Wolf Play : Raiders of Betrayal - RP Thread
01:17:36 Gnash, Nashie
the word game is so hard what the heck

Oh damn. I'm not too far behind you on event currency then :p
01:14:28 Lil Techy | Techno

No this is the event currency. I have 6,470 bone shards.

Not too far off! How many pups do you get on average a game year?
 Red River Wolves
01:13:08 Redd
I don't think level matters that much, just the terrain. But some enemies only appear after a certain level.
01:12:59 Lil Techy | Techno

01:12:31 Gnash, Nashie
how do you know what level your quest wants you to explore in?
You've got it Technition :0
How long until you reach 700?
01:09:54 Lil Techy | Techno
hi hi
 Red River Wolves
01:09:39 Redd
01:06:01 Gnash, Nashie
 Continental Wolves
01:05:26 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Me at a mere 121 bones right now
 Continental Wolves
01:04:03 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Night Tay^^
01:03:43 Lil Techy | Techno
trying to get 700 bones tonight, i'm chugging along
 High Hills Pack
01:00:53 Frozen Opal; Regal
Have a good night. ^^
12:59:35 Tay
okay. I need sleep. Goodnight buddies!
 Sunset Ghosts
12:53:31 Pit
Jeeze I think I'm finally done with babies for the season. Pretty sure I had almost 50 today
12:46:25 Tay
That's perfect my autism and adhd needs to be fed socially right now
 Continental Wolves
12:45:27 Emmet , Spoopy Wolf
Be prepared as it'll probably be a long dm
12:45:19 Tay
Screw it. I'm going back to forest.


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Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 25, 2021 02:55 PM


Posts: 3197
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May 13th, 1953


I am contacting you regarding a rather enticing proposal. However, before I inform you, I must warn you. Not only is the following information confidential, but possibly comprising of your safety in the future. Be cautious, for accepting my proposal brings many risks that I shall not discuss further in this letter until you confirm that this message has reached you.

I have discovered evidence that a valuable asset to my collection lies deep within a confidential area. This item is highly sought after by many of my competitors, and therefore the risk to recover it is, well, worth it. Thus, I require your assistance, and will offer you a great deal of money. Please consider my offer hastily, for I will be patiently awaiting for your decision.

Your colleague,

Victor Lyons


May 23rd, 1953

Hello once again,

I have received your confirmation, and I see my proposal is too enticing for you to forget. So, I shall reveal my secrets. On May third, 1953, my archaeologist discovered evidence that a once fictional relic lies within the tombs of an ancient archaeological site. I will not disclose the location or exact title of the relic due to my own precautions. Nonetheless, before I send my trusted employees deeper into the site, I need your assistance for a number of reasons. However, as I said before, this job is filled with peril. Not only must you propel into the tomb, but explore the uncharted site. Dangers exist such as collapsing tunnels; hidden and untriggered traps; venomous snakes and insects; and other lesser dangers. Once again, like I said, the outcome is worth the risks.

Of course, once you accept the risks and sign to be apart of my team, I will personally fly you and your necessities to the site. You will meet the team and my employees prior to coming to the site, as I wouldn't want anyone walking into such a perilous situation without knowing who you will be working with. Trust and familiarity is required before I risk my resources on you and the rest of the team. If you accept my invitation, I shall send further instructions.

Thank you,

Victor Lyons

Edited at July 27, 2021 04:22 PM by Renegades
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 26, 2021 02:20 PM


Posts: 3197
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You've accepted Victor's request? Wonderful. But there's a few things you must know before you continue on. First, Victor Lyons. He's a respected billionaire and explorer. He owns the renown Museum of Relics where he stores and sells all of his discoveries. Due to his wealth, he uses his time to explore and discover lost objects of time, and has dealt and experienced many excavations similar to the one described in his letter. But this time, his discovery is far more dangerous and valuable. Which, is why he needs a team of experts.

