I have two questions I would like help with, if it could be provided.
First, I had been under the impression that an excellent rating meant a numerical rating of 40 or above, but ,recently, I caved and spent two apples to rate my favorite wolf -who had excellents in both spots- and as expected, she was a 40+howler but she ended up only being a 36 wrestler. My question is if it is more widely known that a 36 rating is an excellent or not? Just curious. My second question is about inheritance chances. Ive noticed that Uncommons a parent has seem to pass on to offspring more readily then an uncommon the parent doesnt have (this doesnt seem to hold true, or is just not relevant enough to hold true, of any rarity higher then uncommon), but today I ran into a post that said rarities of uncommon or above do not effect offsprings chances of inheriting it (that is to say it is completely random). Have I been seeing patterns all this time where they do not exist, or am I right that uncommon rarities effect their offsprings chances of getting their parents uncommon coloration (topaz eyes=better chance of topaz eyed pups)?
Another question, albeit off topic, whenever I use apostrophes or quotation marks these weird capital As with odd markings above them appear. Can anyone else see them when that happens, or is it my device that is showing them to me?
In pretty sure 35 and up is an excellent howler
I think that rarity does affect offspring. I've seen people claiming both, that its completely random and that it increases your rarity chance. Personally, I think it does increase the chance, especially since breeding items (like raspberries) work best when one or both parents have the trait.
Those markings happen to a lot of people. There is a way to get rid of them, but I cant think of it off the top of my head right now. I'm sure someone else could tell you Edited at November 5, 2019 05:38 AM by Moonshadow
The general consensus is that non-common traits aren't passable except through random chance. However, I too have found that uncommon pelt parents seem to have the same pelt offspring at a rate slightly higher than chance (even without items), so it is possible that non-common traits have a very slim chance of passing to offspring, similar to boosts and defects. We would need more data to know for sure.
The weird Âs are fixed by turning off smart punctuation in your device settings. You can also get rid of them by clicking Remove Code. Edited at November 5, 2019 06:45 AM by Life on Mars
Thank you Moonshadow and Life on Mars.