He looked at his feet as he did so, not minding the height that loomed below him in the least as he stepped across, simply making sure that he stepped on solid ladder every time.

It felt longer than it probably was when Dimitri reached the end. He untied the rope and, without a word, tossed it over to the other end, waiting for the next person to cross.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 11, 2021 10:26 PM


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Samael Bone - Body Guard / Protection

Mention(s): All

It was probably for the best that the linguist had not offered his help to Samael when said bodyguard had detached his harness from the line, even if Calixte had only withheld his help to the man out of petty spite. If it had bothered Sam at all to witness the man aid everyone other than himself and Ms. Moone, he certainly did not display that irritation. At this point in time it had become nearly second nature that should the males even be within eyesight range, words and occasionally more tangible things would fly. So perhaps it was a good thing that they would not be within grasping distance, lest someone end up requiring a check-up by the medic.

So Samael was content to merely entertain himself while he, as long as the others who had already made the descent, waited for the rest of the group to steady themselves on the barren floor beneath the earth. It was evident by the ever-present scowl on the large man’s face that he found the surrounding, atmospheric conversations to be distasteful. Perhaps it was only due to the fact that Calixte was the one initiating the majority of the dialogue, and if you had asked the green-eyed man he would have insisted vehemently that Mairjana and Alexis were merely only politely entertaining the French-German.

It was only with the last descending form, which happened to be that of June Moone, that the guard began to feel a thrum of excitement course through his veins. Truth be told, he hadn't been quite keen on the expedition during the course of the previous week- after all he and Ms. Moone have been on, initially, far more exciting conquest than that of perusing cave systems- so Samael had only been considering this just another regular, run-of-the-mill job. Nothing fancy. However, now that he was here, about to embark on the first leg of the excavation, he was admittedly looking forwards to the task at hand, even if it was only a minute amount.

Following the archaeologist getting settled, she began a monotonous yet direct monologue over what the expectations for the excavation were. The words offered were nothing knew, certainly not to Samael or the rest of the crew for that matter. The entirety of the group members had been debriefed numerous times over the requirements for their position, until the details were practically ingrained into the fiber of their genetic makeup. But Samael surprisingly did not find the refresher to be exponentially grating- after all his time in the military had laden his brain with an appreciation for thoroughness, so the clarity made as to the expectations was nice.

The body guard understood the full extent as to what his duty was over the duration of the job- after all it had followed the baseline of what he usually did when hired by Victor following some appropriate changes. The order as to subdue ('by any means necessary' as stated by Mr. Lyons himself) whomever attempted to get in the way of the success of the excavation had been an unusual request, but not an overly odd one. Sergeant Bone had been sanctioned to kill on numerous occasions, so this would be no different- not that he thought anyone involved in the removal of the artifact were particularly interested in nabbing the fabled jewel.

Samael himself was not of the opinion that the very object they were, very expensively might he add, sent to retrieve was of any mythical makeup, but if some astoundingly affluent tycoon wished to extract some antiquity, at the rate they were being paid, the guard was more than happy to ensure the attainment of said object.

While the large man did not offer any verbal words of support to the archaeologist, when he was mentioned in a fact of warning to dissuade any rebellion among the group-members, he gave a solemn, condemning nod. It was probably better left unsaid that if at any point Samael had to interfere for the sake of the excavation, it would not bode well for any of the parties involved.

When they had begun the two-mile trek, Sam took it upon himself to take up the rear. Not to ensure that no one fell behind, as a decent human would do, but rather to distance himself from the bulk of the chatterboxes. It seemed he was not the only one with that train of thought, as he found himself walking with Victoria, or the more likely probability was that the photographer was hanging back to catch some worthy shots. Either way, as was the same with Alexis, Samael never really minded the company of Victoria, so he was content enough to indulge the female in some small talk.

Upon coming across the make-shift bridge, Sam did not bother to hurry himself, as he was sure that it would take a considerable amount of time for the entirety of the group to safely make it across the rungs laid out. While Calixte’s little display with his rather horrid aim with he rope earned a few scattered chuckles, Sam only offered a displeases tsk, his eyes narrowing minutely in a show of annoyance.

It had taken Dimitri a far bit longer than it had June- or Cal for that matter, to cross the bridge, but even with the ever-present annoyance that brimmed within the guard, his small reserve of patience hadn’t yet run out so he kept his complaints to himself for now. Once again, the tall man reserved himself to stick to the back, almost languidly posed in the relaxed way he stood. His gaze had fixated to Victoria, a slight shrug rotating his shoulders as he gestured to the rope once it became available. "Ladies first." The quip was not spoken very tactfully, even if the intention of such words was usual to be polite or proper. Leave it to Samael to be acutely aware of societal standards and still be so crass.