What makes this relic different? While your characters will not know of this information, you will. The relic is said to contain mystical properties, such is fathomed to cause dangerous illusions to twist one's mind. However, if recovered properly, no one will

be hurt.
But that's not the case in this story. Someone is bound to slip up, and when they do, there will be chaos.

RP plot explained:

We will begin the RP with everyone propelling into the caves where the relic is said to lie. Luckily, Mister Lyons has an archaeologist who has already explored the beginning of the tombs. We will discuss more on the discussion page, such as exploration of the tombs and traps that lie within. Your character could possibly get hurt. Of course, prior to the exploration, all of our characters will know and be familiarized with each other, so no need to worry about boring small talk and introductions. When we eventually find the relic, someone will slip up and handle it improperly. This will unleash disaster, and the drama will unfold as our characters try to escape the winding tunnels and caves of the tombs. To add on to the drama, Victor has intentions to betray the team members, and if he ever gets his hands on the relic, he will abandon them to suffer their fates at the perilous site.

More info on the relic:

The serpent's eye, a stone encased in the eye of a serpent head supposedly located in a Rainforest in some part of South America. Though Victor highly doubts its properties, a part of him still believes such mystical aspects exist. A scroll he discovered a while ago cryptically explained the magic that laces the object. If one stares into their own reflection in the serpent's eye, their fears will be unleashed. Illusions will dance in front of them, causing them to panic and eventually go insane. While the effects of serpent's eye will start off mildly as dreams, they will increase in intensity until the person's consciousness is entangled with terror and fear. When one is exposed to such, the people they love and care for will blend into the background of the illusion, making the stone a deadly object. Mister Lyons knows of the risks, which is why he hired a team to do his dirty work.

Edited at July 26, 2021 02:20 PM by Renegades
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 26, 2021 02:23 PM


Posts: 3197
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- This RP is strictly literate. (600-1000+ word replies)

- You are allowed two main roles, and possibly a third as an intern/assistant. So go ahead and fill up the cast!

- No Gary/Mary Sues, Dodgy Dillion's, Weepy Willies, and Invincible Izzies. If you have no clue what these are, please do not join.

- Your Characters can possibly die or get injured at some point. (Don't worry, we will have a medic).

- No OOC drama

- Diversity in all the character's categories is highly encouraged.

- NPC's can be created with permission and purpose.

- No arguing with me.

- Be kind and polite to others (I.e. remember the golden rule)

- Please PM me the word Treasure if you read the all of the above including the entirety of the plot information.

- Notify me directly through PMs if someone is breaking the rules.

- If you know you will not be active in the RP (posting less then 2-3 times a week) and have life stuff keeping you busy, please don't join. It's frustrating when an RP is waiting on one person to post.

- If you aren't active for more than a week, you will be kicked from your role and I will find someone to replace your character. PM me if you have a valid reason or simply need to drop out, as I don't want the RP to die because of one unaccountable person.

- This RP is Heavily character driven, and therefore ever role is important and needed for the plot to flow. Again, do not sign up if you know you have have other priorities going on in your life and won't be active for more than a week.

- I will send out a notice if I see you are struggling to get a post out.

- Warning: if this RP does die, I will reboot it and send out PM reminders.

- Reservations last 48 hours.

- Keep all details true to the time period (1950's).

- Plot twists, love triangles, and controlled drama is welcomed.

- Don't be afraid to throw out ideas in the discussion or to PM people about plot details. Drama and collaboration is welcomed and encouraged!!

- Keep Genders equal!

- Have fun and be creative!


Team Rules:

- No challenging Mister Lyons' orders.

- Respect all team members.

- In case of an emergency, radio up to base camp.

- Never branch off alone from the group.

- When the Relic is discovered, the only person cleared to touch and excavate it is the Archeologist.

- Once the relic is in the possession of the trusted team member, the relic is of priority. Anyone who fails to meet this priority will be demoted by Mister Lyons.

