
Hi! Title sums it up so I'll keep it short. This is what I'm looking for: - - - Banner incoorporating Travis! I prefer HQ art for this one so I will be paying the most!
- Again, any art of Travis! Less picky about art style!
- And art of Kat (Ginger version). Thought since he's literally supposed to be my account mascot (Scardey_KAT) I don't have much art of him. I would love a pagedoll maybe?
- I'd LOVE a pagedoll of Daniel (dragon form) to go with his father!!
Name your price! I can pay in apples, mush, and art! -

I can do a full body of Daniel for a apple if that's okay? Would you like a background?

No background is fine! ^^ Let me know when to transfer payment, thank you so much <333 The Amethyst said: I can do a full body of Daniel for a apple if that's okay? Would you like a background?

ScardeyKat said: No background is fine! ^^ Let me know when to transfer payment, thank you so much <333 The Amethyst said: I can do a full body of Daniel for a apple if that's okay? Would you like a background?
Alright ill get to it!