Edited at August 11, 2021 10:26 PM by Shattered
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadAugust 12, 2021 05:22 PM


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Victoria Valentina Viola - Photographer / Journalist - Mentions: Everyone; Mainly Calixte, Marijana, Alexis, and Samael

Victoria laughed lightly at Samual's comment. "Whatever you say, Sarg," she winked as she awaited for him to begin his descent. Once June had secured the gear properly, she watched eagerly as he was lowered into the chasm. When he was about ten feet down, she gently placed pressure on the shutter release button, producing a click and a flash. Happy with the shot, she lowered the camera from her face and observed as Dimitri and Marijana as they were lowered. Once the two were down, she noticed Elena and Cal waving. Seeing multiple members were gazing up, she smiled. Once again, she poised the Kodak and adjusted it to her liking. A click and flash was deposited from the device within mere seconds. Satisfied, she turned to June and grinned deviously. "Try your best not to drop me, Doctor Moone," she joked light heartedly. At June's reply she grinned and allowed the archeologist to harness her up. Once she was given the green light to go, she leaped excitedly.

Though Victoria was a bit... uneasy around places of extreme heights, the drop wasn't too much of an anxiety inducer. She trusted June's expertise, and the comfort of the harness gave her relief. Regardless, her heart did pound a bit in the beginning, but as she rappelled closer to the cave floor, her heart rate slowed. As soon as she touched the ground, she released a sigh of relief.

Calixte came to her side and assisted her in unhooking from the harness. Once she was freed, she smiled pleasantly at Cal. "I truly appreciate your words, Calixte," she replied eagerly. "I'll do my best to provide enough memories for you to share with your lovely family," she nodded, before stepping away from the landing site.

Victoria eyed June as she began to rappel down. Simultaneously, she captured another photo of the scene above. June removed her own harness and joined the group. She began another repetitive lecture. Bored, the photographer began to analyze her bejeweled hands. She barely paid attention, and didn't care to, as the whole speech was rather tedious.

As Doctor Moone finally concluded her words, Victoria watched some of the members walk to the pile of gear to pick up some last minute equipment. As she observed, she found herself next to Alexis. Seemingly wanting to socialize with the zoologist, she turned towards them. "So, Alexis, what kind of creatures might be down here?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "I hope none of those creepy insects... especially the ones that fly... or the ones with pinchers," she grimaced at the thought, her accent growing thicker as she continued to speak. Oh, how she hated insects.

While the others took their time gathering up their gear, Victoria also turned to the Engineer. "What do you think, Miss Marjanović?" She questioned. "I hope we don't run into anything with more than six legs down here," she joked, awaiting for Marijana's input on the frightening topic.

As the team seemed to be gathering in a line to begin their journey, Victoria joined at the back of the group. Not only was the position preferable for quality photographs, but she could leave the more needed members at the front. After all, she wanted to stay out of the teams' way if their expertise were required by June. Samael Bone was also at the back. Which, she didn't mind considering she quite enjoyed the body guard's company. As she raised the Kodak to her face to take photo, she began to speak. "Now, you tell me Mister Bone, why would our employer want a body guard to accompany an excavation crew for the purpose of protecting a harmless artifact?" She inquired curiously. This was actually a thought that had been swimming in her head for awhile now. Even if they wanted to, It's not like any of the crew would be able to pull off a heist successfully, body guard or not. It made Victoria question what really lied in the tombs.

For a second, her eyes narrowed. "Would you truly dispose of me if I dared to compromise the mission?" she asked, her voice in a darker tone than usual. To some, one could just assume that the she was playing around, just being good ol' Victoria. But, for a split second, her horns did rear themselves present. The Croatian than laughed and nudged the man lightly, "Of course, I mean hypothetically. If I really wanted to steal a relic from a tomb, it'd have to be shiner... with more gold involved. Then, you would have to keep an eye on me." She chuckled sarcastically. Obviously, she was joking.

As the group's pace seem to slow, they all gathered at an open cavern. In the middle, a chasm split the area in half. A ladder acted as a bridge across it, above was a system of ropes for safety. As June explained the contraption, she left Sam, and made her way to the front. She then crouched and poised the camera. As the first three crossed, she snapped multiple photos of them in action. The rope soon came available to Victoria and Samael. She stood and turned her gaze towards the tall man. At his statement, she replied, "Who knew you could be so chivalrous." She smirked before grabbing the rope. She tied it around her waist, doing her best to secure it with a proper knot. As she came to the beginning of the ladder, she gazed down into the deep and rigid canyon. Dear lord, she hated heights. Victoria took a deep breathe before she focused intensely on the rungs of the ladder. Quickly, she nimbly stepped across. Once on the other side, she released a breathe she didn't know she was holding before she untied the rope and she tossed it back to Sam. She cautiously stepped away from the edge and averted her gaze from the trench while the body guard crossed.

Once every member was prepared to continue the trek, she followed in the back of the group.