- Never question Mister Lyons' Authority.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 26, 2021 02:25 PM


Posts: 3197
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Is the expert in human history and prehistory through the recovery and analysis of material culture. This person should be able to analyze the site to determine the importance and role of certain artifacts at the location of the tombs. They will have already explored the beginning of the tombs and have knowledge in basic exploration techniques such as rock climbing and bouldering. They will know how to handle the relic and transport it safely to the surface.

Body Guard and Head of Personal Protection:

The person who will protect the members of the team against threats. They should be able to handle armed weapons and know the basics in hand to hand combat. This person's main role is keep the team safe and on track while strictly following Victor's commands. They should have already been an employee of Victor's, and is trusted to do his bidding. They might have a slight assumption of what the relic is, and/or be skeptical of Victor's true intentions.

Ancient Linguistics Translator:

Expert in translating any type of ancient language, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, and other ancient forms of writings and scriptures. Their main role is to analyze evidence at the site to point the team in the direction of the relic. They also are there to translate any warnings of traps or other dangers.


An expert in the physical rocks and substances of Earth. Their role is to analyze the terrain and area to make sure everyone remains safe and on the most direct path to the relic.


An expert in first aid and other medical areas. Their role is to access injuries and sickness that members of the team might fall victim to. They will record any mental or physical abnormalities that they see in the team and report them to Victor.


Expert in mechanics and other technologies. Their role is verify everyone is exploring the tombs safely with the correct techniques, such as crossing any drop offs with secured ladders, or propelling down the caves with correct gear. They also will be in charge maintaining the mechanics used in the excavation and problem solving in case something breaks.

Once someone identifies them, the engineer will also analyze traps to see how to avoid them or trigger them without anyone getting injured.


Expert in exotic wildlife and how they interact with their ecosystems. This person's role is to identify venomous animals or wildlife, and to know how to avoid injuries when encountering them. Mostly there to confirm the medic is administering the correct anti-venom if someone comes in contact with lethal creatures.

Photographer and Journalist:

The person in charge of photographing the exploration and journey of the tombs and recording evidence that the team finds. This person just has to know how to work a film camera and write in a journal.

Seismologist and Geographer:

Expert in how the physical features of earth affect human activity, and have knowledge in the nature and relative arrangement of places and physical features. Must know how to operate a seismograph to read the area for abnormalities such as seismic events like landslides, earthquakes, or collapsing terrain. Similar to the role of the Geologist, where they are there to keep everyone safe and traveling on the most direct terrain.

The interns and assistants*:
The people who are there to assist the main roles. These will remain closed until the main roles fill or if someone would like to play this role by special request. You must already have a character in a main role if you wish to have this role before the main roles have been filled.

Victor Lyons - WIP

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 26, 2021 02:27 PM


Posts: 3197
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June Bell Moone - F - 23 - Pg. 1 - Renegades

Body Guard and Head of Personal Protection:

Samael Bone - M - 26 - Pg. 4 - Shattered

Ancient Linguistics Translator:

Calixte Bonnaire - M - 26 - Pg. 2 - Freedom




Dimitri Atticus Raine- M - 23 - Pg. 3 - ThisIsAPackName


Marijana Elena Marjanović - F - 21 - Pg. 3 - Sirris


Alexis D. George-Sanchez - NB - 24 - Pg. 4 - Xuân

Photographer and Journalist:

Victoria Valentina Viola - F - 24 - Pg. 1 - Renegades

Seismologist and Geographer:


The Interns and Assistants:

Closed - Read role description.

Edited at July 30, 2021 01:56 PM by Renegades
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 26, 2021 02:31 PM


Posts: 3197
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Please start all posts with at least: Name - Role - Mentions. Anything more is optional.

Please do not post until I post my starter. It's morning in the Rainforest. Heat and humidity is heavily present. June Bell Moone is awaiting for the team to arrive at the site so that she can harness them up and guide them as they rappel fifty feet to the beginning of the cave system. If you would like, you can include June harnessing your character up and your character going down the entrance. Let me know if you have any questions.

