Wolf Play : Cherokee X Tea
 Twisted Wonderland
11:03:31 Shroud (he/they)
Azul trips over an apple.

Stats: Wisdom +1
Mood: Sheepish

wish I could have the apples XD
11:02:39 Vah is banned
What do y'all think? A quick sketch before bed or some writing?
11:00:47 Moon
-WP Click-
looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner!
 Twisted Wonderland
10:58:31 Shroud (he/they)
-WP Click-

please vote
10:58:09 oi
-WP Click-

oh yeah also-
vote before i go insane 🤗
10:57:32 Vah is banned

Ooh you'll get this easy!
10:57:22 oi
yeahhh that's why i'm hoping to get one soon. ^^
10:56:56 Vah is banned

Ooh Bluetooth. Bluetooth can be iffy at times.
10:56:56 oi
someone please pm me to do a literate horse rp i've been craving one 😭😭
10:56:12 oi
i'm hoping it'll be worth it. if not i can just use the bluetooth but we need one anyway sooo
10:55:32 Vah is banned

Oh man, that's such a pain! Good luck though, it sounds like it's going to be a good upgrade!
10:54:59 oi
agh id participate in art fight this year but we got a new computer and i need to get a hdmi hub for it and just haven't gotten around to it yet 💔💔

that's good though!
10:53:50 Moon
-WP Click-
looking for a long term 1x1 roleplay partner! check it out!
10:51:48 oi
10:51:42 miss fine dining
10:51:39 Vah is banned

Always good to hear that you're doing good.

Not much on this end, just getting ready for Artfight, been writing a little bit... and yeah.
10:50:20 oi
it's good! just busy lately. how about you??
10:44:27 Moon
-WP Click-
looking for a long term roleplay partner!
10:44:06 Cloudz, Pumpkin
7 more days and ill have to say bye bye premium :")
10:43:21 Vah is banned
Bruiser!! Been a while since I've seen you, how goes it?


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Cherokee X TeaJune 28, 2024 04:32 PM

The Tea Drinkers

Posts: 2104
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Cherokee X TeaJune 28, 2024 04:33 PM

The Tea Drinkers

Posts: 2104
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Character’s full name:

Crew Evelyn Harris Sinclair

Reason or meaning of name:

Crew’s name stems from many familial ties, and most of them can be traced back many generations

Character’s nickname:


Birth date:




Physical appearance:

Crew is all white teeth, and big smiles. He is sunshine, warmth, and sandy beaches. He is a 6'2 bundle of blonde hair and muscles, and he is beautiful. His big green eyes are captivating, and something about the warmth found there draws people in. He has an athletic build, and uses it to his advantage in everything he can think of. His face is well-built, with a strong, square jaw, and high, sloping cheekbones. His eyes are not deep set, unlike his father's, and his dimples pop whether he is smiling or not. He doesn't wear glasses, nor does he wear contacts. The Sinclairs do not need to wear any sort of correction, because, from the outside, they are already perfect. Why would they need something so trivial? His skin is warm and tanned, pristine as a placid lake. The few scars he sports along his legs come from sports, and those were to be expected, of course. Crew was born to play sports. Back in Massachusetts, every fall, every break, every time not spent in school was to be spent in physical activity. Tennis, lacrosse, baseball. He is the epitome of a handsome young man from the East Coast, prepared to become everything he was meant to be.

His most distinguishing marks are his stature, and his face. The Sinclairs have a very distinct way of look, that stems from generations of tall, blonde, happy people getting married, and having tall, blonde, happy children. Crew follows after these expectations perfectly, with his vigorous height, his cheerful nature, and then hair that is so unmistakable. These blond locks fall long over the summer, when he refuses to have it cut, and it will curl slightly around his ears, softening that clear-cut jawline. He rarely styles his hair, given the amount of time spent in the water, on the beach, or on various sports fields, why would he? It stays neatly out of his face for the most part, so he is satisfied. Crew's voice is rather low and smooth, and his enunciations are clear and precise. Every word is meant exactly as it is said, unless he is in a temperamental frame of mind. Overall, he is found attractive by the girls he knows, and he makes a point to keep it that way. He is the product of two of the wealthiest families on the East Coast.. Why shouldn't he be praised and adored? Treasured and doted upon?