Edited at August 12, 2021 11:31 PM by Renegades
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadSeptember 8, 2021 05:41 AM


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Marijana Elena Marjanović | 21 | Female| Engineer| M: Victoria, Cal, Alexis, June and Damitri

Descending down and into the cave Marijana noted the drop in temperature rather quickly. It was like jumping into the ocean on a hot day, suddenly being surprised the sudden coldness engulfing your being. Marija would shiver slightly in delight at the now cooler atmosphere, finally reaching the ground the woman would let out a slight sigh when her feet would hit the ground, the feeling of the cool environment was nice, almost making her want to take her boots off and relax. She looks around the cave, noticing Cal staring at her. Mari would offer him a warm smile, deciding to finally remove the harness attached to her body. Cal's hands would eventually reach her view, his help was much appreciated when he began to assist her with removing the gear and slide the equipment off her immediately. "Thank you, dear." It was only a friendly interaction, meant nothing at all. She thought it was something she would have picked up from her mother and grandmother. Having always called Marijana that she guessed she become accustomed to it, sliding off her tongue without a second thought.

As he was removing the gear from her person she would listen to what else he had to say and laughed when he spoke the word 'Mademoiselle'. She was quite aware of it's meaning and found it sweet that he would call a lady 'miss'. She would take it from his hands gently, letting it slip out of her own with ease. Marijana would look up at Cal, nod her head. "Indeed. Quite so, Monsieur." She giggles, agreeing with his statement. Once June had descended down, Marijana would listen along to June's words while she nodded her head, watching the blonde pull out a piece of paper, assuming it was the map of the cave. Quite a marvelous thing to have, it would be horrible if they were to become lost. Though Marijana was never good a reading maps, finding her joys in tracking a lot more. It was much easier to the young woman, made more sense which was slightly silly but she never thought much about the matter.

The cave was lit up like a house fire, at least that was the only conclusion she could come up with at that point. She remembered once her father had started a fire in the living room, burning the entire house down. It wasn't funny at the time but once they bought their new house it was all in the past and something to joke about from years to come. They never really had good experiences with fire, she tended to stay away from the destructive walls of death anyway. They walked for about two miles as they chatted and discussed various topics, Marijana sharing her own bits of wisdom in the mix. Cal's questions where either just ridiculously funny to her or just silly but she wasn't upset at him. She was more amused, just as a parent or sibling would be if they watched a family member reenact a funny scene from a movie.

"An ancient language you say? Hmmm, I wonder if it'd be as interesting as Hieroglyphics or Latin? Probably not, but you never know!" She would giggle, she had once heard tale of a French man who discovered the ancient language of the Egyptian's though she had also heard tale of the ancient Greek's discovering the language.. Languages were a marvelous thing, that much she knew and she always loved learning about things. She wasn't sure who discovered the language but she did know it someone at least. But at the mention of curses the woman's face would pale. She was not one to like when people spoke of such things, the many possibilities of such a bad Oman coming true was something she always feared..

She wasn't a skeptic, if anything she believed in all things such as curses, witches, spirits and demons. She was a taught many things by her grandmother and how it could bring bad luck to mention such things. Her heart would beat faster, should would finally speak, not upset but only out of fear. "It's bad luck to bring up curses and mess with things such as that.. No one should mess with the other realm or spirits either. Cures can involve such things, it's better avoided." Marijana would mention, fear in her heart yes. But also worry, the woman didn't like such things at all.

She would listen closely to the conversation between Damitri and Cal. It did seem they were only having fun but she always thought it best to warn people. "If we do come across the dead please be respectful and don't touch them. I don't wish to anger the spirits." Her skin would crawl at the thought of making the spirits mad and possibly return for their heads for even mocking them. Marijana guessed she could say her grandmother was like a shaman, believing in the spirits and speaking of such instances one could have with the dead and other interesting things about them. The woman was wise, gentle and taught Marijana all she knew. She taught the girl to be wise of the spirit world. "I hope we don't come across any dead people.." She would whisper, slowing down just behind the two she had just spoken with. She would quietly follow everyone to the destination of June's choice, like a lost puppy she would follow behind. She would turn her head when she would hear Victoria and Alexis behind her. The young woman would smile gently at the two, wave at them, before waiting for them to catch up.

"Greetings, Victoria and Alexis." She would speak, quietly listen to them chatter about the possible creatures that may lurk in the shadows. Marijana's skin would pale once more as she moved along the path ahead. Her face would scrunch up, hands hugging her waist at the thought. Maybe it was best that she steer clear of any possible places the creatures would be. Of course that would be impossible. They were in a damn cave for God sake. Her head would perk when Victoria would ask her the same question, Marijana would fumble her fingers as they slid across each other.

Marijana would swallow her words, taking a deep breath and speaking once with Victoria most likely teasing her when mentioning six legging beast. "Spiders?????" She would almost shout, trying to hide her obvious fear of the creepy crawlies. She covers her mouth and watches as everyone swings across a small ravine from a rope. She looks down once it was her turn, doesn't even think twice as she grabs the rope and swings across.

She couldn't have cared less for heights, it was the critters that bugged her... uh. No pun intended.. She would sigh and wait for the last of the group to swing across.

Edited at March 15, 2022 11:25 PM by Sirris

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