The RP Thread is OPEN

Edited at July 27, 2021 04:19 PM by Renegades
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 27, 2021 04:20 PM


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June Bell Moone - Archeologist - Mentions: (Indirectly) Samael

June swatted her hand in the air as a collection of insects hovered by her head. She held a clipboard in her other hand, her hazel eyes reading the list of items that should be at the beginning of the cave system. She had already checked the list before, but just for precautions, she had decided to look over it twice. God forbid the team explored halfway and ended up forgetting something vital. Good... Good... She voiced in her head as she read each item. Finished, a small smile tugged at her lips as her doubts were reassured.

June flipped a page after the list, which revealed a somewhat organized map that she had drew herself after exploring the first half of the cave system. From what she could tell, the site was a maze full of twists, turns, and dead ends. If one should loose track of their whereabouts, they might as well accept their fate. Nonetheless, she was confident in her ability to navigate, in which was reiterated when Victor gave her permission to lead a team through the site. She was ecstatic to do so, and couldn't wait to excavate the relic that was said to lie further in the caves. She had already met her team, which was composed of a Body Guard, Ancient Linguistics Translator, Medic, Engineer, Zoologist, and a Photographer. Everyone seemed to be experts in their fields, so June had no doubts that the team could perform professionally.

Satisfied with her preparation, June clipped her harness into the pulley system and began to rappel upward. A few moments later, she broke into sunlight and climbed to the safety of the surface. Feet on solid ground, she unclipped her harness and brushed off her tan trousers and her white button down that she wore over a sage green tank top. With a deep breathe, June strolled forwards along a well traveled path to camp. Numerous tents scattered the rainforest, all were different sizes. Finding one large circular tent, she entered. Within, Victor Lyons sat at a desk, pen in hand and scribbling something down on a piece of parchment paper. June cleared her throat and crossed her arms, "Everything's good to go, the team should go ahead and make their way to the cave entrance." She voiced, her accent chiming within her words. Victor turned, still reading what he had wrote down on the paper. Finally, he looked up, "Perfect... I'll have Sergeant Bone round up the crew." He replied curtly, disinterest tugging within his words. June turned towards the exit, however, Victor stopped her in her tracks. "Doctor Moone, I recommend you wait at the entrance. As, I assume most of the team will need assistance with rappelling into the site," the man voiced, his words more of an order than a suggestion. June nodded and continued out of the tent. Feeling the humidity of the area, she wiped perspiration off her forehead before running her hand through her hair. She had braided her hair into a single Dutch braid to prevent it from getting in her way. Overall, she had done well to prepare herself for the expedition.

June made her way to her tent, passing some of the other team member's tents on the way. The entire team had arrived about a week ago, while June had been at the site for months. The week preparation was meant to familiarize the team with safety protocols and the general layout of the entire expedition. Though the time was short, it should be enough for the team to be prepared for what was to come.

June entered her tent, which was practically empty since she had packed most of her essentials into a backpack. She grabbed the bag before she secured a knife sheath onto her belt, in which she had brought for security. Positive she had everything she needed, she headed back to the cave entrance.

Once there, she checked that seven harnesses were there, including her own equipment. The team would have to rappel about fifty feet down, which shouldn't be too much of an issue as long as everyone was compliant with June's directions. For now, she awaited for the team members to arrive. Once someone would arrive she would send them down right away, as she didn't have much patience to wait for the entire team.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 27, 2021 05:53 PM


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Calixte Bonnaire - Ancient Linguistics Translator - Mentions: June, Samael

The first two days after Calixte had arrived, he had been violently ill. A wave of nausea and dizziness swept over him, and if he hadn't already made it clear that he'd spent most of his life on feature archeology, his body's reaction to the strange climate certainly did. He was, however, quite determined not to be a detriment to the team so early on, and as the symptoms were nothing serious and went away within two days, it seemed nothing more than a little heat exhaustion. Soon Calixte was on his feet again, and puffing at his pipe as though his life depended on it.