Crew dresses like a young gentleman for the most part. He will wear the proper tuxedos and polo shirts, the jumpers over button-down shirts, He will wear the ties as expected, his shirts buttoned all the way up his throat. But the summers are his, and his alone. Linen shorts and shirts find their moments, as do his less casual clothes. However, if he could truly have his way, he would be quite content to wear nothing but his swimsuit, and spend long summer evenings on tiny, secluded coves, sipping a whiskey and sour, soaking the last rays of the sun's warmth. Crew normally doesn't wear many accessories, but occasionally he will wear a simple, silver chain with his sisters' initials engraved on a small pendant.


Crew is ambitious and smart enough, and uses these to his advantage when he can. He is quick witted, and easy to laugh, but once he's formed an opinion, he is not willing to change it. He is stubborn and articulate, and loves to debate and argue, whether for fun, or if he means it. For the most part, he is curious and creative, and will listen well, especially if it might teach him something new, that he can use to look even more intelligent later. Crew is very adventurous, and is always ready to do something that could lead to danger or trouble. Risk-taking is a trait he is known for, and one his parents have tried time and time again to rid him of, to no avail. He is loyal to a point, but the moment he has a reason to distrust you, he will start to pull away. Despite this, Crew often comes off as arrogant and forgetful, which he tries to not show, but occasionally will surface. His impulsivity can lead to terrible consequences, and he never seems to take anything away from his failures. Some would see it as resilience, others more as pig-headedness. He is snarky, and his sharp tongue can often come off as more harsh than he intended. He is also very disorganised, and his rooms would be a wreck if it weren't for the help his parents inevitably employ.

He has a very dry, dark sense of humour, which many people in the upper echelons of society do not understand, nor do they appreciate, which has gotten him into trouble many a time. His greatest joys in life are his athletic endeavours, and his two younger sisters. His greatest fear in life is losing his sisters, especially the one who is only a few years younger than him. He is most at ease when he is with his family, or with close friends, though occasionally he will close himself off if he doesn't know a lot of people. He prioritises his relationships above his athletics, and his athletics career above his academic career. When he was younger, he struggled greatly with anxiety and depression, mostly stemming from the pressure of his parents, though he was put on medication for it when he was nine, and never looked back. Who cares if sometimes, he takes a few more pills than necessary? Who cares if he can't sleep at night without having a large alcoholic beverage, or some heavy duty meds? He certainly doesn't. It's perfectly normal, and he is perfectly fine.

His life goals currently revolve around finishing college at Princeton, and taking on the family business, which he honestly isn't positive what is. His father prefers to not speak of his job with the family, especially in front of his wife. Crew also plans on continuing to play his favourite sports, and, if time allows, he is hoping to be able to travel around Europe with a group of his friends, or perhaps a partner.


Mother (Rosamund Sinclair):

Rosamund Sinclair married young, and married high. She was known for being a beauty, and carries on her family legacy with her well-known parties, clambakes, and any other reason to celebrate. She recently celebrated her fortieth birthday, and is having a hard time accepting that she is beginning to grow older. Despite her fluttery nature, she is a warm, maternal figure for all her children, and raised them well.

Father (Preston Sinclair):

Preston Sinclair is the polar opposite of his wife, especially in public. He is closed off, and keeps his feelings and business endeavours close to his chest. However, at Rosamund’s many parties, he takes time out of his busy schedule to socialise with her guests, and participates in any events she has planned. He tolerates his children, but none of them would ever say they feel particularly loved by their father. He rarely dines with them, and when the Sinclairs head to California for their summers, he does not accompany them.


-Kennedy Caroline Sinclair:

Only two year younger than Crew, Kennedy Sinclair is everything she expected to be. A bright, blonde beauty, she is smart and sweet, and fun-loving. She and Crew get along like a house on fire, and when they were younger, were rarely seen without each other. Now, their interests have changed slightly, but they still hold quite an impressive sibling rivalry and affection for each other. Kennedy is planning on attending Harvard, and often helps her mother with the huge parties she throws.

-Clementine Margaux Sinclair:

Clementine is the youngest Sinclair, and a rainbow baby. Rosamund had wanted three children for a long time, but had suffered through multiple miscarriages after Kennedy. She began to lose hope around the time Crew was turning fifteen, but to everyone’s attention pleasant surprise, Clementine made her appearance ten days after her big brother turned ten. Now, at eleven years old, she is taking after her big sister, and any attention from her siblings is greeted with big smiles and joy. Despite her being the youngest, and a surprise, she is not treated with any more favour or affection than her siblings.

