
I have been passing down my very first alpha lines since I joined. My alphas still possess my first starter's blood on one side, usually on the female's and I buy a 3G or less male to be my alpha male for the rest of its life. So currently, my alpha female Void is the 5th generation of my alphas. :P The alphas will have a new successor when she or her mate dies.
If anyone does anything similar, please comment so I don't feel like a freak doing the most stupid thing.
Edit: I also breed them once a year when they reach 15, so their youngest offspring can last longer, even if only by a year or two. Because some people actually still regret selling their original alphas, killing them for space, not breeding them for their offspring, if it's their first account, etc. Edited at July 14, 2017 03:24 PM by Absolute


This is my alpha female. Her lines can be tracked back to the original alpha female, Silverstar. [when I was an fanatic warrior cats fans :P please don't turn the conversation to that, there's a club for it] and her roleplay mate.

I do that too. I'm currently on the ninth generation.


Game Moderator Darkseeker
I wonder how I got an Arretez VIII... xD It's what I call my "nobility line" since only male wolves that have dark grayscale colors and are descended from the very first Arretez receive that name.

I tried to do this, but after a long break, all of my alpha lines died. >.> Hoping to restart this little "project". ^^

Void and Gravity are both over what I like to call "Death Line" age x-x
That little girl at 135 dom is their succesor. I need to find a little boy though x3

My alphad are getting older and I think I will do this as well. :3