A lot of the week had been spent in safety and familiarization, which Cal had applied himself to almost overenthusiastically, perhaps determined to prove his abilities to the others after his illness. Despite his social tendencies, he had spent most of the rest of his time alone, brushing up on various ancient South American languages from Het to Tuxá to Aushiri. Had he had more time, he might have gone out and tracked down native elders around the area, who might have been able to shed some light on linguistic composition in the area. But even with his busy schedule, he still managed to find time to sit outside with the others, discuss the upcoming missions, smoke pipes with them, and play a few rounds of cards.

And now the time had come for the mission to begin, and Calixte was busy carefully tucking the last few items into his pack. His pipe was clamped firmly between his teeth despite the fact that it had long since stopped billowing smoke. Far from his usual attire, Cal was now wearing far more practical clothing, tan and very plain-looking. He had swapped out his flat cap for a light panama hat which still covered his hair. He double-checked everything in his backpack to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything and closed it. He was very early, and as his tent was empty, his books packed away, and everyone else was busy packing up, Cal had very little to do.

He checked in with everyone but Samael to see if they needed help, and stopped for a quick “good morning” and some small talk where it was warranted. It felt as though energy were crackling through the air, and Calixte’s smile was wide, his greetings genuine as the time for their departure grew closer. He even gave Samael a quick, “Morning, Monsieur Bone,” as he passed, though his smile was brief and his step quick to avoid any further conversation. Cal seemed in no mood to quarrel today, though as they had seen, his refined manner could blow away on a breeze the moment somebody made a snide comment.

Cal was sweating profusely, not just from the heat but from the fact that he had, for some unfathomable reason, relit his pipe in the sweltering tropical heat. He had leaned himself up to further savor his pipe-smoking activities, but as he saw Sergeant Bone heading for the tents to order everyone to the entrance, he got to his feet. He’d be damned if he was about to have Sergeant Bone yapping at him and telling him where to go and what to do. He already knew where June had headed, and all he had to do was follow to be the first person there. He put his pipe away, hoisted his backpack onto his shoulders, and started trudging towards where they would be rappelling down.

He did his best to mop up most of the sweat on his forehead and neck as he approached June. His smile fell a bit and he took on a more serious look as he arrived. “Hello, Mademoiselle Moone,” he greeted her in his French-German accent, shifting the weight of his backpack. He slapped at a bug without even thinking and moved forward to look down into the cave system. It didn’t seem to occur to him to go down without the others - it seemed only polite to wait for everyone before he rappelled down. But he took only a few moments to catch on, and he certainly wasn’t the kind of person to argue with an authority figure, so he said immediately, “Ready when you are.” As usual with June, he said very little as she got him set up for rappelling down, and although his good mood certainly hadn’t disappeared, he expressed no excitement for the mission to her. He only made a few small remarks relating to the gear before he was finally secured and began the journey down.

Upon first descending into the darkness, Calixte felt like he had as a young boy riding the ferris wheel at night. Convinced that the ferris wheel was going to break away and go rolling down the hill, his stomach had lurched uncomfortably as the wheel started to rotate downwards. Now, though, this lurch was mixed with excitement, and despite how relatively dangerous this was compared to his childhood worries, he felt no fear now. It was exhilarating, and when his feet landed with a thud on the ground, he allowed himself a smile. There was a momentary itch to take out his pipe and light out, but Cal knew the others would be down soon and he looked up to see if he could spot them rappelling down.