Extended Family:

Grandmother-Maternal (Lacey Alberts)

Rosamund's estranged mother. After her daughter married into a wealthy family, Lacey lost touch with her, and only met each of her grandchildren once, at their Catholic infant baptisms. The children do not know much about her, and know better than to bring her up.

(Age 76)

Grandfather-Maternal (Terrence Alberts)


Grandmother-Paternal (Delilah Sinclair)

Delilah is a strong, independent woman. Well-liked by the upper echelons, this older woman was a beauty in her youth, and remains a force to be reckoned with. She is very sweet with her grandchildren, but has a sense of menace around her. Delilah is known for her mistreatment of staff within the household.

(Age 66)

Grandfather-Paternal (Harrison Sinclair)

Harrison Sinclair is a coy but genial older man. Not much is known about how he amassed his fortunes, but most assume it was not through legal means. He is private about most of his business matters, but loves to brag about the money he is still making. Amongst the cousins, he is known for picking favorites.

(Age 70)

Aunt-Paternal (Jordyn Sinclair-Larkin)

A tall, stately woman, firmly set in her ideals and morals. She is an eldest child, and still holds this feeling over her younger brother. Her husband, Ryan, was killed in a 'boating accident' when she was pregnant with her youngest child. Many of the details that would prove her involvement are sparse and at least are not public, so there is a great suspicion surrounding the whole incident.

(Age 32)


Drew Katherine Larkin

The eldest Larkin child, and the second Sinclair grandchild. She is quite the spitfire, and spends her days with Kennedy, on the beach. She is less than fond of her mother, and has made it quite clear to the whole family that she has no intention of following the expectations laid before her. She is planning on attending a small college for a degree in women's studies.

(Age 17)

Taft Darcy Larkin

The second grandson, and fine young man. Taft is a handsome young man, and his mother's pride and joy. He is fond of debate and law, and looks up to his grandfather, and uncle. He was not too young when his father died, but refuses to mention any grief he may be feeling, and has not attended therapy.

(Age 15)

Juliette Delilah Larkin

Her mother's youngest, and a joy to the family. She adores all her cousins, and very much looks up to all of them. Amongst the eldest cousins, she is considered a pest, too young to be with them and their more adult problems. Even so, they are kind, knowing better than to risk the wrath of their grandmother.

(Age 3)


The Sinclair family has always had at least one dog, normally two or three. Right now, they are happily engaged with a Doberman pinscher, Cha-Cha, and a Golden Retriever, Dixie. Cha-Cha spends all his time at the East Coast house, but Dixie travels with the family.

The Larkin Family, who spends most of their summers with the Sinclairs, also have two Golden Retrievers, Goose and Sir.

Edited at June 29, 2024 08:56 AM by The Tea Drinkers
Cherokee X TeaJune 29, 2024 09:40 PM