Edited at July 28, 2021 10:38 AM by Freedom
Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 28, 2021 12:36 AM


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Samael Bone - Body Guard / Protection

Mention(s): June, Calixte, Victor Lyons (Direct) Remainder of Team (Indirect)

Samael had gone to bed in a foul mood, and awoken to an even worse demeanor. If you could call the approximately 15 minutes of shut-eye he was able to achieve just as the sun began to crest over the horizon, casting the valleys and ridges below in a morning glow. Quite frankly it seemed that he had not moved an inch from the stance he had taken up late night, perched on the log situated outsides his tent which served as a makeshift seat. His legs were stretched out before his body, crossed at the ankle to mirror the moody crossing of his arms over the expanse of his chest. While the pose he presented was initially perceived as lax, languid, and unsuspecting, there was a distinct tension to his broad shoulders to hint at the fact that the guard was in fact constantly in a state of vigilance. If you hadn’t known any better, perhaps you would’ve mistaken the man for a statue- the resting glare on his face certainly seemed to be carved from marble anyways.

The past week had been, to perhaps the shock of absolutely no one, rather uneventful for the man. It wasn’t like there was much to be done- not on Sam’s behalf anyway. Sure, he had helped situate and set up the temporary base camp, but his duties were more so meant to be employed during the actual excavation, rather than before. It wasn’t like there were frequent or numerous dangers above ground, not really. Below the surface could prove to be another story, naturally. But then again; it wasn’t as if Samael was expecting to really have to do much in the ways of protection. That being said, the man had every intention to perform his job to the best of his ability, he was being paid after all, quite handsomely at that in fact. It just, overall, seemed to be a fairly cut and dried mission ahead. As far as Sam was concerned, the worse he would have to be dealing with were gargantuan-sized cave spiders or perhaps spooked bats. After all, what possibly could dwell so far under the barren earth, devoid of sunlight? Surely nothing to cause concern.

Regardless, it was evident that the ex-military had been preparing and prepping over the course of the week. Be it oiling his weapons, sharpening the variety of blades he carried, and checking to ensure all of his gear was in order. For someone without a substantial purpose at the moment, Samael sure knew how to stay busy, be it scouting the nearby wilderness or collecting firewood for the central pit. He was always on his feet, a constant state of go go go.

That’s not to say he didn’t involve himself with the societal aspect of base, because he most certainly did. Perhaps almost too much. Not that it would register or fair well with the man, but it was likely fair to consider Sam a general menace. If he wasn’t fighting with Cal, which he did far too frequently, then he was trying to pick a fight. Subtly, of course. He was diligently aware of Mr. Lyon’s request of keeping things civil and respectful among the other experts. Nonetheless, the brunette was ruthless in his exchanges. He never tended to sugarcoat anything, and he’d already stepped on quite a few toes over the course of a week, both figuratively and literally. Naturally, the majority of his squabbles concerned the scourge of his existence, Calixte, and it was rather a shocking miracle that the two men hadn’t grown physical in their pursuits, though by the general trajectory of their interactions that possibility did not seem outlandish. They’d bicker and gruff at each other over the most meager of occurrences- it was rather ridiculous quite frankly. They simply did not get along. At all.

Which was fine. All the more reason for Samael to avoid the prick, which he vehemently tried to do. Not that he sought out interaction with any of the other teammates. He’d been up practically the whole night, yet he remained resigned to his portion of camp. Perhaps it was the ill-tempered look on his face that staved the others away, or the fact that he was intensely focused on his current task at hand, which was viciously sharpening his Bowie knife against the sharpening steel clenched in his left hand. He was so engrossed in his labor, that when a voice offered a greeting he had given a half-hearted huff of acknowledgment, not even bothering to cast his stormy eyes up. Of course, had he been even a fraction more aware, he would’ve recognized the accent to belong to Bonnaire, in which case his response would’ve been far more severe and foul.

What did manage to draw his attention however was the departure of Ms. June from Lyon’s tent, which had Samael’s eye flickering up briefly. He would’ve resumed the objective at hand, until his own eyes caught those of his employer, who had given a gesture with the clear command of rounding up the troops. The guard hummed something noncommittal, bringing the blade close to his face as if he were examining the sharpened edge. The decision was that it would have to be good enough, and he twirled the handle around his fingers briefly, before bolstering the blade back onto his bracer and packing away the sharpening steel. The large man rose to his feet with a huff, taking a moment to stretch his arms above his head to release a series of pops along his spine.

For not having slept, Samael certainly seemed well-rested, and the sudden reverberation of his baritone voice made it seem as if he had just had the most rejuvenating night of his life. “Alright maggots, let’s get after it!” The man’s tone was commanding, and his choice of words intentional, but his demeanor was far less militaristic and more so that of an annoyed sibling. That was the extent of a wake-up call he would be offering, before he grabbed his own pack to sling over his shoulder. Alternate to his fellow comrades, Sam’s bag was considerably smaller, and for good reason. Firstly, anything he needed was more often than not already on his person at all times, he didn’t need excess. Secondly, the excess would only hinder his capabilities. The less weight he carried, the easier he’d be able to perform, simple as that.

The man’s blue eyes caught the tail end of Calixte rappelling down into the earth as he approached June, giving the archaeologist a minute nod of acknowledgment before she got to work on his harness.

Raiders of Betrayal - RP ThreadJuly 28, 2021 06:06 PM


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Dimitri Atticus Raine - Medic - M: Samael, June, Calixte

Dimitri awoke on the day of the expedition far too early after having hardly slept, finding himself in the midst of an unbearably humid environment once again, unable to fall back asleep. He sighed, gilding himself for another day of sitting around in a tent until called upon, his terrible sense of time rendering him entirely unaware of the date.

The main priority of the past week, Dimitri had found, was to allow everyone to be entirely aware of what they were meant to do on the expedition. He, however, had the main priority of desperately trying not to die of heat exhaustion before even entering the cave, his physical sensitivity getting the better of him. Perhaps somewhat ironic, considering he was the medic, but he hadn't actually even reached the part where he was meant to have to do his job. This section of the rainforest wasn't particularly dangerous, anyhow, but that certainly didn't make Dimitri feel any better about his terrible condition.

Dimitri hadn't ended up socializing much during the entire week thanks to his determination to stay inside and in the shade until he was needed. That was, until he recovered (which was much later than Calixte, who he later found out had met a similar fate upon entering the rainforest). His tent was farther than anyone else's, anyhow, thanks to his decision to find the darkest spot and stay there the entire time, which clearly didn't aid his social abilities any. He preferred it that way, anyhow - it didn't last, though, as unfortunately for Dimitri, he had to leave in order to join the preparations once the worst of it had blown over.

Today, however, Dimitri found a moment of calm in the quiet darkness of the tent. Despite the rainforest's heat, the thick foliage of the trees provided a great amount of shade - if he could ignore the climate, it was almost relaxing. He sat quietly in the tent, allowing his eyes to slide shut as he thought to himself about the trip ahead.

He was excited, mostly. He hadn't really gotten the chance to adventure beforehand, and though he was now thinking that jumping straight into something big was probably a bad idea, he could most likely depend on the other workers where their respective areas of expertise lie to get through it. He wouldn't need to do much, anyhow; the others could handle most of the heavy work, and he was a doctor before anything. Besides, the cave had ought to be a lot colder than how it was up there.

Dimitri was jerked from his thoughts as Calixte entered to do his routine check-up on his coworkers. It was from him that he found out that today was the day of the expedition, a fact that he was very much surprised by even though he was most certainly told the day before.

Shaking away his grogginess from the lack of sleep, he left the tent into the dark humidity of the rainforest, immediately met with a booming "Alright, maggots, let's get after it!" from Samael. Certainly a bit cliche, but Dimitri didn't give it any mind, instead taking a moment to peer into the other tents to see if everyone was up and ready, giving a quick nod to those who noticed him and briskly walking over to the cave entrance to wait patiently for Samael to be harnessed and sent downward.

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