Cherokee Pride

Posts: 32
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Character Name:
Liane Rose Stark
Physical Appearance:
(please bear with me, I am AWFUL at describing people XD)
Liane has always been on the shorter side, standing at a mere 5'2. She has always been more on the curvy side, but more of a built "bottom-heavy" kind of curvy. She has a "plain" complexion. Not too tanned but not too pale, more like someone who rarely spends time outside. She does have a light array of light brown freckles that is sprinkled across the bridge of her nose and top part of her cheeks. She has a delicate face, with full, slightly bottom pout shaped lips that have a natural rosy tint. Her nose has a unique shape where from the front, it has a slight upturned look, and from the side angle, her bridge is slightly raised, giving her nose a very "German" look. She has bright, slightly downturned eyes, that are a shimmering amber color. She has ash blonde colored hair, that is cropped about midway between her chin and shoulders. She usually keeps her hair tucked behind her ears, but it usually just does whatever it wants. Her natural hair texture has a slight wave to it and only further accentuates her soft facial features. Her overall appearance can be considered attractive in a very soft, "cottagecore" kind of vibes.
Liane rarely wears makeup, asides from some eye makeup to help make them pop, and some lip gloss. If she's not in a work uniform, she usually sports a very relaxed fit. Either some t shirts and athletic shorts, or most often a flow sundress. She HATES wearing clothes she doesn't find comfortable and often just prefers to throw a dress on to "avoid having to find pants" as she says. Most of her wardrobe is lighter colors and bold colors, but not very dark. She likes colors and usually does not wear black, unless it is an accent. She also very much hates shoes and is either found barefoot or in sandals, obviously unless she is working.
She does have a few peircings and a tattoo. She has a singular nostril peircing that she usually prefers to have a gold hoop in, but changes it out to a clear straight bar to make it look like she doesn't have a facial peircing. Her ears are decorated with a few different jewels and small hoops here and there, from her lobe up to her cartilage. Her navel(bellybutton) has also been peirced. She does have one tattoo, that holds a lot of sentimental value to her. The tattoos she managed to scrape enough money together to get it as a "self birthday present." The peircings can be accredited to not being the smartest and trusting her friends with needles. The tattoo is of an overhead view of a dragon, that is a deep crimson in color with beautiful shading, the tail starts at the bottom of her spine, and the nose ends between her shoulder blades. The wings are splayed out in a flying position where the wing tips reach just on the sides of her ribs.
Liane has never been the most emotionally stable, but after the altercation with her mother, she almost has been thrust into a personality crisis. She has always been a hardworker, just like her mom, but she was much more carefree and hopeful for a bright future in college with a good scholarship. But not too far into her first year of college is when her mother was diagnosed with early onset dementia. The first month after was rough, Liane receeded entirely and was no contact with anyone for the entire time. The most she socialized was at work and that was mostly due to necessity.
After some time, Liane just picked herself up and threw herself into working unreasonably long hours at any job. She was having to foot not only the rent, but now her mother's medical bills. The doctors recommended her to be placed with a caretaker since Liane could not stay home all the time, and her mother posed a risk to her own safety so she had to be supervised at almost all times.
Liane is seen as introvertive, reclusive, and rather stand-offish. She is quiet and polite, but not a push over. She likes to just get her job down and get out with her head down, but she will stand firm on something if she believes it right. She has a "no-bullsh*t" outlook on things, especially when it comes to her job. She likes things done her way, and is rather particular and probably considered OCD. Liane is incredibly smart and resilient, it often doesn't take her long to figure things out and before you know it, she can work circles around people who've been doing the same job for longer.
Although Liane can be seen as a "stiff" at work, outside of work, she seems much more relaxed. She doesn't spend much time away from her home outside of work, as most of her friends didn't stick around after her recession, but she's okay with that. (Not really but oh well, trauma builds character.) She likes her peace and quiet, and the only hobbies she might say she has is reading, and tending to the small garden she finally managed to get growing. She used to love hiking before she got super busy and reclusive. She still loves the outdoors and has many various plants littered around her home.
Even though she likes the comfort of her own, Liane does have a few weaknesses: coffee and sweets, especially ice cream, and even better, coffee ice cream. Occasionally she takes a stroll around to find a coffee shop or ice cream parlor if she has a little bit of excess money saved up, but she tries to avoid pointless spending. She loves coffee scented things, and lemon scented stuff for some reason as well. She loves baking and cooking, and especially making sweet little treats here and there. She also always smells like freshly baked cookies. Her home is light and airy, with a very, as aforementioned, cottage vibes.
Jayne Dahlia Stark (pronounced like Jane)
Jayne was a taller woman, with also a rather "hippy" build like her daughter. She stayed pretty, and still is, with a complexion very similar to Liane's, but with darker hair and blue eyes. Jayne was a hardworker, a single mother raising Liane, who often didn't have the best taste in men and was always moving depending on what job or boyfriend she had, but she always tried to be a good mother. Her and Liane had always been the best of friends and were each other's biggest form of support. Until Jayne was diagnosed with early onset dementia. Apparently it is heridatary but Jayne refused to talk about their family to much to Liane. Jayne has been with a caretaker since her diagnosis for almost a year now. She has good days and bad days, and can't always recognize people she knows, but she knows Liane, she just doesn't know how or why.
Liane never had much relation with any family outside her mother. Her mother never spoke of her side of the family, and her father ditched before she was ever even born and her mother also refused to speak about him. Liane didn't have many friends in the first place, but after her recession after her mother's diagnosis, the few friends she did have stopped contacting her and Liane always had the mindset, "if they don't want to talk to me, I won't talk to them." Liane is the reason for her isolation, but maybe she'll figure that out at some point.
Liane does have a betta fish that she managed to put a nice tank together for. She loves all kinds of animals, but with as much as she works, it would not be fair for any other animal to be kept in her home. At least with a fish, with a proper tank set up and fed at least once-twice a day, they're pretty low maintenance.

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